W artykule przedstawiono metodykę badań kontrolnych zagęszczenia i jakości robót ziemnych oraz oceny parametrów geotechnicznych rdzenia zapory nasypowej na przykładzie badań prowadzonych podczas budowy zapory w Czorsztynie. Proponowana procedura przewiduje wykonywanie badań specjalistycznych zarówno terenowych jak i laboratoryjnych wykonywanych jako uzupełnienie standardowych badań kontrolnych zagęszczenia. W miarę postępu robót, wraz ze wzrostem wysokości budowanej zapory w celu objęcia badaniami, jak największej miąższości rdzenia i zastąpienie pomiarów punktowych, ciągłymi profilami zaleca się wykonywanie sondowań geotechnicznych CPT, DMT i BAT. Określenie wartości parametrów wytrzymałościowych, odkształceniowych i hydraulicznych w warunkach in situ, w rzeczywistym stanie naprężenia, pozwala właściwie ocenić stan techniczny zapory.
In the paper the methodology of control compaction tests as well as control quality tests of earthworks and estimation of the geotechnical parameters of Czorsztyn Dam clay core during construction is presented. With in the aim of proposed procedure is the execution of special geotechnical investigation (in situ and laboratory) and standard control compaction tests. The point of the proposed method is that with the progress of the earthworks, geotechnical investigations especially soundings CPT and DMT are successively introduced and performed. The main idea of this way is to cover the whole dam body and exchange the point measurements into tested profiles. The determination of shear strength parameters as well as the deformation and hydraulic parameters for in situ stress-state conditions allows estimating the performance quality of the dam properly.
This study analyses the behaviour of an embankment type homogenous earth dam with a plastic clay core subjected to an earthquake excitation and its deformation with time. The displacement vs time graph has been plotted under the earthquake excitation and deformation for the structure is found out. The analysis tries to depict the real-life performance of the dam under earthquake excitations for its additional safety consideration. GeoStudio has been used to perform the QUAKE/W analysis on the dam. QUAKE/W models the dynamic stresses arising from earthquake shaking and simulates the impact of these stresses on the earth’s structures. The software is based on the finite element method. The study also consists of seepage analysis of the dam body with impervious clay core and generation of the zero-pressure line along with the flow lines and generation of flow vectors within the body of the dam. The SEEP/W analysis has been used for the generation of the seepage across the dam body which may be further used to check the stability of the dam. In addition to that, a slope stability analysis has also been performed using SLOPE/W analysis to get the desired value of the factor of safety.
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