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The characteristics of Polish rural agglomerations indicate that only 32% of these areas are villages typified by compact buildings where the use of a collective sewage system is economically justified. In other areas, it is necessary to apply solutions that allow for the sewage utilization in place of their creation and safe discharge into the environment, e.g. in the form of home systems based on biological processes, e.g. in soil-plant systems. The purpose of the work was to determine the soil-plant efficiency of wastewater treatment with the use of so-called energy plants. The experiment was conducted in 2012–2014 in lysimeters at a depth of 130 cm and 100 cm in diameter. These were submerged in the ground, filled with sand clay and equipped with installations enabling the drainage of gravity water in the form of lysimeter effluents. Two species of plants were used: Miscanthu giganteus and Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby. They were irrigated with pretreated domestic sewage (variant I – 1200 mm year−1 and variant II – 1600 mm year−1). For irrigation, sewage from a group of buildings inhabited by six families was used. Raw domestic sewage was discharged into the tank, consisting of four chambers, which constituted a relatively good level of pre-cleaning. For the irrigation of plants in the experiment, pre-treated sewage was used. In order to determine the effectiveness of wastewater treatment in the soil-plant environment, the concentrations of the following components were determined in the effluents: TSS, BOD5, COD, Ntot. The quantities of pollutants contained in the sewage were characterized by considerable variability, especially in relation to COD (390.6– 1583.0 mg O2 dm−3) and Ntot (47.0–250.2 mg N dm−3).
Morocco’s Atlantic coast, faces significant anthropogenic disturbances, leading to pollution in its waters used for various purposes. The primary objective of this study is to shed light on how the depollution project, a crucial part of the Bouregreg valley development plan, has influenced the coastal area of the city. This has been achieved through a comprehensive analysis of the water quality, focusing on both physico-chemical characteristics and bacteriological aspects. Thirteen specific physico-chemical parameters and fecal pollution indicators were meticulously monitored along the coastline. The goal was to gain insights into how water quality has changed over time and across different locations. The results of this investigation have revealed the substantial impact of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) on the area, with varying degrees of efficiency observed, such as 63.04% for turbidity, 52.21% for BOD5, and 40% for organic matter.
We present the results of investigations of microorganisms present in aerosol emitted by selected devices of two mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plants (“Debogorze” and “Gdańsk-Wschód”). In 2002, 5 series of measurements were conducted at each of the plants. The samples of air were collected by means of sedimentation method (PN-89/Z-04008/08) and by means of filtration method, using an air sampler produced by Merck. Apart from measurements of microbiological analyses, consisting of determinations of the total number of psychrophillic and mezophillic bacteria, manitol-positive and manitol-negative staphylococcus, hemolysing staphylococcus, Pseudomonas fluorescens, coliform bacteria and the number of spores of phycomycetes, weather conditions were also monitored. The most numerous microorganisms in the monitored air were psychrophillic bacteria and spores of phycomycetes. The number of psychrophillic bacteria varied in the wide range from 14 to 5255 CFU/m3, the number of mezophillic bacteria changed from 1 to 1324 CFU/m3, the number of staphylococcus – from 1 to 150 CFU/m3, the numbers of Pseudomonas fluorescens and the coliforms varied from a few to 50 CFU/m3 and the spores of phycomycetes varied from a few to 5,250 CFU/m3 of air (collected by means of Merck air sampler). It was found out that in both plants the main sources of microorganisms were sludge recirculation chambers and sand traps. The air around aeration chambers of activated sludge contained similar numbers of microorganisms as the background. It was proved that the sampling method is of critical effect on measurement results. The number of microorganisms detected in the samples collected by means of sedimentation method was by one order of magnitude higher than in the samples collected by means of filtration method (using air sampler), allowing for strict control of the filtered air volume.
Rząd RP udzielił rządowi ChRL kredyt w wysokości 85 min USD. Przedstawiono propozycję jego wykorzystania w projekcie polsko-chińskim dotyczącym ztewniowej gospodarki wodno-ściekowej.
The Polish government has given a credit of 85 mln US do!, to the government of ChPR. There have been presented proposal that that credit should be utilized in the framework of the Polish-Chinese project concerning water and waste water management in river basins.
