W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązania dwóch innowacyjnych konstrukcji maszyn górniczych przeznaczonych do pracy w podziemnym górnictwie rud metali, szczególnie zaś w złożach typu żyłowego. Pierwsza z nich to wóz wiercący z pojedynczym wysięgnikiem o zmniejszonych wymiarach poprzecznych, natomiast druga to wóz kotwiący, wyposażony w układ przeznaczony do montażu siatki zabezpieczającej.
The article focuses on two innovative mining rigs intended for use in underground mining of metal ores, especially in vein type deposits. The first presented machine is a single boom drilling rig with reduced transverse dimensions, while the second is a bolting one equipped with a dedicated anchoring system for mounting safety mesh. The methodology of design of both machines, with particular emphasis on the use of computer simulations to determine the dynamic loads were presented. Boundary conditions for the simulations were based on the condition of mining activities associated with the extraction of or from the vein deposits. Kinematic and dynamic analysis were applied to the chassis and working systems (drill and bolter) of both machines. One of the most important elements of the study was the analysis of traversing obstacles during movement. The research was conducted using multibody simulation method. The paper presents the adopted model of physical objects, as well as sample results in the form of load acting waveforms on the nodal points of the structure. The estimation of this type dynamic loads allowed to verify the established design solutions of studied machines. In conclusion the final structure of both rigs were presented.
The article presents methodology and selected results of simulation tests of diesel and electric dive system for drilling rig. Research in this field were conducted under the project no. POIR.01.01.01-00-D011/16 entitled „New generation of modular rigs, drilling and bolting, with battery drives, designated to work in underground cooper ore and raw rock material mines”. The project is funded by the National Center of Research and Development (NCBiR). The aim of the project is to design and implementation of innovation drilling and bolting rig with electric drive system. Due to the complexity of the structure of the drive system (mechanical, hydraulic and electrical elements), it was necessary to use advanced simulation software dedicated to multiphysics analysis. Data presented in the article can be used as guidelines in design process of drilling and bolting rigs as well as in optimization their driving system and mechanical construction.
The article presents the structure of the battery drive of a self-propelled mining vehicle on the example of a drilling rig, used in the room-pillar system of copper ore exploitation. Such solutions, due to the ore mining in increasingly difficult operating conditions, are becoming more and more popular in the world. The main assumptions required for the synthesis of this type of drive were indicated, as well as the adopted structure of such a solution was described. The selection of the appropriate drive structure determines the final work characteristics of the self-propelled mining vehicle, and thus the actual suitability of such a machine for use in mining conditions. The paper also details the main technological advantages of this type of drive over classic internal combustion drives.
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W kopalni miedzi KGHM Polska Miedź SA eksploatacja złóż odbywa się w coraz trudniejszych warunkach pracy wynikających z większej głębokości. Wychodząc naprzeciw potrzebom kopalni KGHM oraz wpisując się w światowe trendy rozwoju maszyn górniczych, firma Mine Master przy współpracy z AGH w Krakowie, Łukasiewicz-EMAG i Politechniką Wrocławską opracowała i wdrożyła wóz kotwiący zasilany bateryjnie, przeznaczony do warunków KGHM. Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe informacje techniczne dotyczące wozu Roof Master 1,8KE oraz wyniki prób ruchowych przeprowadzonych na głębokości 850 m. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że maszyna pozwala na przejechanie 13 km na jednym ładowaniu. Ładowanie baterii od 20% do 70% trwa 2,5 godziny, a do 100% 2–3 godziny. Natomiast zabudowa jednej kotwy pochłania około 3,0% baterii.
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