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In the old Poland a lot of necessary documents were being drawn up during the contracting marriage. One of them it was providing for oneself the mutual life estate which it meant, that after death of one of spouses, second, could receive his wealth all the way to his death. It wasn't possible however to sell goods passed for this purpose, to exchange or to rent, if were these are real estates. The life estate expired along with the death of the user or in the moment, when the widower or the widow decided on the next married couple. They were execu ting,the recalled recording, of the following day after the marriage ceremony or after a few weeks. The life estate constituted the financial security above all for the woman, because especially to the widow, it gave the material stability and the personal independence.
St. Augustine’s work De bono viduitatis written in 414 is not a treatise but a letter addressed to widow issued from a noble Roman family named Juliana. She with her daughter and mother-in-law attempts to live the consecrated way of life. Under the strong influence of the ascetism and moralism of Pelagius, she begs Augustine to acquire the essential instructions for their devotion. Augustine in his answer proposes the original teaching on the widowhood based on the Holy Scripture, especially on the letters of apostle Paul, and encourages the women in their consecration to observe the goods of the widowhood. Nevertheless, St. Augustine does not write this letter only to Juliana. He desires that this letter will be spread to the other widows as well. The aim of our paper is to analyse the Augustine’s letter to Juliana and focus our interest on the homiletical forms used by St. Augustine. Our argumentation is based on the analyse of this letter and on its comparison with Augustine’s style of preaching. Examining the rhetoric elements used and known by St. Augustine as they are summarized in the Book Four of his treatise On Christian Doctrine it enables us to present the style of Augustine – preacher and consequently to find some similarity and differences.
The current population of widows and widowers in Poland is over 3.1 mln, whereof the vast majority is over 60 years old. Death of long-life partner is one of the most stressful events in an individual’s life and it may affect their physical and mental condition. At the same time acceptance of spouse’s death and successful adaptation to widowhood are the developmental tasks of late adulthood phase, which may provide to personal growth. A widowed person can decide if they desire to engage new romantic relationship. Research shows that starting a new relationship is motivated by various factors: psychological (e.g. spouse idealization, anxiety), biological (e.g. age, health), and external factors (e.g. socioeconomic situation). New late-life romantic relationships differ from previous stages of life – we can observe changes in: relationship goals, dynamic of the relationship and together activities, although seniors experience passionate love the same way that younger generations do.
Content available Rapporto tra continenza e matrimonio in s. Girolamo
Vox Patrum
tom 36
Artykuł bogaty w najnowszą literaturę przedmiotu składa się z dwóch zasadniczych części: w pierwszej przedstawiony jest stosunek św. Hieronima do małżeństwa i dziewictwa, które Strydończyk zgodnie z ówczesną tradycją wychwala i stawia wyżej od pierwszego (to jedynie dopuszcza ze względu na prokreację i pomnażanie liczby dziewic), w drugiej zaś omówiony jest rzadko poruszany przez współczesnych badaczy status wczesnochrześcijańskich wdów i ich działalności, oraz problem niechętnie widzianego w starożytności chrześcijańskiej powtórnego małżeństwa.
The article is concerned with the self-assessment of the attractiveness of their bodies by widowed women in late adulthood. The psychosocial aspects of old women’s widowhood and the mechanisms that are shaping and maintaining their subjective attractiveness of the body are presented. 134 widows between 61 and 78 years old participated in the research. They were not in new formal or informal relationship with a man. In the presented research, the BES S.L. Franzoi and S.A. Shields test was used to examine a body image. The obtained results in the fitness scale indicate that the respondents (despite the lowered overall level of satisfaction in this scale) find the greatest satisfaction in their health, coordination, muscle strength and agility, while they are least satisfied with reflex or biceps. The results of research on satisfaction with body weight show (taking into account the generally lowered satisfaction) that respondents perceive and evaluate their weight mostly on the basis of the shape of their waist and whole figure, but are not satisfied with their appetite and thighs. Some widows are satisfied with their pretty face. The results show that the subjective assessment of the attractiveness of the widows’ body stems mostly from a sense of sexual attractiveness.
