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W artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję zmiany kodeka mowy w trakcie zestawionego połączenia VoIP w sytuacji pogorszenia parametrów transmisyjnych. Proponowany mechanizm wykorzystuje standardowe protokoły VoIP bez modyfikacji ich składni oraz nie wymaga informacji o stanie łącza z warstw niższych. Mechanizm został praktycznie zaimplementowany w programowym kliencie SIP i zbadany. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań.
The paper presents an idea of changing a voice codec during the established call in case of deterioration of transmission’s parameters. The proposed mechanism uses standard VoIP protocols without modification, and does not require link state information from the lower layers. The mechanism has been practically implemented in SIP softphone, and tested. The result of research was presented in the paper.
Opisano systemy OmniPCX 4440 i OmniOffice - centrale PABX firmy Alcatel, umożliwiające realizację rozwiązań telefonii internetowej w środowisku sieci korporacyjnych.
The paper presents Alcatel OmniPCX 4400 and OmniOffice - PABXs for internet telephony solutions in corporate environment.
Content available remote Agent based VoIP Application with Reputation Mechanisms
In this paper we introduce our new VoIP model the aim of which is to meet the challenges of modern telephony. We present project concepts, details of implementation and our testing environment which was designed for testing many aspects of VoIP based systems. Our system combines mechanisms for ensuring best possible connection quality (QoS), load balance of servers in infrastructure, providing security mechanisms and giving control over the packet routing decisions. The system is based on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) model and data between users are routed over an overlay network, consisting of all participating peers as network nodes. In the logging process, each user is assigned to a specific node (based on his/her geographic location and nodes load). Every node also has a built-in mechanism allowing to mediate between the user and the main server (e.g. in logging process). Besides that, because nodes are participating in data transmission, we have control over the data flow route. It is possible to specify the desired route, so, regardless of the external routing protocol, we can avoid paths that are susceptible to eavesdropping. Another feature of presented system is usage of agents. Each agent acts with a single node. Its main task is to constantly control the quality of transmission. It analyzes such parameters like link bandwidth use, number of lost packets, time interval between each packets etc. The information collected by the agents from all nodes allows to built a dynamic routing table. Every node uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the best at the moment route to all other nodes. The routes are constantly modified as a consequence of changes found by agents or updates sent by other nodes. To ensure greater security and high reliability of the system, we have provided a reputation mechanism. It is used during updating of the information about possible routes and their quality, given by other nodes. Owing to this solution nodes and routes which are more reliable get higher priority.
Despite the growing importance of packet switching systems, there is still a shortage of thorough analyses of VoIP transmission effect on speech and speaker recognition performance. Voice over IP transmission systems use packet switching. There is no guarantee of delivery. The main disadvantage of VoIP is a packet loss which has a major impact on the performance experienced by the users of the network. There are several techniques to mask the effects of a packet loss, referred to as packet loss concealment. In this study, the effect of voice transmission over IP on automatic speaker verification system performance was investigated. The analyzed system was based on MAP-EM-GMM modelling methods. Four various speech codecs of H.323 standard were investigated with special emphasis placed on the packet loss phenomenon and various packet loss concealment techniques.
Content available Analysis of Burst Ratio in Concatenated Channels
Burst ratio is a parameter that quanties packet loss patterns in transmission networks. It has been dened for an end-to-end scenario, therefore burst ratio can be determined only if the characteristics of the whole transmission path are known. In this paper, the burst ratio parameter applicability to cases when the transmission path consists of a series of transmission channels with known packet loss rate and burst ratio values is extended. The paper also presents the results of simulations performed with NS2 software, demonstrating the validity of the burst ratio analysis. Consequently, the research makes it possible to determine the value of the burst ratio parameter in concatenated packet networks, which in turn supports delivering higher quality VoIP services.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości współpracy systemu Voice over IP z siecią telekomunikacyjną (siecią telefoniczną). Na wstępie nakreślono zakres pojęcia Voice over IP, a następnie zdefiniowano pojęcia: współpracy oraz systemu Voice over IP, a także porównano pojęcie centrali Voice over IP z klasyczną centralą. Omówiono najbardziej typowe metody przyłączenia systemu VoIP do sieci PSTN, takie jak: analogowe łącze telefoniczne (reprezentowane przez styki FXS i FXO), łącze ISDN (w dostępie podstawowym) i łącze E1 (dostęp pierwotnogrupowy). Poszczególne rodzaje dostępów zostały zilustrowane przykładami wykorzystania. Oceniono ich przydatność, funkcjonalność i złożoność realizacji. Wskazano także usługi dodatkowe, warunkujące zapewnienie dobrej współpracy systemów VoIP i PSTN, w szczególności poprawną transmisję informacji wybierczych po zestawieniu połączenia. Zaproponowano kryteria oceny jakości współpracy, zwracając jednocześnie uwagę na brak formalnych wymagań w kwestii badania testowania protokołów Voice over IP i urządzeń realizujących współpracę.
