The purpose of this work was to assess development of the quality of surface water in the Svatava River in the Czech Republic from 1997 to 2008. Parameters typical for pollution as a result of mining activities (SO 2-4 , Fe, Mn) were monitored, as well as select heavy metals (Pb and Cd). A falling tendency in the values of annual averages of all the monitored indicators in all profiles is apparent. The least polluted water is in the profiles Hranice and Kraslice on the upper course of the Svatava River. Conversely, the most polluted water is in the Sokolov profile, in front of the site where the Svatava River flows into the Ohře. This applies to all the monitored indicators of the Sokolov profile that the greatest pollution values were recorded during 1997 and 2002, and for sulphurs also in 1999 and 2003. The analyzed ion concentrations are still significantly higher than in other profiles, with the exception of lead and cadmium, where pollution is the greatest in the Oloví profile. However, in 2008 the measured values for all indicators did not exceed valid limits.
The adoption of the new Water Law in 2017 did not solve all problems related to the implementation of those provisions of the Water Framework Directive, which aim to prevent water pollution with chemical substances. The article indicates the external and internal reasons for these difficulties. The former lie in the features of European regulation, such as its fragmentation and dispersion. Internal reasons are legislative defects of the Polish act from 2017. Its provisions can be criticized primarily for the lack of precision and consistency in the delimitation of legal functions assigned to both hazardous substances and priority substances, and also excessive rigor.
Uchwalenie w 2017 r. nowej ustawy Prawo wodne nie rozwiązało wszystkich problemów związanych z wdrażaniem tych przepisów ramowej dyrektywy wodnej, których celem jest zapobieganie zanieczyszczeniom wód substancjami chemicznymi. W artykule wskazano na przyczyny tych trudności – zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne. Te pierwsze dostrzeżono w cechach regulacji europejskiej, takich jak jej fragmentaryczność i rozproszenie. Przyczyny wewnętrzne to legislacyjne usterki polskiej ustawy z 2017 r. Jej przepisom zarzucić można przede wszystkim brak precyzji i konsekwencji w rozgraniczaniu funkcji prawnych przypisanych substancjom szkodliwym oraz substancjom priorytetowym, nadto nadmierny rygoryzm.
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