W pracy przedstawiono ocenę eksploatacyjną zmian, jakie nastąpiły w technologiach zbioru buraków cukrowych przez zastosowanie nowoczesnych maszyn, przeobrażających dotychczasowe schematy organizacyjne.
The work presents a quantitative and qualitative estimation of changes in technologies of sugar beet crops after the introduction of newe generation machines which change the existing pattern of organization, first of all, by leaving beetroot leaves for ploughing and by placing roots into large capacity containers which are, in turn, emptied at headlands. The estimation of the quality of work of machines for picking up sugar beets indicates that though some of them exceed the permissible amount of root mass loss, in the form of roots which are either dug up or lost, the sum of losses in single stage technologies is smaller than the one described in the requirements of agricultural science and combine technologies and it does not excedd 3%. The bigger the number of rows from which the machine picks up beetroop the larger root mass losses. These losses are over twice as big in double stage technology than in a single stage technology. The analysis of indices of the work quality, operational indices and cumulated costs of energy indicates that it is more advantageous to use 3 and 6 rows machines than 2 rows machines.