23 AFLP bands were assigned to different rye chromosomes by means of two different sets of wheat-rye addition lines. Only one AFLP band could be assigned to 4R, and no specific AFLPs were found on the 5R chromosome. Only one AFLP band was explicitly assigned to 4R, and no specific AFLPs were found on the 5R chromosome. At least seven co-migrating AFLPs showed the same chromosomal location in both sets of addition lines. A total of 22 AFLPs were assigned to chromosome 1R using wheat-rye substitution lines. Six of them have counterparts in one of the addition lines analyzed, but only four have the same chromosomal location. Six and four of the total AFLPs located using addition (23) and substitution (22) lines segregated in the mapping population DS2 x RXL10, but only six were simultaneously assigned to the same chromosome by both approaches. Although co-migrating AFLPs could be located on different rye chromosomes using addition and substitution lines, we believe that AFLPs can be useful as rye chromosome markers.
The rye genomic library, which consists of DNA fragments in the range of 0.5–1.1 kb, was screened for the presence of tri-and tetranucleotide and compound microsatellites. Of the 1,600,000 clones analysed, 102 clones were positive and 41 were suitable for SSR primer pair design. Twenty-six primer pairs amplified specific products, and six of them were capable of detecting polymorphism among 30 rye accessions of different genetic backgrounds. Using a set of Chinese Spring-Imperial wheat-rye addition lines, it was possible to locate 3 newly identified microsatellites on chromosomes 3R, 4R and 7R.