The observations were done in two groups of healthy sheep. Group A — 20 animals from 4 large scale farms, with antibodies to PI-3, Adeno-5 and RCV. In these farms symptoms of the respiratory tract infections were noted. Group B-10 animals (control) in one farm free of diseases. The following parameters were examined in blood taken from the external jugular vein at time 1, 30 and 60 days: ability to adsorb and to reduce NBT in a spontaneous and stimulated tests by neutrophils, myeloperoxidase activity of neutrophils (MPO), activity of serum lysozyme (LZ), content of serum IgG, IgM and IgA, titre of specific antibodies against PI-3, Adeno-5 and RSV. It was found that asymptomatic infection caused by PI-3, Adeno-5 and RSV decreased the activity of MPO, level of LZ, IgM and partially IgG and values of a stimulated test of NBT reduction. These changes predipose the activation of latent and asymptomatic viral and bacterial infections, which commonly appear in sheep.
A total of 268 calves aged 3-4 months (four herds) were assessed in four provinces. Blood samples were taken from reconvalescent calves, diseased animals at the end of illness and from healthy control animals. Five viral antigens, i.e. IBR-BHV-1, BRSV, PI-3, Adeno-type 3 and BVD viruses were used to determine by the ELISA test the presence of specific antibodies. The findings showed that infections had been caused by all five viruses though of different intensity in individual herds. PI-3 and BVD viruses were dominant in the Poznan province (69 per cent and 75 per cent respectively). In the Leszno district 68 per cent of the calves possessed antibodies against Adeno-3. The same was true for BVD. In herd В of the Warsaw province the presence of antibody against IBR-BHV-1 was found in all cows examined (100 per cent). Antibodies against BRSV in herd О were noticed in 85 per cent of the calves. Infections caused mainly by IBR-BHV-1 and BRSV (78 and 85 per cent respectively) were found in the Radom province.