Satisfaction with their profession is one of important indicators of human adaptation to work. Article presents the results of survey among women soldiers, about their satisfaction with the work. Results obtained in test enables them to establish that women soldiers are generally satisfied with the work. Taking these results into consideration you can expect good adaptation of women in the army. It seems reasonable also to observe the dynamics of social change in this area.
The article aims to assess the economic recovery and recycling of silicon PV cells and the non-ferrous metals contained in them, taking into account the analysis of costs, benefits and factors: legal, ecological, technical, technological and social. The research methodology was based on statistical measures related to the analysis of PV structure and changes in individual years of operation. For the designated structures, the current state of knowledge and legal status in the field of recycling methods of exploited PV installations were defined. In addition, an analysis of the Polish market about selected developed countries concerning the recycling sector was performed, and the identification of key factors and barriers to the development of the analysed sector was presented. On this basis, the possibilities and directions of support for the PV recycling sector were indicated, and a SWOT analysis of possible methods of its support was made.
Celem artykułu jest ocena ekonomiczna odzysku i recyklingu krzemowych ogniw PV i zawartych w nich metali nieżelaznych z uwzględnieniem analizy kosztów, korzyści i czynników: prawnych, ekologicznych, techniczno-technologicznych i społecznych. Metodologię badań oparto na miarach statystycznych związanych z analizą struktury i zmian PV w poszczególnych latach ich eksploatacji. Dla wyznaczonych struktur określono aktualny stan wiedzy i stan prawny w zakresie metod recyklingu wyeksploatowanych instalacji PV. Ponadto wykonano analizę rynku polskiego względem wybranych krajów rozwiniętych odnośnie sektora recyklingu, przedstawiono identyfikację kluczowych czynników i barier rozwoju analizowanego sektora. Na tej podstawie wskazano możliwości, kierunki wsparcia sektora recyklingu PV i dokonano analizy SWOT możliwych metod jego wsparcia.
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