W artykule porównano metodykę szacowania zasobów metanu w opracowaniach U.S. EPA i PIG oraz podjęto próbę przybliżonej oceny bardziej realnej wielkości tych zasobów w zagłębiach węglowych Polski. Za najbardziej prawdopodobną ich wielkość (do głębokości ok. 1650 m) uznano wartość ok. 1189,1 mld m3 w GZW (852,2 mld m3 w pokładach węgla, a 336,9 mld m3 w substancji organicznej rozproszonej w skałach płonnych), 156,26 mld m3 w LZW oraz co najmniej 17,12 mld m3 w DZW (razem: 1362,45 mld m3 ). Przy obecnym stanie technologii możliwe do ewentualnej eksploatacji będą jednak tylko zasoby do głębokości 1250 m. Dla GZW można je ocenić na maksymalnie 503,82 mld m3 .
Estimations of coalbed methane resources prepared for Polish coal basins at 90. XX w. have shown significant differentiation. However, they were prepared using different assumptions and methodology. Comparison of the methodology of resource estimations used by U.S EPA [15] and PIG [10] shows, that the estimations concern different parameters, because U.S. EPA tried to evaluate all methane contained in Carboniferous rocks, while PIG evaluated only the amount of methane sorbed in thick coal seams lying in the high-methane part of the basins. Then, PIG estimation (350 bln cu m) is significantly too low, while estimation of U.S. EPA (1302.8 bln cu m) too high. So, there was once again tried to evaluate (in two manners) real CBM resources, in the article. The evaluation of the resources contained within waste rocks and all coal seams (independently on thickness) and to the depth of 1650 m has been stated as the most probable. They are as high as 1189.1 bln cu m for Upper Silesian Coal Basin (852.2 bln cu m in coal seams & 336.9 bln cu m in shales), 156,26 bln cu m for Lublin Coal Basin and not less than 17.1 bln cu m for Lower Silesia Coal Basin. However, taking into account the deepest coal mines as well as the deep of economic CBM boreholes in USA and Poland it can be assumed, that for the up to date state of the CBM production technology, there are possible for exploitation only 503.8 bln cu m of methane lying at the depth till 1250 m in maximum.
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