Introduction. Despite physiological changes caused by immersion in liquid medium, few studies have been conducted to determine the kinetics of blood lactate removal under these conditions. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of active recovery, using a specific water bike, on the blood lactate concentration after maximum intensity exercise. Material and method. Ten healthy cycling athletes performed an Anaerobic Threshold Test by Heart Rate (HR) on a bicycle ergometer and an Anaerobic Threshold Test by Subjective Effort Perception on an aquatic bicycle ergometer. Three maximal test was performed immediately before each recovery type, in three different days: Passive Recovery on Land - PRL (horizontal position for 60 minutes), Passive Recovery in the Water - PRW (horizontal position, with the help of floats, in swimming pool for 60 minutes) and Active Recovery in the Water - ARW (the volunteer performed exercises on a water bicycle to an intensity corresponding to 85% of the intensity of LA in water, for 30 minutes, and remained in the same position of the PRW for another 30 minutes). Blood samples were collected 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after the maximal test, for lactate analysis. Results. The [La] blood did not show the difference between the three types of recovery at 5th min. From 15th min on, the difference between the ARW and the other two types of passive recovery was significant, and the ARW showed lower values. There was no significant difference between the PRW and PRL. Conclusion. Mere immersion in water is not enough to maximize the removal of blood lactate. This study demonstrates that active recovery held in water is effective for the removal of blood lactate in cyclists.
Cel: Porównanie działania masażu klasycznego i ćwiczeń w wodzie na stan funkcjonalny ciężarnych z dolegliwościami bólowymi dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa. Materiał i metodyka: Grupę badaną stanowiło 40 kobiet w II i III trymestrze ciąży z bólami kręgosłupa lędźwiowego. Respondentki podzielono na 2 grupy; pierwsza – korzystała z masażu klasycznego, a druga – brała udział w ćwiczeniach w wodzie. Ocenie poddano ruchomość kręgosłupa lędźwiowego, stopień dolegliwości bólowych oraz stan funkcjonalny badanych. Wykorzystano: pomiar goniometryczny ruchomości kręgosłupa lędźwiowego w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej, skalę bólu wizualno-analogową (VAS) oraz autorski kwestionariusz ankietowy. Wyniki: Po zakończeniu zabiegów w obu grupach zaobserwowano zmniejszenie dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa oraz zwiększenie jego ruchomości. Lepszy efekt przeciwbólowy uzyskano w grupie kobiet, które brały udział w ćwiczeniach w wodzie. Zarówno masaż klasyczny, jak i ćwiczenia w wodzie poprawiły sprawność funkcjonalną badanych kobiet w porównywalnym stopniu. Wnioski: Masaż klasyczny i ćwiczenia w wodzie są bezpiecznymi terapiami polecanymi kobietom w ciąży, które odczuwają dolegliwości bólowe dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa.
Aim: Comparing the effects of classic massage and water exercises upon the functioning state of pregnant women with pain of the lumbar spine. Material and methodology: The research involved 40 women with lumbar spine pain, being in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Respondents were divided into 2 groups. The first group was subjected to classical massage procedures, and the second group underwent water exercises. Lumbar spine mobility, pain levels and functional status of pregnant women were evaluated. The following diagnostic methods were used: goniometric measurement of lumbar spine mobility in the sagittal plane, visual analogue scale (VAS) of pain, and an original questionnaire prepared by the author. Results: Following both treatments, the pain of the lumbar spine was reduced in responders of both groups, and the spine mobility was increased in the sagittal plane. A better analgesic effect was obtained in a group of women who took part in water exercises. Both the classical massage and exercise in water improved the functional status of women to the comparable degree. Conclusions: Classical massage and exercise in water appear as safe and effective therapies recommended for pregnant women with lower spine pain.
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