Food products of animal origin are the primary source of human exposure to persistent organic compounds such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including dioxin-like PCBs (dl-PCBs) and non-dioxin-like PCBs (ndl-PCBs). For about two decades it has been known that some production systems may be responsible for elevated levels of these contaminants in eggs. This paper presents the results of the official survey of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in eggs carried out in the years 2006-2014 and describes the sources of contamination in cases exceeding the maximum permitted levels. Furthermore, the risk assessment of exposure for various groups of consumers was conducted. The contaminants were found in the eggs from all bird species (hens, quails, ducks, and geese). Generally, the levels of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs in eggs were low and did not exceed the permitted limit (set only for hen eggs). However, in the case of eggs from free-ranging hens, contents of the toxic compounds were significantly higher. In addition, 10% of these egg samples exceeded the maximum permitted levels. With the exception of one sample, the levels of ndl-PCBs were much lower than the levels set by EU legislation. Examination of feed from farms with non-compliant results did not show increased concentrations of dioxins, furans and dl-PCBs. In five cases, soil was the source of contamination (in one case, in addition to soil, also vegetation and crushed building materials on the farm). The sources of contamination were proven with the correspondence of congener profiles. However, in some instances the source of contamination remained unknown. All through risk assessment, long-term consumption of free range eggs with increased content of dioxins, furans and dl-PCBs may lead to the unacceptable exposure to these contaminants, especially for children. Sometimes, the estimated intake stood even higher than the toxicological reference value. Minimizing the risk associated with human exposure to persistent organic pollutants is an important element of the policy on improving public health. Due to the ability of dioxins and PCBs to accumulate in the food chain, at the end of which there are humans, constant monitoring of food is advised. In the case of eggs, particular attention should be paid to those obtained from free-ranging hens.
Oceniono kumulację dioksyn i metali ciężkich w aparacie asymilacyjnym sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) i brzozy brodawkowatej (Betula pendula Roth) rosnących w leśnej strefie ekotonowej sąsiadującej ze składowiskiem odpadów. Próbki aparatu asymilacyjnego do badań zawartości metali ciężkich pobierano z dwóch transektów, tzn. ze skraju lasu oraz w odległości 50 m od skraju lasu. Próbki aparatu asymilacyjnego do badań zawartości kongenerów PCDDs i PCDFs pobierano ze skraju lasu. Zawartość kongenerów PCDDs i PCDFs w próbkach igieł sosny zwyczajnej określono na poziomie 4,74 ng PCDD/F-TEQ·kg⁻¹, a w próbkach liści brzozy brodawkowatej na poziomie 2,65 ng PCDD/F-TEQ·kg⁻¹. Stwierdzono także brak kumulacji metali ciężkich zarówno w aparacie asymilacyjnym pobranym ze skraju lasu, jak i z transektu wyznaczonego w odległości 50 m od skraju lasu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań chemoindykacyjnych aparatu asymilacyjnego stwierdzono brak migracji pionowej do strefy korzeniowej otuliny drzewostanowej metali ciężkich i dioksyn ze składowiska odpadów. Powierzchniowe wapnowanie wapnem posodowym i sukcesywne załadowywanie odpadów w składowisku ograniczyło proces pylenia i osiadania zanieczyszczeń na powierzchni aparatu asymilacyjnego i gleby.
The aim of the presented investigations was an evaluation of cummulation of dioxins and heavy metals in the assimilatory organs of Finns sylvestris L. and Betula pendula Roth growing in the forest ecotone zone neighbouring with a local dumping site. The researched assimilatory organ samples collected for evaluation of heavy metal content were taken from two transects i.e. from the forest edge and 50 m. away from the edge. The assimilatory organs samples for the congeners PCDDs and PCDFs content investigations were collected from the forest edge. The content of congeners PCDDs and PCDFs in needles of Pinus sylvestris L. was usually observed at the level of 4.74 ng PCDD/F-TEQ·kg⁻¹, while Betula pendula Roth leaves showed the level of 2.65 ng PCDD/F-TEQ·kg⁻¹. The absence of heavy metals cummulation was also observed both in the assimilatory organs collected from the forest edge and 50 m away from it. The absence of vertical migration to the root zone of the wood stand buffer zone of both heavy metals and dioxins from the dumping site was observed on the basis of the carried out chemoindicational observations of the assimilatiry organs. The process of dusting and deposition of pollutants on the surface of assimilatory organs and soil was limited by soda lime surface applicaion and successive covering of the site with soil.