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The main goal of every method of automatic analysis, recognition and also understanding of any medical signal is to follow the physician’s method of observation and thinking. Apparently it is easy, because the procedures of human interpretation of biosignals are now well standardized. In fact the real way of making observations and thinking about diagnosis highly depends on the observer experience and personal skills. In this paper, a new eyetrack-based approach is proposed for quantitative assessment of these important factors. The visual experiment carried out on cardiologists of various professional experience supplied the scanpaths data for the analysis in context of observed ECG traces the proposed approach, without the verbalization necessity, allows the cardiologists know-how to be extracted, analyzed and implemented in the automatic interpretation algorithm for better emulate the human way of thinking. It can be very useful for designing of new algorithms for automatic ECG signal analysis, recognition and also understanding by the machines.
Content available remote Koszty zmiany modalności we wzrokowo-dotykowym rozpoznawaniu scen
Celem eksperymentu było sprawdzenie, jakie czynniki mogą modyfikować koszty międzymodalnego wzrokowo-dotykowego rozpoznawania scen. Badani uczyli się sceny, patrząc na nią bądź jej dotykając (w warunkach dotykowych - z zasłoniętymi oczami), a po odroczeniu rozpoznawali ją za pośrednictwem tej samej bądź zmienionej modalności. Manipulowano poziomem trudności zadania, wprowadzając na etapie rozpoznawania dwie bądź trzy zmiany umiejscowienia elementów tworzących scenę. Stwierdzono, że koszty zmiany modalności, związane zarówno ze spadkiem trafności rozpoznawania, jak i z wydłużeniem czasu podejmowania decyzji, występują jedynie w sytuacji dużego obciążenia pamięci roboczej, to jest w sytuacji dotykowego uczenia się sceny i przy dużym poziomie trudności zadania rozpoznawania.
The experiment is aimed at investigating the factors that may modulate the costs of cross-modal visuo-haptic recognition of scenes. Participants learned a scene either visually or by touch (in the latter case they were blindfolded); then, following a delay, they identified the scene using the same or changed modality. The level of difficulty was adjusted by introducing two or three changes in the placement of scene elements at the recognition stage. It has been demonstrated that the costs of modality change, related to both decreased accuracy of recognition and extended time for making decision, occur only in a situation when a significant burden is imposed on working memory, i.e., with tactile learning of a scene and a high level of difficulty of the recognition task.
Współczesny człowiek stoi w obliczu technologicznej rewolucji, spowodowanej intensywnym rozwojem nauk, która wymusza coraz szybciej postępujące zmiany w jego otoczeniu. W odniesieniu do osób z dysfunkcją wzroku rozwój nowych technologii umożliwia po raz pierwszy korzystanie z niezależności w zdobywaniu informacji i pełniejsze uczestnictwo w życiu społecznym. Stwarza szansę na uniknięcie niepełnosprawności lub znaczne ograniczenie jej skutków. Celem prezentacji jest przedstawienie najnowszych osiągnięć naukowych dotyczących edukacji, diagnostyki i rehabilitacji osób z dysfunkcją wzroku.
People of present times are facing a technological revolution, resulting from the intensive development of sciences, which forces rapid changes in the surroundings. In case of people with sight dysfunctions, development of new technologies creates some independence in gathering information, which was impossible before, and makes their participation in social life even more complete. It is an opportunity to avoid a disability or to reduce its consequences in a significant way. The goal of the presentation is to show the latest scientific achievements related to education, diagnosis and rehabilitation of people with sight dysfunctions.
Introduction: Structural stability assess of the impact of the sense of the reactions equivalent. The aim of this study was to determine the importance of maintaining control patterns in static equilibrium of women after mastectomy. Materials and methods: The study included 150 women. In the first group there were 75 women after mastectomy, mean age 60 (±7,6), mean BMI 26 (±3,6). In the control group there were 75 age matched women (59 (±6,5), BMI 26 (±7,9) without a history of cancer diseases. The study was conducted using a tensometric platform. Quantification was composed of two 30-second test, the first test with eyes open and a second after 5-10 second pause with eyes closed. Results: It was found that there were significant statistical differences within a significant part of the measured parameters with eyes closed, and for all the Romberg parameters. There were: COP (centre of pressure) path length (p = 0.0411), the COP path length measured in the anterior-posterior direction (p = 0.0251), the average tilt COP (p = 0.0025), the maximum swing in the x-axis (relating to the range lateral stability) (p = 0.0447). In addition, there were statistically significant differences between the parameters: the average speed of a moving 2D COP (p = 0.0432) and the y-axis (p = 0.0240). Conclusion: Balance after mastectomy was less dependent on the vision than in the control group. Physiotherapy program after mastectomy should include proprioceptive training, with closed eyes to improve the equilibrium reaction quality and increase the postural stability.
