W artykule porównano warunki oraz efekty ręcznego i automatycznego spawania złączy doczołowych na rurociągach przesyłowych z użyciem metody 136, to jest spawania w osłonie gazu aktywnego drutem proszkowym z rdzeniem topnikowym. Artykuł jest efektem wieloletniej współpracy firmy JT Sp. z o.o. z Warszawy, która zajmuję się budownictwem gazociągów oraz instalacji gazowych z Zakładem Inżynierii Spajania Politechniki Warszawskiej. W artykule zaprezentowano i przedyskutowano rezultaty wykonywania wypełnienia oraz lica spoin czołowych rur na przykładzie grupy liniowej spawaczy pracującej przy realizacji gazociągu wysokiego ciśnienia. Porównania dokonano w kontekście warunków i parametrów spawania oraz czasu wykonywania spoin.
The article compares the conditions and the obtained effects of manual and automatic welding of butt joints on transmission pipelines using the method 136 in gasshielded with flux cored wire (Flux Cored Arc Welding). The article is a effect of many years of collaboration between JT Sp. z o. o. from Warsaw (which builds gas pipelines and other gas installations) with the Department of Welding Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology. The article presented and discussed the results of the experience of filling of throat of weld and welding of face of weld on the example of the linear group working on the implementation of high-pressure pipeline. The comparison was made in the context of terms and welding parameters and manufacture time of the welds.
This paper presents an elasticity solution of adhesive tubular joints in laminated composites, with axial symmetry. In this model, adherends are orthotropic shells and the stacking sequences can be either symmetric or asymmetric. Adhesive layer is homogenous and made of isotropic material. They are modelled as continuously distributed tension/compression and shear springs. Employing constitutive, kinematics and equilibrium equations, sets of differential equations for each inside and outside of overlap zones are obtained. By solving these equations, shear and peel stresses in adhesive layer(s), as well as deflections, stress resultants and moment resultants in the adherends are determined. It is seen that the magnitude of peel stresses due to transverse shear stress resultant is much greater than that obtained from axial stress resultant. The developed results are compared with those obtained by finite element analysis using ANSYS software. The comparisons demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the aforementioned methods.
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