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Content available remote Problemy zalesiania nieefektywnych gruntów rolnych
the article describes impact of changes in catchment cultivation (mainly forestation) on floods caused by 100 and 2 years rainfall with different duration time. The rainfall-runoff model was used. Some of model parameters were determined based on 33 rainfall-runoff data from Zagożdżonka catchment. Zagożdżonka catchment is located at South Mazovian Lowland near Kozienice City. The area is for about 70% under cultivation and about 20% are covered by forest. The calculation shows, that forestration by 10% has strong influence on reduction of flood wave. The pink runoff from 2 years rainfall was reduced by 49-86% depends on rainfall duration time and 100 years by 33-45% depend on rainfall duration time as well.
Polityka leśna państwa zakłada zalesienie do 2050 r. powierzchni, która spowoduje zwiększenie lesistości do 33%. Odgrywają one ogromną rolę w działaniach zapobiegających zmianom klimatu.
The aim of the study was to develop the spatial concept of afforestation for the area of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune on the basis of guidelines concerning design of new forest complexes contained in the National Programme for Afforestation, the Programme for Afforestation of the Poznań Commune and Guidelines concerning the determination of the agricultural use-forest use boundary. Moreover, the aim of the study was to compare area developed according to the concept with the afforestation area resulting from the Study for the conditions and directions of spatial management and the Programme for Afforestation of the Poznań Commune. The subject matter of the study comprised identification of environmental trends in the Tarnowo Podgórne commune, based on which the afforestation arrangement was developed. The spatial scope of the study covered the administrative area of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune, taking into consideration forest complexes found in the neighbouring communes, lying directly at the boundary of the study area. The study used source materials collected from the Department of Spatial Management of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune and the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Poznań. For the purpose of the analyses of the study area, resulting in the development of the afforestation concept together with its detailed analysis, a GIS system was created using the ArcGIS programme, incorporating information collected from different sources and concerning the Tarnowo Podgórne commune. Individual information layers in the GIS database facilitated analysis of the source materials: the Study of Conditions and Directions for Spatial Management of the commune in the 1:25 000 scale and the Programme for Afforestation in the Poznań county in the 1:50000 scale. Based on the analysis of a soil map, a map of nature value, a map of water conditions and a map of the cultural environment in the 1:10000 scale, constituting an element in the eco-physiographic study of the area from 2004, obtained from the Office of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune the value of animate nature, hydrographic conditions, soil conditions and selected anthropogenic conditions of the commune were determined, the latter being the most significant for the development of the afforestation concept. Based on the collected GIS information concerning the commune layers of areas recommended for afforestation were isolated in view of general principles and ecological and functional conditions required of the planned afforestation, contained in the Guidelines concerning the establishment of the boundary between the agricultural and forest use from 2003, such as afforestation of forest land and farmland of classes V and VI, afforestation of wasteland, afforestation of water course margins, water reservoirs, watersheds, protection zones for underground water intakes, afforestation forming ecological corridors and afforestation of buffer zones. The developed afforestation concept was analysed in the spatial aspect according to calculations performed in the Excell programme based on values collected from the GIS data base of the prepared project. Analysis of area calculation results made it possible to specify the percentage shares of individual afforestation areas following the guidelines as well as percentage changes in the forest cover of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune, which would be observed as a result of implementation of the developed concept. Based on the analyses the following conclusions were formulated: The final result of the developed concept comprised the design of a spatial afforestation system: of 2324 ha in area, which accounts for approx. 22.9% commune area and together with the existing afforestation areas it increases the forest cover share from 7.8% to 30.7%. which is bigger in area from the concept proposed in SUiKZP and PZLPP by approx. 1400 ha in accordance with the spatial requirements resulting from the allocation to the metropolitan zone, i.e. the trend of a dynamic increase in the urbanization level and an increase in the number of production plants and service workshops taking into consideration the area required for agricultural production. Under present-day socio-economic conditions the developed afforestation concept may not be realised due to the allocation of land to more profitable purposes (building development, industrial purposes …) in relation to the forest land use. The designed afforestation concept was developed in view of the source materials in an approximate 1: 10 000 scale and for this reason it may be used when preparing spatial management plans. Results of the design project need to include socio-economic criteria.
