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In the paper the analysis of the time variability of meteorological elements affecting tourist values of the climate in Central Pomerania in 1971–2000 was carried out. On the basis of the tourism climatic index (TCI) the usefulness of climatic conditions of the towns of Chojnice and Szczecinek for tourism during a year was assessed. It was observed that in 1971–2000 the values of some meteorological elements changed statistically signifi cantly. The largest changes were noticed in the number of cloudy days (an increase from 1.3 to 3.5 days/10 years in Szczecinek, a decrease by 1.7 days/10 years in Chojnice in October) in the maximum air temperature (an increase from 1.3 to 1.6 oC/10 years in January and April), in the minimum temperature (a decrease from 0.8 to 1.1oC/10 years in August and in Chojnice also from June to September) and in the precipitation total (an increase by 7.6 to 11.7 mm/10 years in February and March, a decrease by 10.2 mm/10 years in Szczecinek in November). According to the value index TCI the climatic conditions of Central Pomerania are at least “good” for the tourism for fi ve months during a year, from May to September. In a holiday season (July–August) the conditions are very good and even excellent in Chojnice in August. Unfavourable weather conditions occur during two–four months in a year, from November to February in Chojnice and in December and January in Szczecinek.
Cape Verde Islands are an example of a local diversity of the semi-arid equatorial climate zone. The type and intensity of the present-day morphogenetic processes is determined mostly by total precipitation and vegetation cover. We can distinguish three types of relief development. In the warm, arid climate conditions throughout the year, volcanic forms are very slowly changed or preserved by the action of episodic water, limited to a material redeposition in the wadi channels and sand dune forming by the wind. In the semi-arid climate conditions, volcanic forms are transformed into denudation-fluvial relief in the rain period. It is visible mainly on the windward side of islands and at a lower altitude, where the weathering material is washed from slopes and carried away down the wadi channels to the sea after periodic torrential rains. At the same time on the leeward side, at a higher altitude and in agricultural areas only a small amount of material is transported over short distance.
In the northeastem Poland, on the selected slopes was conducted the investigation of soil erosion in 1987-1989 and 1998-1999. The main undertaken tasks were: quantitative examination of interrill erosion and pointing out the erosion and accumulation zones on the slopes. On convex-concave slopes of the inclination below 9° the most intensive erosion resulting from the sheet wash, occurred on convex parts (0,03-0,4 t ha-1), the deposition zone was situated immediately below the erosion zone, that is in the middle and the lower part of the slope. On the slopes with greater inclination, over 9°, the erosion zone com prised the upper and the middle part of the slope, the middle part, that with greater inclination, being most intensively degraded (the upper fragment of the straight sector (0,3-7 t ha-1). The soil deposition has taken place in the upper concave section of the slope. The concave part of slopes was topographic barrier - only small part of the transported material set in motion was transferred beyond the slope base. The slope with uniform inclination was characterised by the occurrence of erosion zones in the upper and lower part, in the middle part was situated the accumulation zone. Relationship between rainfall erosivity index R (by USLE) and loss soil show that rains are erosive upon daily rainfall above 8 mm then I30 > 5 mm per hour.
Content available remote Uban sozology assumption in the planning of housing areas
Sozology is a newly discovered direction in urban planning stem from the growing threats to the natural environment. A contemporary man pursues close and positive relations with the environment and focuses on the premises of human ecology that directly impact the process of planning and composing urban spaces. The article presents the influence of climatic conditions on the shaping of housing areas. The problem was presented on the basis of an analysis of a specific example. The assessment included the shading of the buildings by neighbouring buildings, the shading of the common spaces and the issue of ventilation. These phenomena connected with the structure of the buildings, their scale and intensity have a significant impact on the conditions of the residence. Other factors also affect the housing environment. Their rational use with the help of teams of experts from complementary fields can contribute to raising the standards of the housing environment even at the planning stage, and later to optimising land use by the community of its inhabitants.