The primary aim of this research study was a qualitative analysis of continuing bonds in women after the loss of a partner. The sub-goals were to analyse the quality of the pre-death relationship with a partner and to analyse the rituals used during the grieving process. The research sample consisted of 10 elderly widows. Age of participants ranged from 56 to 83 years (M = 71,4 years; SD = 3,07), length of the relationship with a partner ranged from 32 to 59 years (M = 46,9 years; SD = 8,6) and time elapsed since the loss ranged from 9 months to 10 years, 4 months (M = 47,5 months; SD = 11,26). Data were obtained by semi-structured interviews, aimed to explore more in-depth experiences of widowed participants. Consensual Qualitative Research was used to analyse the data. The data analysis resulted in 3 domains: Forms of continuing bonds in widows after the loss of a partner, Forms of rituals in widows after the loss of a partner, Positively and negatively perceived aspects of the relationship quality. Based on the obtained data, the typical case of experiencing continuing bonds to a partner in widowed women was described. The forms of continuing bonds are diverse, they can be experienced positively, ambivalently, or negatively. They may mean a continuation of various aspects of the pre-loss relationship, offering new opportunities for the relationship to change or progress after death. The results are interpreted and discussed in line with previous research findings.
Death is an event which affect family life forcing in-depth modifications. Last twenty five years is a period when rapid mortality decline is observed in Poland what in theory should lower probability of losing family members and should postpone orphanhood or widow(er)hood. The paper is aimed at estimating – with use of data collected by the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS) and the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) – how a frequency of death of family members is evolving after 1990.
Zgon to zdarzenie, którego wystąpienie w życiu rodziny prowadzi do modyfikacji całego życia. Ostatnie ćwierćwiecze to okres szybkiego obniżania się poziomu umieralności, co teoretycznie powinno obniżać prawdopodobieństwo utraty bliskich oraz prowadzić do późniejszego występowania sieroctwa czy owdowienia. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie – na bazie danych GUS i ZUS – w jakim stopniu po roku 1990 następuje zmiana częstości utraty osób bliskich wskutek ich zgonu.
The work concerns on heraldic-genealogical element, which was the Fran-ciscan string from the coat of arms of the queen dowager Marie Casimire d’Arquien Sobieska, omitted in the previous studies. The first part disscused the traditions of its applicability dating back to the fifteenth century and the circle of the Breton Dukes’ court. It also shows the establishment of this tradition in the heraldry of the Kapetin dynasty and its two branches – Valois and Bourbons. A process was presented, according to which the string from the personal emblem associated with the dukedom in Brittany transformed into an element symbolizing 74 the widowship of the queens of France. Then, in the seventeenth century the string became the signe of widows from the aristocratic sphere. Here are given the arguments of heraldry exhibited on seals, medals, portraits engravings and objects of everyday use, for example the books covers. In the second part, were considered the reasons why Marie Casimire Sobieska joining to her coat of arms the symbol of a Franciscan string. Her actions were recognized as a conscious creation, aiming to exalt her majesty after 1696 and to emphasize the relationship with the royal house of France.
Praca, o tematyce heraldyczno-genealogicznej, dotyczy pomijanego w dotychczasowych badaniach elementu w herbie królowej wdowy Marii Kazimiery d’Arquien Sobieskiej, jakim był sznur. W pierwszej części omówione zostały tradycje jego stosowalności sięgające XV w. i kręgu dworu książąt bretońskich. Ukazano także zadomowienie się owej tradycji w heraldyce dynastii kapetyńskiej i jej dwóch gałęzi: Walezjuszy i Burbonów. Przedstawiono proces, wedle którego sznur od osobistego emblematu związanego z domem panującym w Bretanii przekształcił się w element symbolizujący wdowieństwo królowych Francji. Następnie w XVII w. wszedł on do symboliki wdów ze sfery arystokratycznej. Podano tu argumenty heraldyki eksponowanej na pieczęciach, medalach, grafice portretowej i przedmiotach codziennego użytku, książkach. W drugiej części zastanowiono się nad przyczynami dołączenia przez królową Marię Kazimierę d’Arquien Sobieską symbolu sznura. Uznano jej działanie za świadomą kreację, zmierzającą do wywyższenia swego majestatu po 1696 r. i podkreślenia relacji z domem panującym we Francji.
