Sucrose, as a leading world commodity for centuries, has become subject of intensive investigations initiated mainly by the fact that the global production exceeds 115 million tons per year. The attractiveness of sucrose as an organic raw material arises from its low molecular weight, optical purity, crystalline state, and the price that is in the range of the standard organic solvents. However, there are also several reasons for a low utilization of sucrose in chemical industry. Sugars are polyfunctionalized molecules with hydroxyl groups of similar reactivities, are too polar to be soluble in organic solvents except pyridine, dimethyl sulfoxide, or dimethylformamide, they have more chiral centers than required for non-sugar target structures, and the glycosidic linkage in disaccharides is acid sensitive. Efforts to extend applications of sucrose can be identified in the term of its degradation to compounds with a lesser number of carbon atoms, the modification on all hydroxyl groups, the development of macromolecules, a partial transformation of sucrose, and the enzymatic oligosaccharide synthesis. Currently, the industrial utilization of sucrose covers about 5% of the global production and several following examples can illustrate the most important achievements in this field. The hydrolysis of sucrose is a well-established historical process giving invert sugar that serves as bulk chemical for D-mannitol production and can be also a source of both D-glucose and D-fructose. A fully esterified but mixed sucrose acetate butyrate has used in plastics, lacquers and inks. Monoesters of sucrose with long chain fatty acids have been manufactured as non-ionic surfactants for many years. Furthermore, sucrose monoester (SemperfreshŽ) is applied to the fruits as a semi-permeable membrane while polyesters containing 6-8 ester per molecule (OlestraŽ) are low calorie fats. Aluminium salt of sucrose octasulphate (SucralphateŽ) is produced for the treatment of gastric ulcers. An intensive sweetener, 4,1',6'-trichloro-4,1',6-trideoxygalactosucrose (sucralose), is produced by a selective chemical transformation of sucrose. Isomaltulose (PalatinoseŽ)is a product of enzymatic conversion of sucrose and it can be used as chemical feedstock for speciality products. Subsequent hydrogenation of isomaltulose gives isomalt (PalatinitŽ). Finally, fructo-oligosacharides (ActilightŽ) are manufactured by enzymic action of fructosyltranserase on sucrose. Both last products possess very similar properties; both are low caloric and promote a growth of bifidobacteria.
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Nanotechnologia, to ogólna nazwa zestawu technik i sposobów tworzenia struktur wykazujących wyjątkowe właściwości, które posiadają, w co najmniej jednym wymiarze od 0,1 do 100 nanometrów. Nanobiotechnologia obejmuje wykorzystanie nanomateriałów w medycynie, przemyśle chemicznym i kosmetycznym, czy przemyśle spożywczym. Jednocześnie daje ogromne możliwości w ochronie środowiska. Jednakże nanobiotechnologia jest nauką stosunkowo młodą, nie do końca przebadaną, dlatego też, już teraz należy zastanowić się nad ewentualnymi zagrożeniami, i starać się znaleźć dla nich jak najlepsze rozwiązania.
The nanotechnology is a general name of the set of techniques of creating structures exhibiting unique properties that have at least one dimension between 0.1 to 100 nanometers. The nanobiotechnology includes the use of nanomaterials in fields of science such as medicine, chemical, cosmetic and food industry. Additionally, nanobiotechnology provides huge opportunities in the environmental protection. Although research in nanotechnology continues apace, relatively little is known about the subsequent health effects of exposure, therefore risk assessment of utilizing nanomaterials is needed.
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Przedstawiono możliwości jakie daje produkcja inuliny na bazie topinamburu, który dostarcza bulw do tej produkcji. Dodatkowo produkowana jest zielona biomasa będąca surowcem do produkcji odnawialnych źródeł energii, takich jak biogaz, ciekłe i stałe paliwa. Inulina jest wartościowym surowcem dla przemysłów spożywczego, farmaceutycznego oraz kosmetycznego.
A review, with 38 refs., of methods for growing and processing Jerusalem artichoke tubers, prodn. of inulin and green biomass for manufg. biogas as well as liq. and solid fuels.
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