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Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the study was to evaluate activities of farms located in the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park according to the principles of sustainable development. Materials and methods: Survey research was carried out in the Korczyna commune among randomly selected farm owners at the turn of 2014 and 2015. Results and conclusion: Agricultural production is rather versatile and unspecialized in most of the farm-holdings covered by the study in Korczyna Local Government Area (LGA). Cereals dominate the cropping system, while animal husbandry is predominantly by using the Simmental cattle breed. The farmers are aware that they farm in specific conditions, where sustainable land use is crucial for protecting biodiversity and preserving cultural heritage, thus permitting inhabitants to live in an uncontaminated environment. The Korczyna Local Government Area enjoys favourable conditions for the running of ecological farms, but with farmers visibly lacking in motivation as they consider such farming system as unprofitable, besides requiring lots of time and work.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem badań była ocena funkcjonowania gospodarstw rolnych położonych na terenach Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego zgodnie z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju. Materiały i metody: Badania ankietowe zostały przeprowadzone na terenie gminy Korczyna wśród losowo wybranych właścicieli gospodarstw rolnych na przełomie 2014 i 2015 roku. Wyniki i wnioski: W większości badanych gospodarstw w gminie Korczyna produkcja rolna ma charakter wszechstronny oraz niewyspecjalizowany. W uprawach dominują zboża, a w produkcji zwierzęcej użytkowanie bydła rasy simentalskiej. Rolnicy mają świadomość, że gospodarują w specyficznych warunkach, gdzie zrównoważone użytkowanie gruntów jest bardzo ważne dla ochrony różnorodności biologicznej oraz zachowania dziedzictwa kulturowego, a także pozwala mieszkańcom na życie w nieskażonym środowisku. Gmina Korczyna posiada sprzyjające warunki do tworzenia gospodarstw ekologicznych, ale zaobserwowano brak motywacji ze strony rolników, którzy uważają ten typ gospodarowania za nieopłacalny oraz wymagający dużego nakładu pracy i czasu.
Sulphur dioxide is one of the principal gases responsible for the quality of atmospheric air. Air pollution, even relatively low one, is not indifferent to human health. In 2007-2009, an investigation was carried out to follow changes in the concentration of sulphur dioxide in atmospheric air, in different time intervals, depending on the air temperature and humidity. This paper draws on results of continuous measurements taken at the Station of Monitoring the Immission of Air Pollutants in Olsztyn-Kortowo. The measured concentrations of SO2 were presented graphically as means for different time intervals. It has been demonstrated that changes in SO2 concentrations were mainly induced by drops in temperatures, emissions and other industrial actitivities, as well as the course of the growth and development of plants. The highest concentrations appeared at noon and the lowest ones were at night. Analysis of similarities verified hourly variations in the SO2 concentrations in air. Four distinc groups were distinguished: nocturnal (1:00-7:00 a.m.), mid-day (10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.), a group with two time intervals (8:00- 9:00 a.m.; 4:00-7:00 p.m.) and late evening (8:00 p.m. - midnight). Considering the aerial concentration levels of this gas in monthly intervals, high similarity was observed between the early spring versus the autumn and winter seasons. Dependences between SO2 concentrations and temperature were confirmed by analysis of the correlation coefficients and linear regression equations. Likewise, relationships between SO2 concentrations and air humidity were analyzed in different time intervals and presented both graphically and statistically, by computing correlations and regression equations. Irrespective of the source of emission and meteorological conditions, the SO2 concentration remained on a low level and did not exceed the permissible threshold either in the vicinity of Olsztyn or in the whole region of Warmia and Mazury.
