The article deals with complex active and passive air defence activities carried out by Viet Cong and civilian population during the long war in Vietnam using nonspecialised means of fighting and unconventional ways of disturbing American air strikes. The methods and ways of operation of particular military services and the civilian population of Northern Vietnam that were applied in direct fighting against American Air Forces are characterised and exemplified in the paper. Activities limiting the results of air destructive combat agents played an important role in this respect. The evaluation of methods and ways of organisation and common air defence takes into consideration political, economic, terrain and weather conditions when American Air Forces strikes were conducted. Undertaking complex and common counteractions against American Air Forces brought out many results reflected in the final of that long war. The commentaries and opinions of military experts included in the article confirm this. It is stressed in these opinions that common air defence in Vietnam was a significant support for specialised Air Defence, being an indispensable component of integrated and joint Air Defence. Although many years have passed since the war in Vietnam, the common air defence has not lost its advantages: surprise, flexibility and effectiveness also in the contemporary battlefield as it has been proved in recent armed conflicts in Iraq, Kosovo or Afghanistan. It is clear that the methods and ways of common air defence used in the war in Vietnam were continued and developed regardless the terrain and environment where the fighting and operations were waged. Their results, as in Vietnam, were surprisingly good. In this context, common air defence again proved its effectiveness efficiently counteracting new technological advances and achievements that are applied in modern armed forces.
War has always been inseparably linked to politics, and polls are extremely sensitive to it and the 1968 presidential elections in the United States were not exceptions in this matter. The research looks at the Polish press propaganda regarding the fight for the most important position in the US. As the main source was used „Trybuna Ludu”, which during this period was considered the most important newspaper in the communist media system. Collected material was subjected to both qualitative analysis (how press wrote about candidates, how the American political scene was divided in propaganda and what role in it played war in Asia) and quantitative analysis (what are dominant trends, what kind of narration predominated in propaganda).
The war in Vietnam resulted in numerous casualties, which included troops that were wounded, injured and sick. The fate of these soldiers was determined by the efficiency of the American military medical system. The foundations and structure of the system in South Vietnam had to be created and then further expanded due to the influx of new combatants from America. One of the elements of the medical logistic structure that came under the banner of the medical system was the sanitary-epidemiological security of its military personnel and the individuals (civilians) that cooperated with the American forces. This article attempts to describe and analyze this system, especially those activities that were undertaken in the field regarding the sanitary and epidemiological protection of American troops during the conflict.
Der Vietnamkrieg forderte zahlreiche Gefallene, Verwundete, Verletzte und Kranke. Ihr weiteres Schicksal hing von der Effizienz des medizinischen Systems der amerikanischen Streitkräfte ab. Dieses musste in Südvietnam erst einmal die Grundlagen schaffen und dann mit dem Zustrom neuer amerikanischer Soldaten seine Strukturen ausbauen. Eines der Elemente des medizinischen und logistischen Aufbaus des Sanitätssystems war die sanitär-epidemiologische Absicherung der eigenen militärischen Komponente sowie der mit ihr arbeitenden Personen (Zivilisten). Der vorliegende Artikel ist ein Versuch, dieses System und insbesondere die sanitär-epidemiologischen Schutzmaßnahmen des US-Militärs während des Vietnamkriegs zu beschreiben und zu analysieren.
Wojna w Wietnamie skutkowała licznymi ofiarami, rannymi, kontuzjowanymi oraz chorymi. O ich dalszych losach decydowała sprawność amerykańskiego wojskowego systemu medycznego. Ten w Południowym Wietnamie musiał stworzyć sobie fundamenty, a potem rozbudowywać swoje struktury wraz z napływem nowych żołnierzy z Ameryki. Jednym z elementów medyczno-logistycznej konstrukcji, jaka kryła się pod hasłem systemu medycznego, było zabezpieczenie sanitarno- -epidemiologiczne własnego komponentu wojskowego, jak i osób (cywilów) z nim współpracujących. Niniejszy artykuł jest właśnie próbą opisania i przeanalizowania tego systemu, a szczególnie działań podejmowanych w zakresie ochrony sanitarno- -epidemiologicznej wojsk amerykańskich podczas II konfliktu indochińskiego.
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