Content available remote Stumpage Forestry Data Mining based on 3D Laser Point Cloud
Terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) was used to obtain stumpage point cloud data. Firstly, we used the ball neighbourhood combining with a uniform grid method to represent the spatial topology construction of the point cloud, thereby reduced the amount of calculation. Secondly, we used Hough transform to calculate timber volume and abandoned branches and leaves interference according to different depth circular centers continuity. Thirdly through calculating the point cloud features, such as normal vector, curvature, bending, etc, then automatically located the secondary branches position; Finally, comparing with the really measurement trees parameters; the effectiveness of our proposed method is proved.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac dotyczących wykorzystania laserowego skanera przestrzeni (ang. Terrestrial Laser Scanner – TLS) do uzyskania danych dotyczących ilości drewna na danym terenie, w celu ustalenia opłaty wycinkowej. W tworzeniu struktury przestrzennej chmury danych, wykorzystano metodę siatki jednolitej w połączeniu z kulistą formą otoczenia, co dało ograniczenie liczby obliczeń. W drugim etapie zastosowano transformację Hougha, do obliczenia ilości drewna, wolnych gałęzi i zakłóceń wywołanych liśćmi, a na koniec wyznaczono parametry chmury danych, jak wektor normalny, krzywizna, zagięcia itp. Porównanie z danymi rzeczywistymi potwierdza skuteczność metody.
W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję zagospodarowania erodowanych stoków doliny, stanowiącej mikrozlewnię dolnej części dorzecza Opatówki. Biorąc pod uwagę zagrożenia erozyjne występujące przy aktualnym stanie użytkowania gruntów, przestrzenne ich rozmieszczenie oraz zalecenia agrotechniki dla obszarów erodowanych, wykazano konieczności wprowadzenia zmian w zagospodarowaniu terenu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem możliwości pozyskania gruntów do dolesień. Przyczyni się to do poprawy zdegradowanego krajobrazu oraz zabezpieczy przed kolejnymi skutkami działania erozji, co w dobie obowiązującej doktryny rozwoju zrównoważonego uznać należy za pierwszoplanowe.
The study presents a concept of development of eroded slopes of a valley, being a micro-basin of the lower part of the Opatówka river drainage area. Taking into account the erosion threat existing in the present state of land exploitation, its spatial arrangement and recommendations of agricultural science for eroded areas, the necessity of making changes in land development was emphasized, with special focus on the possible use of the land for additional afforestation. This will contribute to the improvement of the degraded landscape and will protect against subsequent effects of erosion, which in the times of the sustainable development doctrine should be considered as a major task.
In the paper results of monitoring quantity and quality of water on areas of different land utilization were analyzed. The analysis was carried out on the basis of measurements made in hydrological years 1998-2000 in the Hutka (0.52 km2) and the Potaszka (1.33 km2) river catchments. These catchments are located near Poznań in the southem part of the Wielkopolska Lake District, Poland. Obtained reduction of out flow in the afforested Hutka catchment, on the contrary to the arabie utilized Potaszka catchment are significant. Water ąuality of the investigated rivers was evaluated as good. The water of the Potaszka river was in the first class of cleanness (Polish standards). Whereas in the Hutka river water in summer and autumn months, very low concentration of dissolved oxygen and high concentration (and contents) of phosphates were noted. The phosphates from soluble compounds of phosphorus were produced in anaerobic conditions. Significant differences of out flow pollution contents (nutrients) in water were not proved in the investigated rivers. Quantity of floating matter in river of the Hutka forest microcatchment was significantly smaller than in the Potaszka river draining water from extensively used arable lands.
Lasy na gruntach porolnych stanowią ok. 30% ogólnej powierzchni lasów w Polsce – szacuje się, że ich powierzchnia może wynosić ok. 3 mln ha. Są to głównie tereny tzw. ziem odzyskanych, czyli tereny północnej i zachodniej części kraju.
