W artykule wyznaczono parametry kinematyczne segmentów stopy i kończyny dolnej podczas fazy podporowej chodu przy wykorzystaniu wideorejestracji oraz wykonano pomiary sił reakcji podłoża. W badaniach tych posłużono się autorskim programem komputerowym umożliwiającym automatyczne określanie położenia poszczególnych segmentów stopy człowieka w trakcie kolejnych faz chodu. Wyznaczone wielkości zostaną wykorzystane w badaniach modelowych.
Kinematics parameters of foot and lower limb segments during stance phase of human gait with the help of video registration and some results of measurement of ground reactions are presented in this paper. The author's software was used to determine positions of the foot segments during following phases of human walk. These quantities will be used in the future researches.
The article outlines the video registration method as well as research based on obtained video footage of the characteristics of traffic flow. The method is flexible and makes it possible to research various traffic characteristics. The article presents the method’s assumptions and the manner in which traffic flow characteristics were measured. The method of registering traffic flow parameters on video was implemented in 2012 in selected sections of Katowice’s road network. An important feature is the possibility of traffic flow parameterization with the use of popular camcorders. The thus-obtained footage is processed using so-called open library vision graphics procedures in order to establish traffic flow characteristics in near real-time.
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