Omówiono proces barwienia wyrobów z włókien mieszanych poliestrowo celulozowych metodami polecanymi obecnie przez takich producentów barwników jak Ciba, Clariant, Dystar, BASF. Wskazano również na pewne nowe możliwości barwienia takiej mieszanki włókien jednym barwnikiem, wykorzystując zmienne jego właściwości w różnym środowisku barwienia.
The word "blends" covers a multitude of possibilities, all of which are intentional combinations of chemically or physically different fibrous polymers. Discussed case concerns dyeing of polyester/cellulose blends. Polyester/cotton fibre holds important position in the world's market, moreover its position is still growing nowadays. Because of their wide use, the dyeing properties are very important and from this point of view selection of suitable dyestuffs plays essential role. Dyeing of blends, particularly polyester/cotton is a time consuming process. Thus searching for a method in which one dye is suitable to be used for dyeing bath components of the blends is very interesting, but still this problem is rather under theoretical consideration. Some examples presently discussed are given. In common practise polyester/ cellulose blends are dyed with: disperse - direct dyes, disperse - reactive dyes, disperse - vat dyes, /in some cause sulphur/. Premixed two-component-products, particularly disperse - reactive or direct dyes become less popular and rather dissapirs. Based on the infornation from some dyestuffs producers modern one bath and two bath methods are discussed. L S „Fast", Drimafon ECO, New Select or Econtrol/thermosol methods are given in some extend.
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