The principles of equality in civil law relations as stated in the article 1, section 1 of the civil law code in Russia and the principality of autonomy of the will of both sides formulated in the article 1, section 2, point 1 the civil law code of the Russian Federation are the bases for civil law subjects to profit from authorization which is vested to them. However, in order to accomplish them efficiently natural person should be equipped with a certain potential, which to great extent depends on the will of a legislator. The potential is described by the terms legal capacity and capacity for legal acts. Any ability is an inborn gift, talent which gives a human being specified powers. The legal capacity should be understood as an innate possibility of a human being to be a subject of law which exludes crediting with normative character. It is groundless to reduce the legal capacity to the category of subject law as well as admitting the possibility of setting limits. Such limits in reality may be applied to only a definite law. The capacity for legal acts in the view of a legislator, is the ability of a citizen to achieve and carry into effect his civil laws, both creating and executing his duties. Contrary to legal capacity it is restricted depending on eg. the level of physical, psychical and social maturity. The full capacity for legal acts is gained by people who come of age (eighteen years and older) as well as the people who before that age got married or were emancipated at the age of sixteen as a result of getting employed or conducting economic activity. The justified circumstances for limiting the capacity for legal acts of anybody who acquired the full capacity for legal acts is abusing alcohol, taking drugs which leads to financial difficulties of their families. In order to protect the rights of an individual in case of mental disability, the court is entitled to announce the capacity for legal acts of a given person null and void.
The paper elaborates the problem of the passive side of capacity to act which consists in the ability to receive (or to be an addressee of) the will declarations. Given the absence of an explicit regulation in the Polish civil code, the passive side of capacity to act has lost its attribute of a doctrinal evidence. However, the capacity to act should not be understood in a popular way limiting this concept to its active side only. Such an understanding generates in fact a grievous gap in the Polish civil law.
W artykule omówiono zagadnienie postulowanej zmiany podejścia do kwestii zdolności do czynności prawnych osoby fizycznej, polegającej na zniesieniu wszelkich przejawów jej ograniczeń, będącym wymogiem, jaki nakłada na Polskę Konwencja Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych o prawach osób niepełnosprawnych. W ocenie przeciwników ubezwłasnowolnienia cel ten można osiągnąć wyłącznie w wyniku likwidacji tej instytucji. Autorka prezentuje poglądy przeciwników instytucji ubezwłasnowolnienia, podejmując z nimi dyskusję i wskazując, jakie szanse i jakie zagrożenia może nieść ze sobą zmiana rzeczywistości normatywnej. Zerwanie z dotychczasowymi regulacjami może bowiem prowadzić do ewentualnych negatywnych konsekwencji w postaci pozbawienia osób spełniających przesłanki ubezwłasnowolnienia oraz ich rodzin dotychczasowej ochrony, jak również godzić w pewność obrotu gospodarczego.
The article takes on the issue of the proposed change in approach to the legal capacity of a natural person by means of abolishing any forms of statutory limitations thereof, which is a requirement imposed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In the view of the opponents of incapacitation, this goal can only be achieved by the abolition of this institution altogether. The author presents the views of the opponents of legal incapacitation, and addresses them, indicating what chances and what threats may be brought about by a subsequent change in legal reality. Withdrawal from existing regulations may lead to negative consequences, depriving people who satisfy the conditions of incapacitation and their families of outstanding protection, as well as undermining the certainty of business transactions.
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