W artykule przedstawiono możliwość optymalizacji wymiarów elementów konstrukcyjnych projektowanej obudowy tunelu metra w celu obniżenia poziomu drgań emitowanych do sąsiednich budynków. Zamieszczono wyniki obliczeń symulacyjnych, w których wykorzystano wyniki pomiarów drgań z bazy danych pomiarowych Instytutu Mechaniki Budowli Politechniki Krakowskiej. Obliczenia takie zostały wykonane w ramach projektowania nowoczesnej nawierzchni szynowej wraz z wibroizolacją na ostatnim, tzw. bielańskim, odcinku I linii metra w Warszawie.
The paper presents the possibility of vibration level reduction in nearly buildings by optimization of dimensions of designed metro tunnel elements. Effects of simulation are given. These calculations are based on results of measurements of vibrations taken from the measurement database of the Institute of Structural Mechanics in Cracow University of Technology. These calculations made within the framework of designing of modern rail tracks with vibroinsulation for the last section of the first Warsaw metro line.
This research article presents a comparative analysis of vibration assessments in lecture halls to investigate their influence on people using contact (accelerometers) and non-contact (laser vibrometers) measurement techniques. The study aims to verify the accuracy and reliability of vibration analysis in relation to two approaches and determined physical parameters, i.e. acceleration amplitudes and vibration velocities. The intriguing fact was that none of the building users reported any perceived discomfort from vibrations, despite the determined parameters of the signal measured using a laser vibrometer indicating exceedance of permissible vibration amplitudes in several frequency bands. The conducted comparative analysis leads to the conclusion that the location of the laser head tripod on the vibrating floor introduces significant vibration amplification, which in turn may lead to an incorrect assessment of the impact of vibrations on people in buildings. The studies described in the article were carried out in accordance with the procedure contained in the Polish national standard PN-B-02171. The obtained results and the resulting conclusions are an important contribution to a better understanding of the advantages and limitations resulting from the use of non-contact measurements.
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