Wzrost zainteresowania grą w golfa, obserwowany w ciągu ostatnich lat w Polsce jest przyczyną zapotrzebowania na budowę nowych pól golfowych. Przedstawiona praca prezentuje wyniki waloryzacji krajobrazowej pola golfowego Toya Golf & Country Club - Wrocław w Krzyżanowicach. Wszystkie oceniane w trakcie waloryzacji krajobrazowej cechy pola wykazywały najwyższe wartości, co pozwala na stwierdzenie, że realizacja pola golfowego została wykonana w ścisłej harmonii z projektem. Stwierdzono prawidłowe wkomponowanie pola golfowego w krajobraz oraz odnotowano obecność gatunków drzew i krzewów rodzimych, zgodnych z roślinnością naturalną danego obszaru. Nie stwierdzono ponadto ujemnego oddziaływania nowopowstałego obiektu na środowisko przyrodnicze.
The result of increasing interests of golf last years is building of a new golf course. Presented paper shows the results of landscape assessment of a golf course Toya Golf & Country Club - Wrocław. The valuated golf course features point out the highest values. It is the basis of stating, that the golf course realization was made exact balance with project. A right putting of golf course into landscape composition was affirmed. On full size TG & CC golf course the presence of native, compatibles in most cases with natural potential vegetation trees and scrubs species was described. The negative influence of object on natural environment was not noted.
In areas of high natural beauty and landscape values the main problem is to maintain a balance between the protection and sharing. Over-activation of tourism and holiday traffic may lead to the irreversible degradation of the landscape or the destruction of its most important components that determine the attractiveness of the place. In this regard, reasonable, balanced Policy and practice of spatial development of such areas should be guided, as a long-term goal, the need to preserve the attractiveness of the place, rather than temporary economic interests. This requires a prior inventory of such places, a proper assessment of their values and recognize the existing situation on the ground, including for possible corrective action to restore the attractiveness of the place. An important role in these activities are suitable layout and demarcation of hiking trails and their landscape valorization.. This issue have been analysed on an example of the valuation of landscape attractiveness along a chosen hiking tourist route (Bolesławów - Kletno - Hala pod Śnieżnikiem - Śnieżnik) in the Massif of Śnieżnik in the East Sudety Mts The valuation of landscape was based on giving points to individual elements of landscape on a scale 1-5. At each point along the route, 10 elements of landscape was subject to an assessment. They are: terrain, flora, fauna, water, process and cultural transformation, the elements of the cultural environment, composition, color, originality and visual experience (individual assessment). Detailed rules for the assessment contained in the master table. Scoring for each stage of the route has been averaged. As a result, it was established an impressions curve on a graph, showing the variability along the landscape. Based on the obtained scale values of the landscape, along a route was determined areas with a very high, high, medium, low and very low values of landscape.
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