Over last decade, road safety attracts increased attention of EU authorities. EU makers believe that new regulations forcing producers to fulfill extremely difficult safety requirement will help to diminish annual road fatalities. One of the latest of such ideas is standardization of side impact resistance of child seats. Since engineers cannot do anything else but to follow the regulations, number of projects aimed toward improvement of child seats side impact resistance has started. The problem is not easy and thus high-end engineering tools have to be used in the design process. One of such tools – a necessity, if one wants to truly understand structure behavior under dynamic working conditions – is numerical analysis of structures. The very basis of effective usage of this technique is reliable model of an analysis subject. This paper presents detailed information on numerical FE model of child seat and its validation based on test results. Effect of modeling techniques and dynamic material behavior on the obtained results is also discussed. Difficulties that arose during real life test are pointed and its influence on FE modeling is showed up.
W Polsce daje się zauważyć wyraźny brak materiałów weryfikujących eksperymentalnie metody wykorzystywane w programach komputerowych wspomagających rekonstrukcję wypadków drogowych. Tymczasem w sądach zaczynają dominować opinie i ekspertyzy wykorzystujące do rekonstrukcji wypadków drogowych liczne programy komputerowe głównie V-SIM i PC Crash. Pewna (dość liczna) część rzeczoznawców i biegłych sądowych bezkrytycznie traktuje wyniki symulacji komputerowych, nie zważając na liczne i istotne uproszczenia modeli obliczeniowych oraz na niepewność danych wejściowych do obliczeń. W referacie przedstawiono metodykę i oczekiwane efekty badań eksperymentalnych polegających na przeprowadzeniu 6 zderzeń bocznych samochodów w ruchu. Badania zostaną zrealizowane w ramach projektu badawczego własnego nr N N509 559440.
In Poland one can see a visible lack of materials that may experimentally verify methods applied in road accident reconstruction software. Whereas, in legal proceedings dominate expert opinions and reports that use numerous software for road accident reconstruction, mainly V-SIM and PC Crash. A certain (quite numerous) group of experts and forensic engineers uncritically accepts results of computer simulations, ignoring numerous and significant simplifications of computational models as well as input data derived uncertainties. The paper presents methodology and expected results of experimental investigation consisting in carrying out 6 side impact collisions in traffic conditions. The investigation will be carried out within the framework of an research project No. N N509 559440.
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