Artykuł przedstawia genezę nauczania Jana Chryzostoma na temat wdowieństwa. Autor analizuje w nim najważniejsze czynniki, które wpłynęły na kształt nauki Ojca Kościoła skierowanej do wdów. Pierwszym czynnikiem było jego osobiste doświadczenie, czyli relacje z matką oraz z wdowami, którymi się zajmował lub z którymi się przyjaźnił. Drugim był silny wpływ nauczania św. Pawła, szczególnie w Liście do Efezjan i w Pierwszym Liście do Koryntian. Ostatni czynnik był konsekwencją dokonanego przez Jana Chryzostoma rozróżnienia między egzystencjalnymi i esencjalnymi źródłami wdowieństwa. Źródła egzystencjalne, tj. głównie naśladowanie dziewictwa, są wynikiem spojrzenia Ojca Kościoła na antropologię, źródła esencjalne natomiast są zakorzenionew jedności boskich hipostaz i wynikają z poglądu Jana Chryzostoma na chrześcijańskie małżeństwo. Jego koncepcja dotycząca wdowieństwa przybiera spójną wertykalną strukturę, w której można dostrzec ślad wpływów filozofii i wykształcenia, jakie otrzymał.
The paper presents the origins of John Chrysostom's teaching on widowhood. The author analyses the most important factors that contributed to the shaping of John’s teaching aimed at widows. The first factor was his personal experience, such as the relationship with his mother or with befriended widows. The second factor was being under a strong influence of St. Paul’s teachings, especially the Letter to the Ephesians and the First Letter to the Corinthians. The last factor was a consequence of John's distinction between the existential and essential sources of widowhood. The existential sources, i.e. mainly the imitation of virginity, are the result of John’s understanding of anthropology, while the essential sources are rooted in the unity of divine hypostases and arise from his view on Christian marriage. Chrysostom’s concept of widowhood takes on a concrete and vertical structure in which one can see a trace of the influence of philosophy and education which he received.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane psychospołeczne czynniki modyfikujące proces adaptacji do wdowieństwa występujące u starzejących się wdów. W badaniach własnych postawiono hipotezę o istnieniu stylu odwiązania od zmarłego partnera życiowego, rozumianego jako: połączenie retrospektywnej oceny stylu przywiązania do partnera i poczucia samotności emocjonalnej i/lub społecznej. Badania przeprowadzone na 124 wdowach (średni czas wdowieństwa wynosi 7,3 lata) pokazały, że istnieje specyficzny styl odwiązania od partnera u kobiet z retrospektywnym lękowym stylem przywiązania w przeszłości. Uzyskany w pozytywny związek pomiędzy retrospektywnym bezpiecznym stylem przywiązania i samotnością społeczną wymaga dalszych badań.
The article presents selected psychosocial factors modifying the process of adaptation to widowhood that occur in aging widows. In the present study, it was hypothesised that there is a style of ’detachment’ from a deceased life partner which is understood as the combination of a retrospective assessment of style of attachment to a partner and the sense of emotional andor social loneliness. The research performed on 124 widows (average duration of widowhood was 7.3 years) showed that there is a specific style of detachment from a partner in women with retrospective anxiety style of attachment in the past. A positive relation between a retrospective safe style of attachment and social loneliness requires further research.
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