The presented study is a commentary on the affirmative judgment of the Roman Rota c. Ferreira Pena of 30 October 2013. In the structure of the study, the author discussed in detail the various segments of the judgment: the course of the case, legal and factual motives. In the commentary he showed that the ponens’ inference consisted in the implementation of the ratio of the reverential fear which is the protection of the nupturient’s freedom to marry, which was the case of Lycien. He proved the adopted thesis by means of direct and indirect proof. Firstly, he proved that the plaintiff’s statements were supported by the testimony of witnesses and the circumstances of the case; secondly, he proved that the plaintiff had a serious aversion to entering into marriage.
Zaprezentowane opracowanie jest komentarzem do afirmatywnego wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Ferreira Pena z 30 października 2013 roku. W strukturze opracowania Autor szczegółowo omówił poszczególne segmenty rozstrzygnięcia: przebieg sprawy, motywy prawne oraz faktyczne. W komentarzu wykazał, iż wnioskowanie ponensa polegało na implantacji ratio tytułu bojaźni szacunkowej jaką jest ochrona wolności nupturienta w zawieraniu małżeństwa, jaką była sprawa Lycien. Przyjętą tezę udowodnił za pomocą dowodzenia bezpośredniego oraz pośredniego. Po pierwsze dowiódł, iż oświadczenia powoda zostały poparte zeznaniami świadków oraz okolicznościami sprawy; po drugie, wykazał wystąpienie u powoda poważnej awersji do zawieranego małżeństwa.
The author of the presented article focused on the interpretation of canon can. 1096 §§ 1 -2 CIC. What he pointed out is that canon includes elements essential to knowledge about marriage, necessary to enter into marriage.Raising the issue of the necessity for the contracting parties to obtain knowledge as for the spouse’s own good, the author supported the thesis that this requirement is partially contained in the knowledge of relativity of marital union pointed out by the docrine.As far as future codification is concerned, the author spoke in favor of abolishing the presumption included in canon 1096 § 2 CIC because of the difficulties connected with determining the age og maturity. What he calls for is that in this case reference should be made to the solution codified in Code of Canons of the Eastern Church (ca. 891), in which the legislator did not address the issue leaving it to judges hearing the case to determine the required age of maturity.
One of the defects of matrimonial consent is error. Error in canon law is a belief that is contrary to the legal reality, a false judgment concerning a thing, law, or an act in law. Error causes marriage to be invalid if it concerns a spouse or his or her attributes. Error as to the spouse affects will when it applies to his or her identity. Error in relation to the attributes affects will if it is directly and substantially intended. This error can affect any attribute as long as the latter is special and meaningful – only then does it become part of the object of consent and dominates the subject. The attribute becomes the main element of the object of matrimonial consent. Legal error – concerning unity, indissolubility, or sacramental dignity of marriage – renders marriage invalid since it determines will.
In the presented study, the author commented the judgment of the Roman Rota, c. Ferreira Pena of April 18, 2012. At the Rota’s stage, the case was considered for a partial simulation (exclusio boni prolis) and for severe fear (metus reverentialis).In the legal part of the rotating judgment there was shown, among others, the relationship between the circumstances of premarital life and the reason for simulating a marital consensus, for which a positive act of will is needed. The incompatibility of the simulation and fear titles was also pointed out, hence the second title was not considered. On the other hand, in the factual part ponens pointed out that the nullity of the marriage had been proved using both direct and indirect proving. In the case conducted it was shown that what prompted the defendant to simulate was the lack of love for the defendant and submission to the circumstances of family life and social pressure. It has also been proven that the exclusion of offspring by the defendant was closely related to the constant practice of taking contraceptives.
W zaprezentowanym opracowaniu Autor skomentował wyrok Roty Rzymskiej c. Ferreira Pena z 18 kwietnia 2012 roku. Na stopniu rotalnym sprawa była rozpatrywana z tytułu symulacji częściowej (exclusio boni prolis) oraz z tytułu ciężkiej bojaźni (metus reverentialis).W części prawnej rotalnego orzeczenia wykazano m. in. związek między okolicznościami życia przedmałżeńskiego oraz przyczyną symulacji konsensu małżeńskiego, do zaistnienia którego potrzebny jest pozytywny akt woli. Wskazano także na absorbcję tytułów symulacji i bojaźni, stąd też odstąpiono od orzekania z tego drugiego tytułu. W części faktycznej natomiast ponens wskazał, że nieważność małżeństwa udowodniono przy zastosowaniu zarówno dowodzenia bezpośredniego, jak i pośredniego. W prowadzonej sprawie wykazano, iż tym co skłoniło pozwaną do symulacji, był brak miłości do pozwanego oraz poddanie się okolicznościom życia rodzinnego i presji społecznej. Udowodniono też, iż wykluczenie potomstwa przez pozwaną, było ściśle związane ze stałą praktyką przyjmowania środków antykoncepcyjnych.
In the presented study the Author commented on the judgment of the Roman Rota c. Bottone of 2 February 2010. The analysis shows that the legal part of the rotal judgment was based on the general theory of a legal act. In the factual part ponens accumulated two titles exclusion of the good of the sacrament and exclusion of the good of faith. The invalidity of the marriage was proven using indirect proof. In the present case, it has been shown that what prompted the defendant to take such a step was the fact that even before the marriage she had maintained a relationship with another man. It was also proved that the plaintiff's exclusion of offspring was in close connection with the defendant's change of attitude towards him.
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