Aluminum alloy AA7075 reinforced TiB2 particulate composites were prepared by the in situ reaction of K2TiF6 and KBF4 to molten aluminum. The prepared aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) were characterized using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The sliding wear behavior of the AMCs was evaluated using a pin-on-disc wear apparatus. The effect of TiB2 particulate content (0, 3, 6 and 9 wt%) and temperature (30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 and 240 °C) on wear rate and worn surface of the AMCs were studied. The results indicated that TiB2 particles were effective to enhance the wear resistance of the AMCs at all test temperatures studied in this work. The wear rate of the AMCs increased when the applied temperature was increased. The in situ formed TiB2 particles pushed the transition wear temperature by another 30 °C. The wear mode was observed to be abrasive at room temperature and metal flow at high temperature.
Artykuł dotyczy analizy charakterystyki zużycia tribologicznego odlewniczych stopów Al-Si stosowanych w przemyśle motoryzacyjnym. Przedmiot badań stanowiły: AlSi6Cu, AlSi7Mg, AlSi12CuNiMg i AlSi20CuNi. Testy tribologiczne prowadzono w warunkach tarcia technicznie suchego. Badania zrealizowano na tribotesterze typu „ball-on-disc”. Badano współczynnik zużycia i współczynnik tarcia stopów, a ślady zużycia poddano obserwacjom SEM. Ocenę istotności zmian współczynnika zużycia przeprowadzono testem Kruskala-Wallisa. Największą odporność na zużycie w teście odnotowano kolejno dla: AlSi20CuNi > AlSi12CuNiMg > AlSi7Mg > AlSi6Cu.
The paper examines the characteristics of tribological wear of casting Al-Si alloys used in the automotive industry. Tests are performed on the following materials:. AlSi6Cu, AlSi7Mg, AlSi12CuNiMg and AlSi20CuNi. The tribological tests are performed under dry friction conditions. Measurements were performed on „ball-on-disc” tribotester. Were tested wear rate and coefficient of friction of the alloys, the tracks of wear was SEM observation. The evaluation of the significance of changes in wear factor was conducted by Kruskal-Wallis test. The highest resistance to wear in the ball-on-disc test was observed for the tested materials in the following order: AlSi20CuNi > AlSi12CuNiMg > AlSi7Mg > AlSi6Cu.
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W pracy przedstawiono nowy model erozji ścinającej, powodowanej kontaminacją materialną, dopływającą do hydraulicznego węzła tribologicznego wraz z cieczą smarującą (płynem hydraulicznym). Uwzględniono konieczność opracowania nowych adekwatnych modeli powierzchni zużywanej i ziarna ściernego. W efekcie podano metodę obliczania zużycia, uwzględniającą szereg czynników dotychczas pomijanych, np. chropowatość powierzchni zużywanej, rozmiary charakterystyczne ziarna ściernego, jako kształt, sferyczność itd.
This work presents a new model of cutting erosion caused by material contamination flowing into hydraulic tribological node together with the lubricant (hydraulic fluid). The necessary of developing the new, adequate models of the surface subjected to wearing and an abrasive particle was taken into account. In effect, a new method of the wearing assessment was given, taking into consideration a number of factors which have been neglected up to now. These include roughness of the surface subjected to wearing, characteristic dimensions of the abrasive particle, its shape, sphericity, etc.
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