One of the important topics raised both by blessed Primate Stefan Wyszyński and in the teaching of St. John Paul II, there was the theme of life. The value of life includes both the temporal dimension and the supernatural participation of God's life in man. Primate Wyszyński and the Polish Pope consistently demanded respect for the inviolable nature of life from conception to natural death. God's grace in man determines the beautiful shape of life. Sensitivity to the beauty of the human soul is one of the important factors in the teaching of John Paul II, as well as characterizing the person of the Primate of the Millennium. The issue of life is also related to fertility and fatherhood. Fatherhood is expressed in the responsible fulfillment of tasks related both to the spiritual paternity of priests and to the physical paternity of fathers in the family.
Jednym z istotnych tematów podejmowanych zarówno przez błogosławionego Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego, jak i w nauczaniu św. Jana Pawła II, był temat życia. Wartość życia obejmuje zarówno wymiar doczesny, jak i nadprzyrodzony udział życia Bożego w człowieku. Prymas Wyszyński i Papież Polak upominali się konsekwentnie o poszanowanie nienaruszalnego charakteru życia od poczęcia do naturalnej śmierci. O pięknym kształcie życia decyduje łaska Boża w człowieku. Wrażliwość na piękno duszy człowieka jest jednym z istotnych czynników nauczania Jana Pawła II, jak też charakteryzujących osobę Prymasa Tysiąclecia. Zagadnienie życia wiąże się także z płodnością i ojcostwem. Ojcostwo wyraża się w odpowiedzialnym wypełnianiu zadań związanych zarówno z ojcostwem duchowym kapłanów, jak też z ojcostwem fizycznym ojców w rodzinie.
In the classical Indian theatre or nāṭya, two rūpakas: nāṭaka and prakaraṇa, represent the most valued rūpakas or dramatic varieties. Nāṭaka, with its mytho-heroic-love subject and idealized representation of life, does not give a realistic picture of Indian life as prakaraṇas, profane in their character, do by describing urban life (Śūdraka’s Mr̥ cchakaṭikā) or courtly life (Kālidāsa’s Mālavikāgnimitra). The third preserved prakaraṇa, Bhavabhūti’s Mālatῑmādhava, with its love story, gives some socio-religious background (tantrism) as well. But the most plastic picture of everyday social life in ancient India is to be found in two other rūpakas, namely bhāṇa and prahasana. Bhāṇas are exemplified in Caturbhāṇῑ, in the texts of Śyāmilaka, Vararuci, Śūdraka and Īśvaradatta; and prahasanas are best represented in the work of Mahendravikramavarman. A lively description of the city life is achieved by bringing on the stage people from different strata of the society in a kaleidoscopic range of interesting characters.
This study synthetically undertakes the main message of the encyclical of Saint John Paul II on the 25th anniversary of its announcement, March 25, 1995. The purpose of displaying and reminding was not only the celebration of the anniversary, but above all the fact that today this document reveals its extraordinary timeliness, perhaps greater than when it was published. Here, the prophetic charisma of Saint Pope John Paul II is revealed. Noticing certain socio-cultural phenomena dominating the world and the ideas in which they had their roots, the Polish Pope decided that it is right and necessary to remind the world about the message that the Church foretells about the mystery of man. This mystery reveals its splendor in the light of God’s revelation, i.e. the Gospel which is the Person of Christ himself. In our time, the Gospel of life sounds extremely loud and requires steadfast, convincing and persistent preaching to the world today.
Il presente testo riprende sinteticamente il messaggio dell’enciclica di san Giovanni Paolo II nel 25° anniversario della sua promulgazione, il 25 marzo 1995. Il fine di esporre e di ricordare i temi principali non è solo legato a questa ricorrenza, ma il fatto che proprio oggi il documento dimostra la sua straordinaria attualità, forse più che nei tempi quando era scritta. Questo permette di percepire il carisma profetico – teologicamente intesa – del santo papa, Giovanni Paolo II. Egli infatti, osservando certi fenomeni socio-culturali nel mondo e le idee che stavano alle loro base, ha deciso di ricordare l’annuncio della Chiesa che riguarda il mistero dell’uomo. Questo mistero risplende alla luce della Divina Rivelazione, cioè nel Vangelo che è la persona stessa di Cristo. Nei nostri tempi il Vangelo della vita suona con un particolare timbro e richiede di essere annunciato ad alta voce, davanti al mondo intero.
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