Omówiono i porównano sposób żywienia kobiet w wieku rozrodczym, uwzględniając ich stan fizjologiczny (nie będące w ciąży, ciężarne, karmiące). Wady w żywieniu kobiet są podobne, przy czym spożycie produktów i składników odżywczych przez kobiety ciężarne i karmiące w mniejszym stopniu jest zbilansowane z zaleceniami i normami niż przez nieciężarne.
Results of dietary intake evaluation of 234 women aged 17-39 living in Łódź area have been reported. Three physiologically different groups of women were studied: nonpregnants, pregnants in their second trimester and breat-feeding (4-6 weeks after delivery). The 24-h food intake recall method was applied. Independent of the physiological status, the average intake of most food products among all women was below the recommended values. The greatest discrepancies between the recommended and actual intakes were noted among the breast-feeding women. The main faults in the nutrition of the women, independent of their physiological status, were: high energy intake from fat, low energy intake from carbohydrates, low intake of polyunsaturated acids, minerals and vitamins. Changed physiological status (pregnancy, lactation) was not accompanied by changes in the dietary habits of the women.
Dokonano ilościowej oceny żywienia studentów medycyny na podstawie danych o spożyciu z ostatnich 24 godz. przed badaniem. Zasadnicze wady żywieniowe dotyczyły niedostatecznego spożycia mleka i jego przetworów, produktów zbożowych i ziemniaków. Stwierdzono korzystne tendencje żywieniowe, wyrażające się w zadawalającym spożyciu warzyw i owoców oraz w zmienionej strukturze spożycia tłuszczów na korzyść olejów i miękkich margaryn.
A qualitative nutrition assessment of 54 female and 47 male students from the Medical University of Gdańsk was carried out. The study was based on the 24-hour recall. The dietary data were evaluated by a computer program. In this study, the following dietary deficiencies were ascertained: insufficient intake of milk, cereals and potatoes, also the share of energy obtained from fats was too high, while that obtained from carbohydrates was too low. Favourable trends in students nutritional habits were: adequate intake of fruits and vegetables, and an increased share of oil and soft margarines in fat products intake.