The article analyzes the means of word-formative motivation in the generation of a text. Text oriented functions of word-formative motivation are caused by the method of its representation in the text either through a word-formative structure of derived words, or by a derivational pair „form – derived”, or by a whole motivating judgment. If derivative motivation in the text is expressed only by a word building structure of a derivative as a carrier of its consequences, then it serves as a source of lexical-semantic construction material with a property of double reference. Word-formative motivation, which is expressed in the text by a word-formative pair „form – derived” or a motivational judgment, serves as a means of implementing connectivity, primarily local. Various methods of textual usage of word-formative motivation serve as a means of creating an artistic image, the formation of a linguistic expression, artistic expression of a text.
The surname Wałkuski is ambiguous. Its formal structure theoretically allows for the division Wałk-uski. Yet, this interpretation provokes some objections as the suffix -uski is a compound, the suffix –us / -uś / -usz is a linking and creates hipocoristic and diminutive forms, and the suffix -ski, creates (?) according to the model surnames pointing to places. The surname Wałkuski could have been created by the suffix -ski like surnames based on the names of places from a personal name Walkusz derived by the sufix -usz from Walek (Walenty) with a change of l to ł. Functions of the suffix –ski allow to link the etymology of the surname Wałkuski with Pomeranian territorial names such as Wołkusz, in the districts of Augustow and Sokolka, in Podlachia (Podlasie). The Pomeranian territorial names are etymologically linked to the personal name Walkusz, as hipocoristic from the name Walek – Walenty. The Pomeranian territorial names of the town Wołkusz may be etymologically lined to the personal name Wołkusz derived from the name Wołk as **vGkь, pol. wilk, east slov. wołk. Linking the name Wałkuski with the place names Walkusz or Wołkusz, assumes that the family of Wałkuscy (the Walkuski family) came to Mazovia (Mazowsze) and Łomża from Pomerania (Pomorze) or Podlachia (Podlasie).
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