This paper provides overview and analysis of a typical cooperation method for the Voice over IP system and public switched telephone network (PSTN). At the beginning, general aspects of the Voice over IP were presented. The Voice over IP is a technique that offers the users a telephone service in the IP network. Therefore there is a necessity for VoIP system to make possible connection from the VoIP system subscriber to PSTN subscriber and in reverse direction. There is a lack of uniform onomastics in Voice over IP and therefore basic definitions have been prepared. The first discussed and defined term was "the VoIP exchange". Differences between a typical telephone exchange and the VoIP exchange were presented. Next the terms "VoIP system" and "cooperation" were defined. It is assumed that "the VoIP system" is a set of stations in IP network using the same VoIP protocol for communication between them. And "the cooperation" was defined as possibility of making telephone connection (with specific quality) between the users of different telephone systems. In the main part of the paper, three types of VoIP-PSTN connections were presented and discussed. First one was an analogue telephone line (typical subscriber line in PSTN), that can act as FXO or FXS interface. This kind of access is available in almost all situations, but it has some limitations such as: lack of signalling information after making connection, necessity of using IVR system for incoming call control, etc. Second discussed interface was basic rate interface (BRI) ISDN. It offers two digital B-channels and additional signalling channel (D). Access via BRI ISDN interface enable us to use additional service like CLIP, CLIR, MSN, DDI, MWI. The last presented interface was PCM-30 interface (called E1). PCM-30 can act on various types of signalization, typically it works on DSS1 (digital signalization using in ISDN). Application of the discussed interface has been illustrated by the examples of configuration of two VoIP exchanges (Alcatel OmniPCX and Asterisk PBX). Other additional aspects of interworking, like signals transmission after connection establishing were presented too. Especially, transmission of DTMF signals in audio channel was discussed. The test results of on tones in-band transmission were presented. In the last part of the paper, appraisal of the cooperation performance was proposed. Based on the cooperation definition, such factors as time of connection establishing, speech quality, latency, and echo, presence of the additional services, were introduced. Conclusions end the paper.
Przedstawiono propozycję badania jakości transmisji mowy za pomocą zdań nieprzewidywalnych semantycznie. Badano wyrazistość sygnału mowy na przykładzie przesyłania mowy przez sieć Internet w technice VolP. Wybrane systemy do testów to popularny Skype, softphone X-Lite z dwoma koderami mowy oraz eFon z koderem iLBC, które badano w sieci z kontrolowaną stratą pakietów. Dokonano przeglądu metod badania jakości mowy, zaprezentowano metodę testów SUS. Opisano również eksperyment, w którym porównywano badane systemy telefonii internetowej, a także eksperyment, w którym porównywano metodę zdań SUS z klasyczną metodą badania wyrazistości logatomowej. Wskazano na zalety metody zdań SUS.
In this paper it is proposed to assess quality of speech signal transmission using Semantically Unpredictable Sentences (SUS). Articulation quality of speech signal has been examined, using the example of Voice over IP transmission. Popular Skype, X-Lite softphone with 2 speech coders (G. 711, GSM) and eFon with iLBC coder we-re the VolP systems selected for testing. The tests were conducted in an IP network with controlled loss of packets. The article presents a summary of speech quality assessment methods and describes the proposed SUS method. An experiment with participation of 20 listeners aiming at comparing the selected VolP systems is presented, as well as an experiment with 10 participants, which was meant to show a comparison between SUS method and classical logatom articulation method. The experiments showed that semantically unpredictable sentences can be successfully used in assessment of speech transmission quality; a strong correlation between results of SUS tests and logatom articulation tests has been shown. Advantages of SUS method have been underlined, such as ease of use and simplicity of results interpretation.
Content available Implementation of cost-effective VoIP network
This paper describes a sample test implementation of an cost effective Voice over IP network. The implementation is currently taking place at Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science in Technical University of Lodz, Poland
Content available Burst Ratio in Concatenated Markov-based Channels
This paper deals with the burst ratio parameter, which describes the burstiness of a packet loss observed in digital networks. It is one of the input parameters of E-model – the most widely used method of assessing conversational quality of telephony. The burst ratio is defined for one channel scenario so it can be calculated when the whole transmission path has been characterized by a single set of parameters. The main objective of the paper is to extend the burst ratio definition when the transmission path is defined as a tandem concatenation of transmission channels being described by their individual burst ratios. It is assumed that packet loss of a single channel is described by a 2-state Markov chain. The final result of the research is an equation describing the burst ratio parameter when the transmission path consists of multiple concatenated channels. The derived formula has been validated by extensive simulations.
Przedstawiono protokoły i standardy wykorzystywane obecnie w komunikacji głosowej w sieci Internet. Omówiono najczęściej stosowane obecnie protokoły sygnalizacji, protokoły transmisyjne oraz standardy kompresji sygnału mowy wykorzystywane w telefonii internetowej. Dodatkowo przedstawiono główne problemy, na jakie napotyka rozwój telefonii internetowej oraz nakreślono perspektywy jej dalszego rozwoju.
