Wynagrodzenia pracowników są czynnikiem, który wyznacza kierunki rozwoju gospodarczego. Jednocześnie można stwierdzić, że struktura gospodarki wpływa na wynagrodzenia pracowników. Ze względu na znaczenie struktury gospodarki, celem artykułu jest zbadanie czynników struktury wpływających na wynagrodzenia w krajach członkowskich UE w latach 2013–2020. W szczególności zbadano znaczenie tradycyjnych i nowoczesnych struktur gospodarczych dla wynagrodzeń. W pracy zastosowano analizę wielopoziomową. Badania wykazały, że systematyczna transformacja gospodarki w kierunku nowoczesnych gałęzi kosztem tradycyjnych spowodowała wzrost wynagrodzeń. Jest to wynik alternatywny w stosunku do niektórych obserwacji literaturowych, gdzie często podkreśla się, że wykorzystanie robotyzacji i sztucznej inteligencji powoduje wzrost bezrobocia i spadek wynagrodzeń pracowników. Z drugiej strony, całkowite zastąpienie tradycyjnych sektorów jest niemożliwe ze względu na ich znaczenie. Stąd najwłaściwszym kierunkiem wydaje się być stopniowe zwiększanie efektywności w słabo rozwiniętych sektorach gospodarki, bez ich całkowitego porzucania.
Employee compensation is the factor that determines the directions of economic development. Yet, at the same time, the structure of the economy influences employee compensation. Due to the importance of the structure of the economy, the purpose of the paper is to examine the structure factors that influence compensation in the EU Member States in the period 2013–2020. In particular, it investigates the importance of traditional and modern economic structures for employee compensation. In the paper, a multi-level analysis was applied. The research showed that the systematic transformation of the economy towards modern branches in favour of the traditional ones caused an increase of compensation. This is an alternative result in relation to some observations in the subject literature, where it is often emphasized that robotisation and AI cause an increase in unemployment and a decrease in employee compensation. On the other hand, it is impossible to completely replace the traditional sectors. Hence, the most appropriate direction seems to be a gradual increase in efficiency in underdeveloped sectors of the economy without abandoning them entirely.
Artykuł jest częścią pierwszą cyklu „Prognozowanie produkcji budowlano montażowej w województwie dolnośląskim”. Założono, że wynagrodzenie pracowników będzie jedną ze zmiennych niezależnych do wyznaczenia wielkości produkcji. Prognozowano wynagrodzenia pracowników w sektorze budowlanym metodami regresji wielorakiej i metodą autoregresji średniej ruchomej SARIMA. Przeprowadzono analizę wyników obliczając błędy ME, MAE, MPE, MAPE oraz współczynniki Theila I, I2, I12, I22, I32. Sformułowano wnioski z obliczeń. Wyznaczono równanie regresji wielorakiej z 12 predyktorami wytypowanymi spośród 53 zmiennych niezależnych. Uzyskano dane prognozowane do predykcji produkcji budowlano montażowej.
The article is the first part of the series „Prediction construction and assembly production in Lower Silesia.” It was assumed that salary of employees will be one of the independent variables to determine the volume of production. Salaries of employees was predicted, using multiple regression and autoregressive moving average SARIMA methods. An analysis of the results was carried out. The errors ME, MAE, MPE, MAPE and Theil coefficients I, I2, I12, I22, I32 were calculated. Multiple regression equation with 12 predictors was set. Predictors were selected from among the 53 independent variables. Forecasted data were obtained for construction and assembly production prediction.
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Purpose: In this paper an evaluation of the most important components of human resources management (HRM) which have a significant impact on increasing of the competitiveness of the company was presented. The procedure of employment and qualification of employees, training, evaluation and dismissal of workers were showed. Design/methodology/approach: The implementation of the employees remuneration and motivation systems in the organization were proposed. Resulting of this action will be the work efficiency improvement, staff mobilizing to achieve the setting objectives, and assurance that employees by adequate motivation and remuneration, will be react for the customer needs in desirable manner. Findings: The supplement of HRM system in the organization about two missing elements will ensure improvement of the quality of work carried out and the awareness of the employees for the manner of their remuneration and motivating. Research limitations/implications: As a result of searching and implementation of improvements, the organization makes more attractive, both among the customers and the candidates for the job. Both groups are looking for a reliable partner for cooperation, therefore the implementation of such important elements of HRM as motivation and remuneration systems, increases the interest of the customers in organization and makes it an interesting place to work, even for very demanding employee. Practical implications: Evaluation of HRM showed that in order to fully usage of the potential of the company, one should complete the HRM process for additional activities such as remuneration and motivating of the employees. They will have a positive impact on the functioning of the organization and the quality of work of the employed employees. Originality/value: All activities constituting the process of human resources management in the enterprise have a positive impact on the development of the company, so it’s important to search of continuous improvements that could make more efficient its functioning.
In the world market, success is achieved by the countries that have better human capital and allocate sufficient resources for its reproduction. One of the results of the growing enrollment of many universities has been the need for additional qualified teaching staff and advanced training, which has led to the need to retrain existing teachers for staffing the growing number of higher education institutions. The first of the major success factors in this endeavor is to ensure that teachers are motivated to earn a relatively adequate salary. In recent years, a number of RA universities have successfully applied the method of salary calculation, which is based on the principle that a teacher (professor, associate professor, assistant, etc.) receives a salary depending on his category and workload (number of hours per academic year). Another important component of the assessment is the real involvement of the teacher in scientific activities and, based on this, a method for calculating the salary of a teacher is proposed, taking into account, among other things, his scientific activity. In order to encourage the scientific activity of the teacher, an indicator of the effectiveness of his scientific activity is introduced, the measure of which is scientific work during the previous (three to five) years.
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