Dwutlenek siarki jest jednym z ważniejszych gazów odpowiedzialnych, za jakość powietrza atmosferycznego. Zanieczyszczenia powietrza nawet na stosunkowo niskim poziomie nie są obojętne dla zdrowia człowieka. W latach 2007-2009 badano zmiany stężenia dwutlenku siarki w powietrzu atmosferycznym – w różnych przedziałach czasowych – w zależności od temperatury i wilgotności powietrza. W pracy wykorzystano wyniki z pomiarów ciągłych Stacji Monitoringu Imisji Zanieczyszczeń Powietrza w Olsztynie-Kortowie. Określone stężenia SO2 przedstawiono graficznie jako średnią z różnych okresów pomiarowych. Wykazano, że na zmiany stężenia wpływały głównie spadki temperatury, działania emisyjne i gospodarcze oraz wynikające z przebiegu wegetacji roślin. Najwyższe wartości stężeń stwierdzono w godzinach południowych, najniższe w nocnych. Analiza podobieństw potwierdziła zróżnicowanie godzinowe stężenia SO2 w powietrzu. Wydzielono wyraźnie 4 grupy: nocną (1:00-7:00), okołopołudniową (10:00-15:00), grupę w 2 przedziałach czasowych (8:00-9:00; 16:00-19:00) oraz wieczorną (20:00-24:00). Rozpatrując stężenie tego gazu w powietrzu w zależności od stężenia miesięcznego, znaczne podobieństwo wykazano w okresie wiosenno-letnim oraz jesienno-zimowym. Zależności między stężeniem SO2 a temperaturą potwierdzono, dyskusyjnie, współczynnikami korelacji i równaniami regresji liniowej. Podobnie, zależności między stężeniem SO2 a wilgotnością powietrza analizowano w różnym przedziale czasowym w ujęciach graficznym, a także statystycznym, wykazując związki korelacyjne i równania regresji. Niezależnie od źródeł emisji i warunków meteorologicznych, stężenie SO2 utrzymywało się na niskim poziomie i nie przekraczało dopuszczalnych norm w rejonie Olsztyna i na całym obszarze Warmii i Mazur.
The aim of this article is the description of lithofacies characteristics of sediments forming the north-east part of the morainic upland edge zone in the vicinity of Piaski Pomorskie (West Pomerania). The paper undertake also an attempt to reconstruct paleogeographical conditions of the formation of moranic uppland edge. The diversification of glaciofluvial and fluvial processes during the phase of stagnation and recession of uppervistulian ice-sheet in the vicinity of Piaski Pomorskie (Western Pomerania) led to the formation of a morainic upland edge distinctly marked in morphology The edge zone separates the undulating moraine plateau from a lower situated Dębnica River Valley. This area is mostly formed by fine-grained sands with occasional layers of a coarser fraction of gravel and coarse- and medium-grained sands. The observed type of low-angle cross-stratification and trough cross-stratification indicates the dominance of diversified energy depositional environment with considerable power of water as transporting medium. The research area was formed at the front of the ice-sheet, which receded from the nearby reach of the Pomeranian Phase of the Weichselian glaciation.
Otherness, alienation, the requirement to establish a neighbourly relationship with everything that is not mine – these are the main themes of Michel Houellebecq’s novel. The main character invented by the French writer is a nihilist who cannot relate to anything, not even to himself, and every contact with otherness arouses his fear, opposition and aggression. The unpleasant and unbearable proximity of others, however, allows him to define himself: in Submission he defines himself in opposition to the Muslim tradition, in Serotonin he despises the Dutch and his own Asian fiancée, in Aneantir he fights as a carnivore over the ingredients in the household fridge. His environs intensify his sense of loneliness, and observing other cultures, nations, traditions and habits leads to one bitter reflection – I don’t belong anywhere, therefore I am completely alone. What kind of neighbour can a total misanthrope be? And why did Houellebecq, in an age of openness, tolerance, praise of beauty and self-perfection, choose this particular kind of self-creation?
Inność, obcość, wymóg sąsiadowania ze wszystkim, co nie moje – to główne tematy powieści Michela Houellebecqa. Główny bohater wykreowany przez francuskiego pisarza jest nihilistą, który nie potrafi utożsamić się z niczym, nawet z samym sobą, a każdy kontakt z innością budzi jego lęk, sprzeciw i agresję. Przykre i nieznośne sąsiedztwo innych pozwala mu jednak definiować siebie: w Uległości definiuje się w kontrze do tradycji muzułmańskiej, w Serotoninie pogardza Holendrami i własną azjatycką narzeczoną, w Unicestwianiu jako mięsożerca prowadzi walki o zawartość domowej lodówki. Sąsiedztwo wzmaga u niego poczucie samotności, a obserwowanie innych kultur, narodów, tradycji, przyzwyczajeń prowadzi do jednej, gorzkiej refleksji – nie należę nigdzie, dlatego jestem zupełnie sam. Jakim sąsiadem może być mizantrop totalny? I dlaczego Houellebecq w epoce otwartości, tolerancji, pochwały piękna i samodoskonalenia się wybrał właśnie ten rodzaj autokreacji?
