New records of Micrambe abietis, M. bimaculata and M. villosa are given. M. longitarsis, collected in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, is new to the fauna of Poland.
New distributional records of seven genera and fifteen species of Caenoscelini and Cryptophagini in Poland are presented. Caenoscelis sibirica, C. subdeplanata and Sternodea baudii are among the most interesting cryptophagids recently found in new localities and previously reported from 1-2 sites in Poland only. Remarks concerning identification of Caenoscelis species are given, and the aedeagi of C. sibirica and C. ferruginea are illustrated.
New records of 51 species of Polish Cryptophagidae are given. Atomaria badia Er. A. bescidica Reitt., and Ephistemus reitteri Casey are new to the Polish fauna.
New records of 58 species of Cryptophagidae are given. A. abietina REITT. and A. bella REITT. (Puszcza Białowieska), A. lohsei JOHNS. & STRAND (Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska), A. punctithorax REITT. (Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, Nizina Mazowiecka, Beskid Zachodni), Cryptophagus parallelus BRIS. (Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska) and Cryptophagus micaceus REY (Puszcza Białowieska) are new to the fauna of Poland.