Modification by chemical agents affected the sorption capacities of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). We tried to characterize changes in sorption capacity of dried anaerobic sludge (DANS) after chemical modification by formaldehyde, methanol, and hydrochloric acid. Modified sludges were characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, cation exchange capacity, and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) analysis. Maximum sorption capacities Qmax at pH 6.0 for Co²⁺ ions calculated from Langmuir isotherm model were 175±5 μmol/g for unmodified DANS, 170±2 μmol/g for CH₂O-modified DANS, 12±0.2 μmol/g for CH₃OH-modified DANS, and 15±0.3 μmol/g for HCl-modified DANS. Our paper established the crucial role of carboxyl functional groups against amino and hydroxyl groups in sorption process of cobalt ions.
tom nr 11
W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązanie zastosowane w Hamburgu przy rozbudowie oczyszczalni ścieków. Z uwagi na brak miejsca drugą część oczyszczalni ścieków zbudowano po przeciwnej stronie rzeki Elby. Przesył ścieków zrealizowany jest tam poprzez syfon o konstrukcji żelbetowej. Projektanci chcąc zapewnić bezpieczeństwo zaproponowali usytuowanie syfonu w gruntach nieprzepuszczalnych, co wiązało się z jego zagłębieniem na około 80 m poniżej poziomu terenu. W przeciwieństwie do rozwiązania zastosowanego w oczyszczalni Czajka w Warszawie, gdzie w tunelu zainstalowano dwie rury GRP do przesyłu ścieków, w Hamburgu ścieki płyną całym przekrojem żelbetowego tunelu syfonowego. O jakości projektu zrealizowanego w roku 1986 w Hamburgu świadczy jego bezawaryjna praca od 34 lat.
In the paper the solution applied in Hamburg in the process of extending waste water treatment plant was presented. Due to limited space available the second part of the waste water treatment plant was built on the other side of the River Elbe. The waste water is transferred there by the siphon tunnel made of reinforced concrete. In order to ensure the safety of the construction the designers suggested the installation of the siphon tunnel in impermeable soils, which required its installation around 80 meters below ground surface. In contrast to the solution applied in Czajka where two GRP pipes are placed in the tunnel, in Hamburg waste water is transferred by the whole reinforced concrete siphon tunnel cross section. The good quality of the siphon tunnel project carried out in 1986 is confirmed by its trouble free operation for 34 years.
Wastewater treatment has become a very important aspect of environmental protection. The main goal of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is to reduce the level of waste-water pollution. The application of AT (artificial intelligence) techniques in wastewater treatment provides an alternative way of operating complex process, helps to reduce energy consumption and to improve the efficiency of the equipment. Modern control systems developed in the recent years are often based on complex mathematical models of the processes, which allow one to develop an optimized treatment strategy. However, they require the knowledge of several parameters that are not commonly measured in a WWTP or they are not measured with often enough for control purposes. One of them is COD (chemical oxygen demand). The procedure of its measurement is long and thus problematic. !n this work we have proposed a new approach to the COD control system and its further improvement applying FNN (fuzzy neural network). The main goal was to shorten and simplify determination of COD based on the on-line parameter. The developed approach is expected to be successfully applicable in the real time system control.
Oczyszczanie ścieków jest jednym z ważniejszych aspektów ochrony środowiska. Nowoczesne systemy kontroli w oczyszczalniach ścieków pozwalają na poprawę jakości procesu oczyszczania redukując jednocześnie koszty. Systemy kontroli i optymalizacji, jakie od kilku lat opracowuje się dla oczyszczalni ścieków, bazujązazwyczaj na skomplikowanych modelach matematycznych. Kluczowym problemem w zastosowaniu tych systemów jest duża liczba parametrów, które nie są zazwyczaj mierzone lub częstotliwość pomiarówjest nicwystarczającaz punktu widzenia systemów kontroli. ChZT (chemiczne zapotrzebowanie na tlen) jest jednym z takich parametrów. Odgrywa on kluczową rolę w modelowaniu procesów osadu czynnego, jednakże, ze względu na długi czas analizy, jego zastosowanie w układzie kontroli jest utrudnione. W tej pracy określono sposoby s/ybkiego wyznaczania przybliżonej wartości ChZT na podstawie innych parametrów z zastosowaniem rozmytych sieci neuronowych.
Artykuł przedstawia plan finansowy dotyczący budowy kanalizacji i oczyszczalni ścieków w gminie Jedlińsk k. Radomia oraz analizę rentowności tej inwestycji z punktu widzenia gminy jako jednego z inwestorów i późniejszego użytkownika i beneficjenta urządzeń.