The article presents protocols and standards of voice communication over Internet network. The most popular signalization protocols, transmissions protocols and speech compression technics are presented. In article additionally are shown main problems of internet telephony development and future perspective.
Przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z podstawowymi protokołami stosowanymi w sieciach Voice over IP. Skoncentrowano się na opisie stosunkowo nowego, ale dynamicznie wdrażanego protokołu SIP. Opisano podstawowe rozwiązania architektury sieci opartych na protokole SIP, omówiono system sygnalizacji dla tego protokołu, zademonstrowano jak realizowane są połączenia Voice over IP w trybach proxy i redirect. W podsumowaniu nakreślono, jakie są w obecnej chwili perspektywy dla ekspansji protokołu SIP w sprzęcie sieciowym.
In this paper we review some topics in evolution of basic protocols controlling voice transmission over IP networks. A special attention is paid toimplementation of the latest, dynamically developed SIP protocol. The basic architecture of SIP, signalization protocols and main implementation issues are presented. Examples of connections of Voice over IP in proxy and redirect modes are given. Finally, perspectives of SIP in network products are projected.
The paper presents a practical implementation of the non-classified data hiding system (NDHS) understood as a military platform for information warfare that takes advantage of the hidden data transmission for voice connections in order to gain informational lead over a potential enemy. The NDHS performs here as a botnet network that is managed by the hidden transmission controller referred to as the master resident. Research studies are dedicated to investigation of various connections in heterogeneous links as well as functionalities of such components as hidden protocol bridges and the master resident.
Content available Ocena jakości usług telefonii pakietowej
W artykule kompleksowo opisano podejście do zagadnienia oceny jakości usług telefonii pakietowej. Na wstępnie dokonano systematyki pojęć związanych z oceną jakości, wyjaśniając różnicę pomiędzy używanymi w tym kontekście terminami QoS (Quality of Service) oraz QoE (Quality of Experience). Następnie omówiono możliwe poziomy oceny jakości, tj. poziom sieci, aplikacji i użytkownika, opisując dla każdego z nich adekwatne metryki jakościowe, stosowne rekomendacje organizacji standaryzujących oraz sugerowane wartości graniczne warunkujące akceptowalną jakość. Dla poziomu użytkownika dokonano krótkiej systematyki stosowanych metod oceny, koncentrując się na metodzie E-model z zalecenia ITU-T G.107 [1]. E-model jest nieinwazyjną, pasywną metodą pozwalającą na oszacowanie subiektywnej oceny użytkownika w skali MOS (Mean Opinion Score) na bazie wartości parametrów obiektywnych tzn. w pełni mierzalnych. W pracy zilustrowano praktyczne zastosowanie E-modelu, wyjaśniając sposób pozyskiwania niezbędnych dla niego wartości z raportów protokołu RTCP (Real Time Control Protocol).
This paper summarizes quality evaluation of the IP packet telephony service. At the beginning the taxonomy of the quality related concepts is introduced and the fundamental differences between QoS (Quality of Service) and QoE (Quality of Experience) approaches are explained. Furthermore the possible quality evaluation levels including user, application and network perspective are proposed and for each quality evaluation level the relevant recommendations of 23 standardization bodies, the adequate metrics and associated thresholds necessary for the acceptable service quality are discussed. For the user level, the brief review of the quality evaluation methods is presented with the special focus on E-model as defined in ITU-T G.107 [1] recommendation. E-model is a not invasive passive method that let to estimate the user subjective opinion in MOS (Mean Opinion Score) scale based on the values of the measurable objective parameters. In this paper the practical application of the E-model is described including details related to acquisition of the necessary values from RTCP (Real Tome Control Protocol) reports.
Przedstawiono możliwości implementacji serwerów telekomunikacyjnych z rodziny Hicom 300 E w nowoczesnych konwergentnych sieciach teleinformatycznych oraz zakres usług przez nie realizowanych.
The article describes possibility of implementation the family of telecommunication servers in modern converged networks. There are presented the services available in these servers.
Przedstawiono system 7R/ETMPTS, należący do rodziny rozwiązań 7F1/E realizujacych idee konwergencji głosu i danych. System ten może być zastosowany wszedzie tam, gdzie istnieje potrzeba zmodernizowania istniejącej szkieletowej sieci tranzytowej lub zbudowania jej od podstaw tak, aby mogła obsłużyć dynamicznie rosnacy ruch danych oraz transmisje głosu w postaci pakietowej. Przedstawiono szczegółowo główne elementy systemu z omówieniem realizowanych przez nie funkcji.
7R/ETM solution is a product family of Lucent Technologies for voice and data network convergence. One of the family members, 7FVETMPacket Toll Solution is presented, which is targeted for packet oriented transit networks. Hardware and software system components are described in detail. An example of the ATM-based transit network call flow is provided.
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