This paper is devoted to application of adsorption process for cooling power generation in a cooling devices. Construction and working principle of a water-silica gel adsorption chiller has been presented and the basic refrigeration cycle has been discussed. The article outlines behavior of a single-stage adsorption system influenced by changes in cycle time. The effect of cycle time and inlet chilled water temperatures on the main system performance parameters has been analysed.
Reducing energy consumption and providing high performance for a vapour compression refrigeration system are big challenges that need more attention and investigation. This paper provides an extensive review of experimental and theoretical studies to present the vapour compression refrigeration system and its modifications that can be used to improve system’s performance and reduce its energy consumption. This paper also presents the challenges that can be considered as a gab of research for the future works and investigations. Cooling capacity, refrigerant effect, energy consumption can be improved by using vapour injection technique, natural working fluid, and heat exchanger. Based on the outcome of this paper, vapour injection technique using natural refrigerant such as water can provide ultimate friendly refrigeration system. Future vision for the vapour compression refrigeration system and its new design technique using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) is also considered and presented.
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Przedmiotem badań była sprężarkowa pompa ciepła solanka/ woda WPC 13 o mocy grzewczej 13,2 kW. Stanowisko badawcze znajdowało się w budynku jednorodzinnym o całkowitej powierzchni 340 m2 [1]. Dolnym źródłem pompy ciepła był zbiornik wody zlokalizowany obok budynku. W artykule opisano budowę i zasadę działania sprężarkowych pomp ciepła, ich klasyfikację i podstawowe parametry oraz stosowane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne instalacji pozyskiwania ciepła niskotemperaturowego.
The test subject was a WPC 13 compressor brine/water heat pump with a heating capacity of 13.2 kW. The test site was located in a single-family building with a total area of 340 m2 [1]. The heat pump was adapted to cooperate with a low-temperature heat exchanger, which was a water tank located next to the building. The construction and principle of operation of compressor heat pumps, their classification and basic parameters as well as the applied construction solutions in relation to the bottom heat sources are presented.
The operation processes of adsorptive solar refrigerators based on composite adsorbents ‘silica gel - sodium sulphate’ were studied. The correlation between the adsorbent composition and the coefficient of the energy performance of the device was stated. As a consequence of the decreasing of adsorbent mass, the coefficient of performance is increased when sodium sulphate content in the composite increased. Effect of the regeneration process parameters on the composite on the coefficient of performance of the adsorptive refrigenerator was stated. The growth of the coefficient of performance is shown to result from decreasing the difference between adsorbent temperature and regeneration temperature from 85 to 55°C. The maximum values of the coefficient of performance of studied solar adsorptive refrigenerator about of 1.14 are stated for composites containing about 20 wt. % silica gel and 80 wt. % sodium sulphate.
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