The surface layer was examined of soil, plant and water contaminated with chromium in the vicinity of the tannery waste lagoon situated in the eastern Poland. The area under investigation is located in the direct neighbourhood of the Wieprz River and cultivated fields. The aim of the paper was to determine the chromium levels in the soil and the neighbouring fields, water samples from the Wieprz River as well as in six plant species. The process of migration of chromium in soil samples from the dumping ground was confirmed. The gradient was observed of chromium level in the soil in terms of the distance from the central part of tannery waste in the direction of the Wieprz River. Increased levels of chromium concentration ranging from 2.50 to 6.27 mg kg⁻¹ dry mass were found in the examined plants.
Praca poświęcona jest zbadaniu skażenia chromem gleb, roślin oraz wody w otoczeniu składowiska odpadów garbarskich znajdującego się we wschodniej Polsce. Obszar badawczy zlokalizowany jest w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie rzeki Wieprz oraz pól uprawnych. Celem pracy było wyznaczenie poziomu chromu w próbach gleb pobranych z terenu składowiska oraz z sąsiadujących pól uprawnych, próbach wód z rzeki Wieprz oraz w sześciu gatunkach roślin. Potwierdzono migrację chromu w glebie. Zaobserwowano gradient poziomu chromu w glebie wraz z odległością poboru próbek od centralnej części składowiska w kierunku rzeki Wieprz. Zaobserwowano również podwyższoną zawartość chromu w próbach badanych roślin w zakresie od 2.50 do 6.27 mg·kg⁻¹ s.m.
In the result of geomechanical transformations associated with the activity of open cast brown coal mining, some changes in air-water relations may occur on arable land adjacent to these regions usually referred to as hvdrological alterations. However, they do not always need to result in soil degradation, i.e. in the deterioration of their production potentials. This will often depend on the distance of fields from the workings, value of the arable land (soil quality class), type of water management, etc. On the basis of long-term studies carried out in the area of operation of two brown coal mines - KWB "Konin" and "Adamów" - on arable land and grasslands of over 60 villages on the total area of 30 thousand hectares it was possible to develop evaluation criteria for the extent of soil degradation and work out principles for compensation payments for farmers. Three zones and appropriate sub-zones of soil susceptibility to drainage were determined and clear and simple criteria for the estimation of the extent of arable land and grassland degradation were worked out. Furthermore, the authors proposed simple and readable systems to calculate compensatory payments to be paid to farmers taking into account the state of soil degradation, value of agricultural land (price of 1 ha of land of appropriate class) and the area of damaged land. The degree of soil degradation, both of arable land and grasslands, ranged from 10 to 30%. In the case of grasslands, additionally, an appropriate sum of money was allocated to compensate for sward recultivation.
The aim of this work was to establish a level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, recognised by the World Health Organisation as mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds) in samples of soil collected along the ring road in city Siedlce, which is an element of the main route Berlin-Moscow. Our investigation was carried out in selected points of collecting the samples since April to October 2000, i.e. in a period of growth and final vegetation of plants. Analysis was carried out using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and reverse phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Concentrations of individual compounds were between 10⁻⁷ and 10⁻⁹mg kg⁻¹.
The export of phytal material from the eutrophic Szczecin Lagoon into the Pomeranian Bay creates excellent trophic conditions for the local benthic fauna in the vicinity of the mouth of the river Świna, where the bottom macrofauna is abundant but highly variable. The changes in the bottom macrofauna biomass of selected taxa, chlorophyll a and nutrient concentrations were tested for associations. The biomasses of selected taxa varied in significant concordance, which suggests that these changes have common causes. Despite the importance of trophic enrichment to faunal abundance, no relationships between faunal biomass and chlorophyll a concentration changes were established. The presence of organic matter enables macrofauna to attain a high biomass, but population fluctuations are controlled by numerous factors. The significant relationship between the changes in the annual average phosphate levels and chlorophyll a concentrations in the Szczecin Lagoon indicates the importance of this nutrient to primary production processes in the Lagoon and to the trophic conditions for benthic macrofauna in the vicinity of the Świna mouth.
