Studies have confirmed that elevated levels of radon/thoron in the human–environments can substantially increase the risk of lung cancer in general population. The building materials are the second largest contributors to indoor radon/thoron after soil and bedrock beneath dwellings. In present investigation, the exhalation rates of radon/thoron from different building materials samples have been analysed using active technique. Radon/thoron concentrations in a model room have been predicted based on the exhalation rates from walls, floor and roof. The indoor concentrations show significant variations depending upon the ventilation rate and type of building materials used.
W pracy porównano wyniki badań emisji amoniaku uzyskanych metodą bilansu dwutlenku węgla i metodą bilansu wilgotności oraz opisano te dwie metody. Badaniami objęto 4 obory wolnostanowiskowe dla krów mlecznych, w tym 2 z płytką i 2 z głęboką ściółką. Wentylacja w oborach była naturalna przez szczelinę kalenicową. W celu obliczenia wskaźnika przepływu powietrza zbadano: stężenie amoniaku, dwutlenku węgla oraz temperaturę i wilgotność względną powietrza wewnątrz i na zewnątrz obór. W oborach z płytką ściółką emisja amoniaku, liczona za pomocą bilansu dwutlenku węgla, była mniejsza niż w przypadku metody bilansu wilgotności. Poziom emisji amoniaku wynosił od 0,93 g*h-1*DJP-1 do 2,64 g*h-1*DJP-1 dla metody bilansu dwutlenku węgla oraz od 0,875 g*h-1*DJP-1 do 3,51 g*h-1*DJP-1. Uzyskane wartości średnie emisji amoniaku mieszczą się w zakresie podawanym w literaturze.
Research results of ammonia emission from the cattle barns were compared as obtained by using carbon dioxide balance method and air humidity balance method; both methods were described. Four free stall cattle barns for dairy cows, including the two with shallow cubicles and two with deep litter, were investigated. The barns were naturally ventilated through the roof ridge gap. In order to calculate the rate of airflow, the ammonia and carbon dioxide concentrations, temperature and relative humidity of air inside and outside the buildings, were measured. In the cattle barns with cubicles the ammonia emission determined by carbon dioxide balance method was less, than in case of calculation by air humidity balance method. Ammonia emission ranged within 0.93-2.64 g*h-1*LU-1 at using carbon dioxide balance method, and from 0.875 to 3.51 g*h-1*LU-1 at air humidity balance method. Obtained mean values of ammonia emission were contained within the range described in literature.
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