The continuous background seismic activity contains information on the internal state of a volcanic system. Here, we report the influence of major regional tectonic earthquakes (M > 5 in most cases) on such state, reflected as changes in the spectral and dynamical parameters of the volcano continuous seismic data. Although changes do not always occur, analysis of five cases of earthquake-induced variations in the signals recorded at Popocatepetl volcano in central Mexico reveal significant fluctuations following the tectonic earthquakes. External visible volcanic activity, such as small to moderate explosions and ash emissions, were related to those fluctuations. We briefly discuss possible causes of the variations. We conclude that recognition of fluctuations in the dynamical parameters in volcano monitoring seismic signals after tectonic earthquakes, even those located in the far field, hundreds of kilometers away, may provide an additional criterion for eruption forecasting, and for decision making in the definition of volcanic alert levels.
I analysed changes in the relief of the partly glaciated Azau Valley in the Central Caucasus, neighbouring to Elbrus volcanic cone (5643m a.s.l.) resulting from intensification of volcanic activity and valley glaciers’ oscillations during the last 1100 years. Field research, analysis of topographic maps and photographs from the last 140 years as well as information in literature were the basis for my work. I identified the most important geomorphological processes modelling the valley: a lava flow, floods of jökulhlaup type, glaciers’ transgressions and recessions, erosion of moraines and mass movements on the slopes. I distinguished eight sections of the Azau Valley varied in their relief and being under the differentiated influence of the listed geomorphological processes. The valley under question, represents the Alpine type area of typical cascade like transfer of waste material from the slope to the valley systems and further along its floor. Hanging tributary valleys on the Azau Valley slopes are valleys exporting waste material while the main valley functions as the valley importing waste material. In the period of absence of visible volcanic activity of Elbrus, the fastest changes in the Azau Valley relief take place during the recession of the valley and slope glaciers and of ice cap on this volcano. Findings proof interdependence of intensity of material aggradation in the valley and the amount of moraine deposits which can quickly erode and be transported to the stream channel, easily accessible weathered material derived from marginal ice-free areas as well as on the volume of ice melting water discharging great loads of sediment.
Volcanism has both positive and negative effects. The limitation of the latter ones is admittedly difficult, however, depending on the strength and frequency of events and opportunities for the communities living in these areas is real, and the steps undertaken by them are varied. Despite the risks of inhabiting the regions of active volcanism these areas are densely populated. In the endangered areas the authorities, supported by scientists, are responsible for the effective management of risk and preparation of evacuation plans, which reduces material losses, and saves the life of the inhabitants. Thus, the question is whether and how the island society living in areas directly threatened by volcanic activity can counteract its negative effects? The article makes reference to the eruptions of located on the islands volcanoes Mont Pelée (Martinique), Soufrière Hills (Montserrat), Pinatubo (Luzon) and Helgafell (Heimaey), Ruapehu (New Zealand) and Santa Barbara (Terceira).
Wulkanizm niesie ze sobą zarówno pozytywne jak i negatywne skutki. Ograniczenie tych drugich jest wprawdzie trudne, jednak zależnie od siły i częstotliwości zdarzeń oraz możliwości społeczeństw żyjących na tych terenach realne, a podejmowane przez nie działania zróżnicowane. Mimo ryzyka wiążącego się z zamieszkiwaniem regionów aktywnego wulkanizmu obszary te są gęsto zaludnione. Na terenach zagrożonych władze, wspierane przez naukowców, ponoszą odpowiedzialność za efektywne zarządzanie ryzykiem oraz przygotowanie planów ewakuacji, co pozwala na ograniczenie strat materialnych, czy uratowanie życia mieszkańców. Zatem czy i w jaki sposób społeczeństwa wyspiarskie zamieszkujące tereny bezpośrednio zagrożone aktywnością wulkaniczną mogą przeciwdziałać jej negatywnym skutkom? W artykule odniesiono się do erupcji znajdujących się na wyspach wulkanów: Mont Pelée (Martynika), Soufrière Hills (Montserrat), Pinatubo (Luzon), Helgafell (Heimaey), Ruapehu (Nowa Zelandia) i Santa Barbara (Terceira).