The problem of control of a wind power generator in cases when voltage sags occur in the electric power system is presented in the paper. Double fed machine (DFM) used as the generator in the wind power plant is considered. The stator of the DFM is connected to the grid and the cascade of power electronic inverters supplies the rotor. When the voltage drop or sag occurs in the power network, controllers of the cascade of power electronic inverters can work incorrectly. In this case, the wind power generators are disconnected in present solutions. Results of simulation of the system with models of the double fed machine, the grid transformer and the inverters are presented in the paper. To control the generated power the structure based on a multiscalar model of the DFM was used. Proposed solution of control makes it possible to keep the power plant in the power system during required time.
The implementation of wind power generators into transmission system presents several challenges related to protection schemes, particularly in the areas of relay protection and overcurrent protection. This paper provides an overview in the impact of connecting wind power generators to the transmission system and discusses the key considerations for designing effective relay and overcurrent protection strategies. Intensive analysis was conducted on multiple scenarios involving critical short-circuits, occurring at different nodes within the system, specifically focusing on three-phase current. The situation where the circuit breaker is disconnected after the relay protection was activated, ensuring the protection of high voltage equipment, was also examined. Without proper protection coordination, the selectivity, reliability and sensitivity of the protection system can be compromised. In this paper, a comprehensive protection coordination strategy was developed for the new substation 35/10 kV in Koznica. The use of system simulation techniques, such as employing (Electrical Transient Analyser Program (ETAP) software, can be an effective way to validate the performance and functionality of a system protection. In all simulated scenarios, the analysis identified the circuit breakers that were activated in response to short-circuit faults. This approach ensured the reliability and accuracy of the coordination scheme, thereby enhancing the overall performance and resilience of the system.
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W artykule przedstawiono analizę wybranych parametrów całkowych generatora o strumieniu osiowym, którego głównym zastosowaniem będzie praca w małej elektrowni wiatrowej. Celem pracy było osiągnięcie żądanej wartości napięcia rotacji wystarczającej do ładowania baterii akumulatorów. W celu zrealizowania tego zadania, zbudowano trójwymiarowy model polowy 3-fazowego bezżłobkowego generatora bazujący na metodzie elementów skończonych (MES). Na bazie modelu polowo-obwodowego wyznaczono charakterystyki wyjściowe generatora i jego sprawność.
This paper presents calculated results for integral parameters obtained on the basis of a three-dimensional model of an axial flux permanent magnet wind generator such as electromagnetic torque, induced voltage per phase, output power and generator efficiency. The axial flux (disc shape) ferrite magnet machine is an attractive alternative to radial flux (cylindrical shape) machines in wind turbine applications. The presented axial flux configuration is amenable to the low speed operation of a direct drive wind energy system. The main task of generator design is to achieve a high rectified voltage and efficiency. The main advantage of the presented construction is high efficiency, low weight, reduced system size, and noise.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę wybranych parametrów funkcjonalnych prototypu jednofazowego generatora o strumieniu osiowym, przeznaczonego do zastosowania w bardzo małej elektrowni wiatrowej. W generatorze zastosowano stosunek liczby biegunów stojana do wirnika równy 8/8. Celem pracy było sprawdzenie parametrów elektromechanicznych generatora i wygenerowanie wystarczającej wartości napięcia w uzwojeniu stojana, zdolnej do naładowania baterii połączonych szeregowo akumulatorów. W tym celu opracowano trójwymiarowy model obliczeniowy oparty na metodzie elementów skończonych (MES) a następnie zweryfikowano pomiarowo wyniki obliczeń. Model obliczeniowy posłużył do wykonania modyfikacji generatora, która polegała na zwiększeniu stosunku liczby biegunów stojana do liczby biegunów wirnika do 9/8, 12/8 i 24/8. We wszystkich zmodyfikowanych wersjach generatora zwiększono liczbę faz do trzech. Dla każdej opracowanej wersji generatora wykonano analizę mocy, sprawności oraz momentu elektromagnetycznego.
Design of axial-flux generators with magnets is a part of an on-going energy storage research project for wind energy applications. In this paper axial flux one-phase small power prototype of a generator with magnets is analysed. The prototype is modified to three-phase models and the number of stator poles are changed as well. The presented machines consist of slotless stator cores which are made of lamination. Electromagnetic requirements for axial-flux electric machines are achieved by doing three-dimensional finite element analyses. A three-dimensional analysis is necessary due to the nature of arrangement coils such as endwinding effect. The main goal of the electromagnetic field investigation is the achieved high induced rectifier DC voltage from the three phase winding and high efficiency.
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