We consider boosting, i.e. one of popular statistical machine-learning meta-algorithms, as a possible tool for combining individual volatility estimates under a quantile regression (QR) framework. Short empirical exercise is carried out for the S&P500 daily return series in the period of 2004-2009. Our initial findings show that this novel approach is very promising and the in-sample goodness-of-fit of the QR model is very good. However much further research should be conducted as far as the out-of-sample quality of conditional quantile predictions is concerned.
In the study, the two-step EWS-GARCH models to forecast Value-at-Risk is presented. The EWS-GARCH allows different distributions of returns or Value-at-Risk forecasting models to be used in Value-at-Risk forecasting depending on a forecasted state of the financial time series. In the study EWS-GARCH with GARCH(1,1) and GARCH(1,1), with the amendment to the empirical distribution of random errors as a Value-at-Risk model in a state of tranquillity and empirical tail, exponential or Pareto distributions used to forecast Value-at-Risk in a state of turbulence were considered. The evaluation of Value-at-Risk forecasts was based on the Value-at-Risk forecasts and the analysis of loss functions. Obtained results indicate that EWS-GARCH models may improve the quality of Value-at-Risk forecasts generated using the benchmark models. However, the choice of best assumptions for the EWS-GARCH model should depend on the goals of the Value-at-Risk forecasting model. The final selection may depend on an expected level of adequacy, conservatism and costs of the model.
W artykule porównano klasyczną metodę Markowitza konstrukcji portfela z metodą opartą o kopule i teorię wartości ekstremalnych. Badania wykazały, że druga z metod prowadzi do bardziej realistycznych wyników. Ustalono, że począwszy od pewnego poziomu oczekiwanej dodatniej stopy zwrotu portfela, ryzyka rozumiane jako wartość narażona na ryzyko (VaR) bądź ES (expected shortfall - oczekiwana wartość straty po przekroczeniu VaR) są mniejsze. Oznacza to, że konstrukcja portfela metodą kopul w połączeniu z teorią wartości ekstremalnych pozwala budować efektywniejsze portfele niż tradycyjna metoda Markowitza.
In this paper classical Markowitz method of portfolio construction with method based on copulas and extreme value theory (EVT) are compared. The investigations demonstrated that the latter method supplies more realistic results. We established that starting from a given positive expected return of portfolio risks understood as VaR or ES are less than in the case of Markowitz portfolio. This means that portfolio based on copulas and extreme value theory allow to build more effective portfolios that by mean of traditional Markowitz method.
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The portfolio optimization problem is formulated as multi-objective mixed integer program. The problem considered is based on a single period model of investment. The problem objective is to allocate wealth on different assets to maximize the weighted difference of portfolio expected return, the threshold of the probability that the return is not less than required level and the amount of wealth to be invested. The results of some computational experiments modeled after a real data from the Warsaw Stock Exchange are reported.
W artykule przedstawiono wielokryterialny model optymalizacji portfelowej wraz z trójetapowym podejściem lksykalno-graficznym. Celem optymalizacji jest wyznaczenie portfela o maksymalnej oczekiwanej stopie zwrotu, dla której prawdopodobieństwo wartości zagrożonej zwrotu (VaR) przy ryzyku mniejszym od zadanej wartości będzie nie większe od zadanego lub minimalizowanego progu. Przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów obliczeniowych dla danych zaczerpniętych z GPW w Warszawie.
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