The paper presents the financial plan concerning building of the sewage system and waste water treatment plant in the commune Jedlińsk in the neighbourhood of Radom and the analysis of profitability of the projekct from the point of view of the commune as one of the investors and later on the user and incumbent of the plant.
nr 2
Fractionation of sewage sludge colloids has been achieved using the split-flow-thin (SPLITT) fractionation technique. It reveals that the majority of organic carbon as well as heavy metals is carried by particles smaller than 1 μm. Optimization of volumetric flowrates and application of full-feed depletion mode of SPLITT fractionation allows concentrating the smallest colloids. Additionally, HPLC and ¹³C NMR analyses has been performed to characterize the organic colloids. The ¹³C NMR spectrum confirms that smaller fraction scontained elevated contents of aliphatic, aromatic and carboxylic groups characteristic of humic compounds. HPLC analysis separates two fractions of substances and compares obtained chromatograms with separation of the humic standard.
The sewage treatment plant was monitored to determine the efficiency of technologies employed to reduce microbiological threats. Every four weeks, for a year, sewage was sampled to investigate the effects of post-mechanical and post-biological treatment. Changes in Escherichia coli, D-group streptococci and Salmonella spp. number were analyzed. The reduction of the bacteria in sewage treated mechanically was not significant and did not exceed 1 log. However, a significant reduction in an average number was found. In addition, seasonal variation was found to correlate with the number of each of the selected bacteria groups.
The aim of our study was to determine the impact of constant magnetic field (CMF) on the effectiveness of stabilization of the excess sludge by advanced oxidation process with Fenton’s reagent. In presented study raw excess sludge from a dairy wastewater treatment plant was used. The investigations were conducted in three different technological systems in laboratory-scale stands. In the first stage the influence of chemical reagents (Fe²⁺/H₂O₂, Fe³⁺/H₂O₂) on the parameters of sewage sludge was observed. In the secondstage the importance of CMF on the final technological result in the system with static crossing on magnetic field (scCMF) and in the system with cyclical crossing on magnetic field (ccCMF) was revealed. In the third stage of the experiment the effectiveness of the system with both chemical reagents and physical elements was tested. Application of the constant magnetic field let us obtain COD reduction in supernatant and volatile solids in dry mass of sewage sludge. The importance of the physical factor was shown as low doses of chemical reagents. Similar results were achieved independently of the fact if it was tested as the improving element of advanced oxidation with scCMF or with ccCMF.
The leaching of chemical compounds (NNO3, NNH4, Norg, PpO4 and Ptot) and trace elements (Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, and Pb) from sewage sludge and their migration through the soil profile is the subject of this study. The column experiments were carried out under atmospheric conditions corresponding to natu­rally occurring storm events - sewage sludge amended soil was irrigated with high rates of water. The column filter media used in the laboratory tests were similar to the soils present in degraded areas: coal fly ash (FA), coarse grained sand (CGS) and medium grained sand (MGS). Sewage sludge was applied on the top of each column in the quantity corresponding to the best land reclamation practice. The data obtained in the experiments showed the dynamics of chemical compounds' leaching from the sewage sludge and their further transport through the column beds to the effluents. It was discovered that ni­trogen compounds, such as nitrate (NNO3) and ammonium (N ), as well as some heavy metals (Ni and Cd) - originating from the sewage sludge - can reach deeper than 0.8 m and cause the contamination of potential shallow aquifers.
This paper characterizes the influence of a wastewater treatment plant with activated sludge aerated by CELPOX devices on the microbiological properties of the air at the plant grounds and in the vicinity. Field studies by the sedimentation method were carried out in seven measurement series in 2001. Sampling posts were each time set with regard to the current meteorological conditions like wind speed and wind direction. Microbiological analyses were comprised of: heterotrophic bacteria at 37şC and 26şC, hemolytic bacteria at 37şC and 10şC, staphylococci mannitol-fermenting and non-fermenting, Escherichia coli, coliforms Pseudomonas, enterococci, actinomycetes, yeasts and moulds. The results indicate that generally - in accordance with the Polish Standards [1,2] the air at the plant grounds and in its vicinity was not polluted. However, few spots (mostly in some distance from the plant) were detected where a group of microorganisms was present in increased numbers which has qualified the air as polluted. Biological aerosols from the activated sludge tanks were not generated in considerable amounts, which was confirmed by the absence or small number of faecal bacteria (coliforms, enterococci), absence of mannitol-fermenting straphylococci and typical water-sewage bacteria of the Pseudomonas fluorescens. The main sources of microbiological pollution were the grit removal chamber and the secondary settlers.
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