The author studies the subject of trenchless pipe replacement. He focuses on pipe crushing technology and its application. The influence of pipe crushing on surrounding area is also presented. Furthermore the method is compared to other technologies and their advantages and disadvantages are listed. Among other issues, stress is placed on increasing the hydraulic efficiency, significant shortening of the assembling time and decreasing the obstruction to local population or businesses and, finally the safety of the site workers.
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Celem badań było sporządzenie opinii naukowo-technicznej dla Departamentu Przedsięwzięć Spójności Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej na temat możliwości wymiany rur azbestocementowych systemu wodociągowego metodą bezwykopową wraz z określeniem uwarunkowań techniczno-środowiskowych (w świetle polskiego i unijnego prawa w zakresie ochrony środowiska) wraz z porównaniem zalet i wad bezwykopowej i tradycyjnej metody wymiany przewodów. Zakresem badań objęto przede wszystkim problem pozostawienia w gruncie depozytu azbestocementowego, jaki powstaje w wyniku kruszenia rur. Ogólne tezy opracowania zostały odniesione do dostarczonych przez zleceniodawcę uwarunkowań jednego z projektów ISPA.
The aim of the research programme was to prepare assessment documentation for The Enterprise Department of The Coherence Fund at Ministry of Environment and Water Resources on feasibility of asbestos-cement pipeline replacement with the use of trenchless technologies and determine technical and environmental conditions for this task (with respect to the Polish and EU law within the fieldof environment protection) along with comparison of advantages and disadvantages of both trench and trenchless pipeline replacement methods. The research programme mainly embraced the problem of leaving the cracked pipe asbestos remnant in the ground. General theses of the documentation were referred to the condition case within the ISPA project obtained from the institution ordering the research programme.
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In 1997 the Polish Parliament adopted an act abolishing the use of products made of asbestos and the resolution summoning the Cabinet to work up a program which would withdraw asbestos and products made of asbestos from an use in Poland. The reason for such legal regulations aims at the complete elimination of asbestos products due to the threat posed by them to human health. The technology which is the most convenient for asbestos pipelines' rehabilitation is Wavin Compact SlimLiner. Compact SlimLiner is the renovation method when a thin-wall PE pipe is inserted into the renovated host pipe. The method guarantees high functionality and is attractive because of its price.
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W porównaniu z innymi opcjami rehabilitacji rurociągów realizacja prac w technologii kruszenia rur niesie ze sobą wiele korzyści i możliwości. Wśród nich wyliczyć można zwiększanie wydajności hydraulicznej, znaczące skrócenie czasu wykonania zadania, mniejsze utrudnienia dla mieszkańców i lokalnie działających przedsiębiorców, większe bezpieczeństwo pracowników i na placu budowy.
Trenchless technology is becoming more and more popular in Poland. The increasing interest has a number of reasons, e.g. decreasing costs of application, increasing traffic in urban areas, as well as growing awareness of the environmental impact of the works. In comparison to other pipe rehabilitation methods, pipe bursting technology offers a lot of benefits and advantages. They include, e.g. better hydraulic performance, significantly shorter job completion time, less interference with the residents and local entrepreneurs, increased worker and site safety.
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