The water supply and sewage segment is element of municipal infrastructure, in particular technical infrastructure, and water supply systems, are components of critical infrastructure. We can say therefore that water supply and sewage segment task is to provide public services with municipal nature (water supply and removal of sewage belonging to water supply and sewage services), strategic importance (mainly water supply in crisis situations), and social nature (water supply for fire fighting or people and assets safety).
Jak wynika z dotychczasowej praktyki orzeczniczej Prezesa UOKiK, gminy błędnie zdefiniowały zasady działania społecznych komitetów w przypadku budowy nowych sieci wodociągowych i kanalizacyjnych, co powoduje, że komitetom są narzucane warunki współpracy niezgodne z obowiązującymi w tym zakresie przepisami.
According to the jurisdiction decisions of the President of the 0ff ice of Competition and Consumer Protection issued so far, communes have erroneously defined the principles of operation of Social Committees at construction of water supply and sewerage networks, which results in the fact that these Committees are forced to accept terms of cooperation that do not comply with the regulations within this scope.
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