For European badgers Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758), the importance of olfactory signals located at home-range borders in the context of territoriality has been widely accepted. Badgers, however, also scent mark far from their borders, often in the vicinity of their communal sett. Little is known about the significance of these marks in intra- -specific communication. Here, we investigated the patterns of object-marking with subcaudal gland secretions close to the sett. Using remote-controlled, battery-powered infra-red video equipment, we recorded 442 incidences of object-marking between April 1996 and June 1997. The frequency of object marking varied significantly in relation to season, sex, age and reproductive status. In both sexes, relative object-marking rates were highest during the mating season, when individuals m reproductive condition marked significantly more often than non-reproductive animals. During the cub- -rearing season females marked at a significantly higher rate than males, and in both sexes adults scent-marked significantly more frequently than younger individuals. Approximately 30% of all scent-marks received an over-mark within 24 h of their deposit. In males over-marking behaviour was recorded only during the mating season, whereas females over-marked in all seasons at equal rates. Overall, our results suggest that in addition to their territorial functions, subcaudal scent-marks also serve as individual-specific advertisement signals directed at other group-members.
The paper is based on the chosen results of two one-year field experiments which were conducted in the vicinity of Bydgoszcz (Poland) and in the vicinity of Cukurova (Turkey). The aim of the study is to present the comparison of yields of chosen watermelon cultivars grown in the different climatic-soil conditions under drip irrigation with N fertigation. The experiment in Turkey was carried out under better soil conditions than in Poland - watermelon plants were cultivated on the clay loam and fine sand, respectively. ‘Crimson Sweet' and ‘Sugar Baby' cultivars were tested in the experiment in Poland, and two other cultivars (‘Madera-F1', ‘Paladin-F1') were examined in the experiment in Turkey. Nitrogen of 120 kg N was applied in two different nitrogen forms (G - granule nitrogen; L - liquid nitrogen). In the second treatment (L), the liquid N fertilizer was given with irrigation water (fertigation). All plots were drip irrigated. Higher irrigation water rate was supplied in Turkey (251.7 mm) than that in Poland (157.5 mm). Average yields of watermelon ranged from 32.62 to 37.87 t.ha-1, and from 29.09 to 30.35 t.ha-1, in the experiment in Poland and in the experiment in Turkey, respec-tively. Yields were dependent on cultivar and treatment (experimental variant). The yields of ‘Crimson Sweet' and ‘Madera-F1' cultivars in treatment with combined N application (granule and liquid N) were higher than these of treatment with granule N source. Fruit weight ranged in both the trials from 3.0 to 5.5 kg. ‘Sugar Baby' and ‘Madera-F1' cultivars were characterized by the highest fruit weight (5.5 kg and 5.2 kg, respectively) under combined N application. From results, it can be concluded that watermelon yield could be increased by application of liquid N fertilizer. Amongst the four cultivars, ‘Crimson Sweet' and ‘Madera-F1' gave higher yields under conditions of applications of granule together with liquid nitrogen form.
Mineral forms in rhizosphere and bulk substrate were examined for selected plant species (Cardaminopsis arenosa, Calamagrostis epigeios, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca ovina, Silene vulgaris, Viola tricolor) growing spontaneously in the close vicinity of a tailings pond and in a zone of eolian transmission of waste particles. Samples of substrates and plant roots were taken from sites in the Bolesław orefield near Olkusz. The substrates together with plant roots were studied by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy. Apart from quartz and carbonates, the most frequent mineral phases found were crystalline and amorphous Fe oxides, as well as primary Fe, Zn and Pb sulphides (marcasite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena). Hydrated Ca, Mg and Fe sulphates (gypsum, epsomite and melanterite) and other secondary minerals (smithsonite, cerussite, otavite, and Fe, K and Mg aluminosilicates) were found at larger concentrations in the rhizosphere than in bulk soil, suggesting that plant roots can change the mineral composition of the soil.
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