Fiction differs from other arts because of its universality, encompassed in the expressive ability of a word, which retains the original syncretic force. The word always sounds and looks. Verbal image arouses the imagination of the recipient and makes him create a picture. The writers resort to depictive-expressive abilities at the level of description, transfer of mental impressions. However, only in the twentieth century writers understood the synesthetic power of words completely and started started searching for deep, walled-up in the original mythological consciousness, syncretic foundations. Modernists used such ability of words successfully. Synesthesia as a defining principle of image creation is inherent to creativity of Bohdan Ihor Antonych and Vladimir Svidzinsky. Synesthetic intention of verbal images does not just create a unique style of each of these authors, but also witnesses their archetypal mythological thinking and reveals the ability of intuitive penetration into the depths of the word.