A set of medium-scale historical maps was used to reconstruct changes in spatial patterns of forest area during the last 220 years in an agricultural matrix of north-eastern Europe (Zemgale region, Latvia). Changes in total forest area by soils were determined, as well as the time period of continuous forest cover. Proportion of protected area for each soil trophic group was also calculated. Patterns of recent forest development differed between soil trophic groups. Afforestation occurred mainly on wet and poor soils in the 19th and 20th centuries, while the proportion of woodland area on fertile soils typical for nemoral forests was fairly stable. Only 1% of the fertile soil area has been covered by continuous forest for more than 220 years, and only 11% of them are protected. Nemoral deciduous forests cover only 15% of their potential natural vegetation area of forested eutrophic soils. Therefore, in regard to habitat protection that is representative of natural distribution of ecosystems, priority in conservation should be given to forests on fertile soils.
Obecna lesistość Polski wynosi 28,6% terytorium kraju. Za stan optymalny uznaje się około 33%. Aby go osiągnąć, należy: ź z jednej strony dbać o utrzymanie istniejących zasobów, ku czemu podstawę prawną stwarza głównie ustawa z 3 lutego 1995 o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych, ź z drugiej strony zwiększyć zalesienia na podstawie ustawy z 28 września 1991 o lasach oraz przepisów, do których ona odsyła, w tym prawa Unii Europejskiej.
At present 28,6 % of Poland's territory is afforested while an optimal condition is set up on the level of about 33 %. To accomplish this level the following should be done: ź on one hand the existing forest resources should be conserved based on the legal regulations set up in the Act on Arable and Forest Land Conservation of 3 February 1995, ź on the other hand afforestation should be increased following the provisions of the Forest Act of 28 September 1991 together with other laws to which it refers, including espective EU laws.
Content available remote Conversion of instable primary forests in the lusatian post-mining landscape
In the federal state Brandenburg in Germany about 464 000 ha of mainlymiddle aged Scots pine stands are planned to be converted. In addition, instable broad leaved forests like disintegrating monocultural birch and poplar stands on dumps of lignite mining need conversion. Forest owners feel unsure regarding the silvicultural treatment in these stands. Therefore, research is needed to develop strategies for a forest conversion practice in primary forests on dumps within the mining landscape. The urgency of conversion of primary dump stands with regard to the tree species exists in the decreasing order: poplar, birch and Scots pine. While conversion of young primary pine forests into mixed broad-leaved forests is not advisable because of unfavourable site conditions, suitable timber stands on dumps represent favourable pioneer crops appropriate for conversion. Derived from investigations practical advises are given about kind, strength and time of preparatory thinning for under planting and ongoing thinning. The nutrition potential of the soil substrate has to be considered. Furthermore, height growth and leave mass of under planted oaks are indicators for the forest treatment.
Content available remote Ekologiczne, prawne i planistyczne problemy zalesień na obszarach wiejskich
Praca prezentuje problemy związane z procesem zalesiania gruntów w Polsce. Omówiono środowiskowe funkcje lasów, przebieg zalesień w ujęciu historycznym, politykę leśna. Polski na tle założeń unijnych. Zwrócono uwagę na brak spójności pomiędzy rządowym, programem zalesień a planami miejscowymi, usterki legislacyjne ustawy zalesieniowej z 2001 r. We wnioskach postuluje się dokonywanie aktualizacji planów miejscowych, z uwzględnieniem ustaleń krajowego i wojewódzkich programów zalesień, stworzenie zintegrowanego systemu zarządzania służącego weryfikacji powierzchni zalesionych podlegających dofinansowaniu, wprowadzanie rozwiązania skuteczniej niż dotychczas służących ochronie przyrody.
The paper presents problems connected with the process of land afforestation in Poland. It discusses emironmental functions of forests, the process of afforestation in his-torical approach, forest policy in Poland against the background of UE principles. The attention was paid to the lack of coherence between governmental programme of afforestation and local planning, legislative dcfects of the Afforestation Act of 2001. In conclusion the author proposes among others: updating of local plans with the establishments of state and regional programmes of afforestation, creation of integrated management system of areas that should be supported financially, introduction of solutions serving more efficient protection of the nature.
