The sphere of application of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is expanded. It is projected into natural scientific and technical disciplines, into protection of the environment, designing of constructions, through organizational, administrative, managerial spheres up to the newest areas of market research in marketing, property management and the like. In the science and research, GIS are important for collection (stocktaking), transmission, analysis and visualization of spatial data on a region. They allow using the digitalized data as a database of positionally localised data for creation and administration of the information systems on the region, for spatial analyses and modelling and creation of cartographic presentations. The aim of this paper is to give a short summary of use of GIS in civil engineering and environmental practice and application of the selected programme with graphical interpretation for solution of tasks of revitalization of rivers.
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Krzemionkowe popioły lotne znalazły różnorodne zastosowania w produkcji cementów wiertniczych i w pracach cementacyjnych w wiertnictwie. Materiały te deponowane są od wielu lat w specyficznych warunkach panujących w odwiertach, co stało się przedmiotem badań i dyskusji, w których wskazano na pozytywne i negatywne strony ich aplikacji. Znacznie mniejsza jest jednakże skala zastosowań wysokowapniowych popiołów lotnych w porównaniu z popiołami krzemionkowymi i dlatego powinny one zostać poddane odpowiednim testom, które pozwolą na określenie ich stosowalności w wiertnictwie na dużych głębokościach.
Pulverised fuel ash, commonly known as fly ash or pfa, has a wide versatility in its applications to oilwell cements and well cementing where high silica fly ash is employed. It has been utilised periodically for many years as a cement extender under a variety of downhole conditions. These applications are discussed and the advantages and drawbacks highlighted. High silica fly ash is shown to have considerable benefits for numerous types of usage. However, high lime fly ash has far less applicability in comparison within this particular area, and needs to be carefully checked out in simulated tests for suitability when it is being considered for downhole utilisation.
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