Za pomocą zmysłu wzroku poznajemy strukturę otoczenia, rozpoznajemy twarze, przedmioty, zdarzenia, dlatego percepcja łączona jest z widzeniem. Dowolny komunikat wizualny połączony jest z uruchomieniem wyobraźni. Mechanizm taki działa, kiedy dociera bodziec wizualny wyczerpujący znamiona sztuki. Uruchamiana jest wtedy inna wrażliwość percepcyjna. Interesujące jest, czy można widzieć obrazy bez odbierania żadnych bodźców zewnętrznych? Jednym z takich procesów jest sen. W czasie snu powstają fantomy – halucynacje, nazywane rzekomym postrzeganiem. Powodują one pełne realności wrażenia, chociaż oczy nie brały w nich udziału. Nieistniejąca realność wytwarzana jest w mózgu. Czy można widzieć nieistniejące obrazy nie zapadając w sen?
Using the sense of sight we know the structure of the environment, recognize faces, objects, and events. Perception is most often combined with vision. Any visual message is combined with the launch of the imagination. Such a mechanism works, for example, when you reach art visual stimulus. Runs is other perceptual sensitivity. It is interesting if you can see the images without receiving any external stimuli? One such process is the dream. The phantoms formed during sleep - hallucinations, called the alleged perception. They cause the full reality of the experience, although his eyes did not take part in them. Non-existent reality is produced in the brain. If you can see non-existent images not sleeping?
Content available Hegemonia oka?
The article contains a selection of ideas about the vision’s position in the Western Europe culture. The author aims to show historical process of building trust to this sensor and compare them with the nowadays condition. Making use of examples from different times demonstrates human approach to the hierarchy of senses. It is important to mention that creating a strict line which can show the moment of change is impossible, because of universality which we can connect with the vision, and also because it is difficult to determine the moment of changing human's ways of understanding and using receivers. The article’s intention is simply to sketch out the issue and reflection on vision’s status now. First section shows the historical reasons of hegemony of vision related to thoughts of philosophers and associated with breakthrough inventions. However, the second part of the text, concentrated on modern times, is based on example of contemporary pair of artists - Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins, whose work, Reversible Destiny, raises a subject of inequalities in perception by senses.
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Visual loss in the wilderness setting is potentially fatal. Firstly it may be a warning sign of a serious systemic problem and secondly the patient may lose their functional independence and ability to respond to objective danger. The issues discussed in this paper fall broadly into two categories, those that are unique to the high altitude setting and those that could happen anywhere but require treatment to protect vision then standard ophthalmological care is unavailable. The aims are to provide practical knowledge on how to manage simple eye problems and also how to recognize the warning signs when evacuation may be required. In keeping with all wilderness medicine, preparation and prevention are essential to avoid eye problems in the mountains. This paper is intended for physicians, interested non-medical people and expedition operators as a practical guide to the treatment and prevention of eye problems on expeditions.
Summary The thesis analyses the role of senses in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story The Tell-Tale Heart. The narrator suffers from chronic squeamishness of senses – his most sensitive one is hearing. Thus, the text is full of descriptions of varied sounds. Sight is another important sense, which becomes protagonist’s main source of anxiety. An obsession about an old man’s eye leads him to commit a murder. The apprehension of the world by the protagonist is modeled by psyche of its character. As such, the analysis of his sensatory experiences has allowed to construct a picture of his internal life.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę negatywnego wpływu nowoczesnych technologii teleinformatycznych, w tym komputera i telefonu komórkowego, na zdrowie młodego człowieka. Wpływ ten objawia się chorobami kręgosłupa, pogorszeniem wzroku, obniżeniem poziomu kondycji fizycznej, rozdrażnieniem wywołanym przez smog elektromagnetyczny, narażeniem na choroby nowotworowe poprzez promieniowanie wytwarzane przez telefony komórkowe oraz stacje bazowe, a także uzależnieniem, zwłaszcza od obioru nowych informacji w postaci poczty e-mail lub SMS-ów. Te wszystkie zagrożenia dotyczą zwłaszcza ludzi młodych, dla których technologia teleinformatyczna jest naturalnym składnikiem życia i rozwoju, który odbywa się w czasie wielkiego i szybkiego postępu technologicznego.
The Influence of the Digitization of Life on the Deterioration of the State of Health of a Youth. The article undertakes the problems of a negative influence of modern IT technologies, computers and mobile phones among them, on a young man’s health. This influence shows itself in spine diseases, sight deterioration, reduction of the level of physical condition, exasperation caused by electromagnetic smog, exposing to cancer diseases by the radiation produced by mobile phones and base stations, as well as addictions, particularly to the receiving of new information in the form of e-mails and sms messages. All these threats especially relate to young people, for whom IT technologies are a natural ingredient of life and development taking place during the great and fast evolution of IT technologies.
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