In the last years Ukraine has allocated considerable, with respect to their load on the budget, financial resources for agricultural support. However the significant increases of budgetary support do not substantially influence the effectiveness indices nor agricultural yields. Such information testifies to an imperfect nature of the internal support mechanism of Ukrainian agriculture. As the result, the domestic support did not become an effective stimulus for a production quality increase nor for a rise in the stock breeding production. In 2008 Ukraine gathered the biggest grain harvest. Increased production did not improve the financial results of agriculture and did not produce a stable and dynamic branch development because of the negative influence of world finance crises. Unbalanced supply and demand for agricultural production, low buying ability of inhabitants, lack of branch effective mechanism of domestic support caused complications of price situation in the domestic food market.
In the last years Ukraine has allocated considerable, with respect to their load on the budget, financial resources for agricultural support. However the significant increases of budgetary support do not substantially influence the effectiveness indices nor agricultural yields. Such information testifies to an imperfect nature of the internal support mechanism of Ukrainian agriculture. As the result, the domestic support did not become an effective stimulus for a production quality increase nor for a rise in the stock breeding production. In 2008 Ukraine gathered the biggest grain harvest. Increased production did not improve the financial results of agriculture and did not produce a stable and dynamic branch development because of the negative influence of world finance crises. Unbalanced supply and demand for agricultural production, low buying ability of inhabitants, lack of branch effective mechanism of domestic support caused complications of price situation in the domestic food market.
Światowy kryzys finansowy wpływa na gospodarkę wszystkich największych krajów. Zmniejszyło się zaufanie do systemu bankowego i nastąpiło gwałtowne spowolnienie rozwoju gospodarczego, łącznie z przejściem do recesji w krajach najbardziej rozwiniętych. Skutki kryzysu finansowego odczuwa także polska gospodarka, w tym również producenci żywności. Nastąpiło spowolnienie wzrostu gospodarczego kraju i rozwoju produkcji przemysłu spożywczego. Pogorszyły się wyniki handlu zagranicznego żywnością. Spowolnienie rozwoju kraju utrwali te tendencje.
World financial crisis has an influence on the economy of all greatest countries. The confidence in banking system has been decreased and a dramatic slowing down of economic development, including recession in the most advanced countries, has occurred. The consequences of financial crisis are also reflected in Polish economy, including also food producers. The slowing down of the economic development of the country and of development of food industry production has been observed. The results of foreign trade of food have deteriorated. The slowing down of the country's development will maintain the discussed tendencies.
The last world financial crisis has had a noticeable impact on the wood sector in Poland. As a result companies have to deal with difficulties that have arisen in foreign trade and on labour market. One solution is to introduce some new activities into company and create a new image which may lead to an increase in competitiveness. For wood sector companies such solution can be the use of wood biomass for energy purposes. Wood waste which is a side product of wood processing may be used for energy purposes in the company that creates it or may be sold as this company’s product to power stations.
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