The article describes how to form – with which sufix – inhabitants names (of states, of regions, of cities, etc.) correctly in contemporary Czech, for example how to use the name of inhabitant of Mongolia (Mongolian) correctly: Mongol, or Mongolec?
In this study the problem of the abundant variability of forms within elementary counting in Czech language is pointed to. The results were gained on the basis of an anonymous inquiry among the native Czechs or the students of Czech studies. In some cases (for example in the mathematic problem 4 : 2 = 2) the participants in the inquiry mentioned ten various variants. Such an excessive variability of opinions is evaluated rather negatively.
V příspěvku se přibližuje problematika hojné tvarové variantnosti při elementárním počítání v češtině. Výsledky byly získány na základě anonymní průzkumné sondy mezi českými rodilými mluvčími, resp. mezi oborovými posluchači bohemistiky. V některých případech (kupř. v početní úloze 4 : 2 = 2) účastníci ankety uvedli deset různých možností. Přílišná rozkolísanost konkurenčních vyjádření je hodnocena spíše negativně.
Adjectives ending with -oucí/-ící are regularly derived from verbs and hence are not usually listed in any of the Czech monolingual dictionaries. On the level of automatic morphological analysis (the dictionary) of Czech they should be generated from verbal roots and tagged as verbal adjectives (pos tag: AG.*). The data from Czech corpora prove a) inconsistencies in tagging and b) gaps in the dictionary. The main cause of both kinds of insufficiency is the existence of variants on the level of verbal forms from which the verbal adjectives are potentially derived. Consequently, text corpora are a significant source of knowledge about the formation and use of adjectives with endings -oucí/-ící that can be important for both a) automatic morphological analysis of Czech and b) theoretical description of Czech grammar (derivational morphology). Our goal is to present a corpus-based study of the Czech gerund, i.e. verbal adjectives with -oucí/-ící. The link between the inflected and the word-formation variants will be demonstrated using material from the SYN corpus (2,6 billion tokens of written Czech) and the large web corpus czTenTen12 (5,2 billion tokens of Czech text from the Internet — cleaned and deduplicated).
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The paper aims at the presence of North-East Czech dialectal elements – and, more narrowly, those of the Giant Mountains Foreland (Podkrkonoší) area – in the contemporary toponymy in the cadaster of the town Vysoké nad Jizerou. The author analyses both folk (“living”), and standardized toponyms and their mutual relation, and comes to the conclusion that contemporary toponymy employs dialectal means especially of the morphological, word-forming and lexical sort, whereas the phonetic elements of the Giant Mountains Foreland dialect are gradually disappearing. To the end of the paper, the author also suggests the ways of effective linking toponomastic research and the presentation of its results with the methods and tools of geographic information system.
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