W pracy omówiono wpływ składu gatunkowego drzewostanów na cechy jakościowe próchnicy glebowej tworzącej się na zrekultywowanym i zalesionym wyrobisku popiaskowym KP Szczakowa. Skład frakcyjny i właściwości optyczne badano na próbkach pobranych z wierzchnich poziomów inicjalnych gleb (0-5 cm) w litych drzewostanach: sosny zwyczajnej, modrzewia europejskiego, brzozy brodawkowatej i olszy czarnej. Badane próchnice charakteryzowały się przewagą węgla kwasów fulwowych (CKf) w stosunku do węgla kwasów huminowych (CKh) w składzie frakcyjnym puli węgla związanego (Cog) oraz stosunkowo niskim stosunkiem ekstynkcji kwasów huminowych (E465/E665). Czynnik gatunku zadziałał na właściwości próchnicy glebowej najsilniej w przypadku olszy czarnej. Gleby pod olszą charakteryzowały się większą zawartością węgla organicznego ogółem (Corg) i węgla związanego z kwasami huminowymi i fulwowymi (CKh+CKf) w porównaniu do pozostałych gatunków drzew. Potwierdza to duże zdolności fitomelioracyjne i przydatność do rekultywacji olszy czarnej.
The paper presents influence of tree species composition on qualitative properties of humus in soil developed on reclaimed and afforested sand mine excavation KP Szczakowa. Fractional composition and optical properties were determined on 16 samples collected from top soil layer (0-5 cm) under different species: pure stands of Scots pine, European larch, common birch and black alder. The examined humus were generally characterized by predominance of fulvic acids (CKf) in relation to humic acids (CKh) and relatively low optical density of humic acid (E465/E665). Black alder in comparison to other species, most significantly modified the properties of soil humus. Soil under alder were characterized higher content of soil organic carbon (SOC) and carbon associated with humic and fulvic acid (CKh+CKf). The results confirm high phytomeliorative effect and usefulness of black alder to reclamation.
The effect of contrasting meteorological conditions on hydrology, hydrochemistry and input–output budgets of nutrients and metals was examined in a small (2.8 ha) forested watershed of the Masurian Lakeland (NE Poland). The conditions of a frosty and dry continental winter activated an outflow of underground water originating from deeper water resources. The chemical composition of this outflow differed from watershed waters outflowing during mild winters with respect to SO4-S, Ca and Mg, which had lower concentrations, and NH4-N and K, which exhibited higher concentrations. An exceptionally severe winter affected also element fluxes in the examined watershed during the subsequent growing season. In order to show this impact, a comparison was made between the balances of elements moving through the investigated forest ecosystem during the growing seasons following mild and extremely cold winters. A biogeochemical effect of a frosty winter drought in a small post-glacial forested watershed, observed during vegetation growth (April – October), involved increased mineralization of nitrogen and phosphorus: a higher level of DON and DOP retention and a lower level of SRP and NO3-N retention. The increase in mineralization and the “opening” of biogeochemical cycles were also reflected in the loss of metals as K, Na, Ca and Mg.
There is a connection between noise reduction and roadside tree plantation. Understanding how properties of trees (density, height, leaf type, crown spread, etc.) impact noise attenuation is crucial. The current study measured and compared the roadside traffic noise at various locations (with/without trees/plantations) in selected Multan areas. Eight locations (Bahawalpur Road, Expressway, Vehari Road, Bosan Road, Eidgah Road, Masoom Shah Road, Piran-Gaib Road, and Khanewal Road) throughout Multan City. A digital sound level meter (MS-6701) was used to measure the noise levels during months of winter and summer seasons. During field visits, the tree type, leaf type, average height, density, canopy crown spread, and presence of any vegetation in each designated area were noted. The sound pressure data was compared with the noise level standards as recommended by Punjab Environment Quality Standards. A clear reduction in sound levels can be observed with trees. The tree plantings reduced the noise only on the Expressway (65 dbA) and Piran Gaib Road (64 dbA) in May 2022. In June 2022, the trees were only beneficial in reducing noise near Piran Gaib Road (64 dbA). Due to tree plantation, the maximum reduction of 11 dbA) was reported in June 2022 at Eig Gah Road, followed by a 10.1 dbA) reduction in December 2021 at Khanewal Road. Maximum noise reduction was observed at the Expressway and Piran Gaib Roads, where Pongamia pinata and Melia azedarach are planted along with some grass. The comparison clearly showed a reduction in noise due to roadside plantations. Tree plantation helps improve the area's overall look and enhances aesthetic sense and scenic beauty.
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