Sozologia urbanistyczna z uwagi na narastające zagrożenia środowiska przyrodniczego to na nowo odkrywany kierunek w planistyce. Współczesny człowiek, podążając za kształtowaniem bliskich i pozytywnych relacji ze środowiskiem, coraz większą uwagę skupia na przesłankach ekologicznych, mających bezpośredni wpływ na proces planowania i komponowania przestrzeni miejskich. Środowisko naturalne w różnym stopniu było i nadal jest przekształcane przez człowieka. Dziś zawiera ono jedynie naturalne elementy, a w całości należy je nazywać środowiskiem antropogenicznym bądź przyrodniczym. W artykule poddany został rozważaniom wpływ uwarunkowań klimatycznych na kształtowanie obszarów mieszkaniowych. Problem przedstawiono na podstawie analizy konkretnego przykładu. Przy jego ocenie wzięto pod uwagę zacienienie budynków przez sąsiadujące obiekty oraz zacienienie przestrzeni wspólnej towarzyszącej zabudowie, a także problem przewietrzania. Są to zjawiska, których wpływ na warunki zamieszkania uzależniony jest od skali oraz intensywności zabudowań. Czynników oddziałujących na środowisko mieszkaniowe jest o wiele więcej. Ich racjonalne wykorzystanie przy wsparciu zespołów ekspertów z komplementarnych dziedzin przyczynić się może do podniesienia standardów tego środowiska już na etapie planowania, a następnie do optymalizacji użytkowania terenu przez wspólnotę jego mieszkańców.
Artykuł zawiera poszerzoną - zarówno w aspekcie terytorialnym, jak i metodyczno-merytorycznym - ocenę i analizę zmienności terminów połowy odpływu (TPOj) wykonaną dla wielolecia (serie 40-, 50-letnie) i dwu próbek rzek reprezentujących obszary nizinne i wyżynne środkowej Polski (14 rzek) oraz górskie - Karpat polskich (12 rzek). Termin połowy odpływu uzyskujemy, kumulując dobowe przepływy (odpływy) rzeki aż do momentu osiągnięcia połowy sumy rocznej [Bartnik, Jokiel 2005]. Jest to charakterystyka bardzo użyteczna przy ocenach rocznych i wieloletnich zmian reżimu rzecznego, a po zidentyfikowaniu jej statystycznego rozkładu może być cenna w zastosowaniach praktycznych, np. przy analizach dopływu rzecznego do zbiorników. Biorąc pod uwagę reżimy wybranych rzek, przepływy charakterystyczne, jak też ich fizyczno-geograficzne uwarunkowania, dochodzimy do wniosku, że oba zbiory zlewni znakomicie nadają się do zbadania rodzaju oraz oceny ilości i jakości informacji hydrologicznej, jaką niosą w sobie wieloletnie serie TPOj i jej pochodne oraz do wieloaspektowych analiz porównawczych, które mogą uczynić z tej charakterystyki prostą miarę, szybko wskazującą na klimatycznie lub antropogenicznie uwarunkowane zmiany sezonowej struktury odpływu, a może nawet zmiany samego reżimu rzecznego.
The paper contains the assessment and analysis of the half-runoff dates (TPOj) changeability in multiannual periods (series of 40-50 years), performed for two samples of rivers, one representing the middle Poland lowland plains and upland areas (14 rivers) and the other the mountain area of Polish Carpathians (12 rivers). The analysis was deepened in the territorial, as well as methodological and content-related aspects. The ha If-run off date is obtained by cumulating daily runoffs (outflows) of the river until half of the annual total runoff value is achieved [Bartnik, Jokiel 2005]. This characteristic is very useful in yearly and multiannual assessments of the river regime changes and, after identification of statistical distribution, it may be a valuable input e.g. for the analysis of river inflow to reservoirs. Taking into account regimes of the selected rivers, their characteristic flows as well as their physical and geographical conditions, we come to the conclusion that both sets of rivers are perfect for examination of the type, assessment of the quantity and quality of hydrological information provided by multiannual TPOj series and their derivatives, as well as for multi-aspect comparative analyses that may transform such characteristic in a simple measure pointing out to the climatic or anthropogenic reasons behind the seasonal flow structure or even to the change of the river regime itself.
Brazylijska architektura modernistyczna rozwijała się w ramach ruchu nowoczesnego od drugiej połowy lat dwudziestych XX wieku. Od początku obrała własną drogę rozwoju dostosowując importowane rozwiązania charakterystyczne dla europejskiej awangardy do warunków klimatycznych Luzytoameryki. Moderniści, czerpiąc z tradycji portugalskiego baroku kolonialnego, dodali do środków wyrazu brazylijskiej wersji stylu międzynarodowego przetworzone formalnie elementy lokalnej tradycji. Istotną rolę w kształtowaniu indywidualnego charakteru architektury brazylijskiej w omawianym okresie odgrywały osłony przeciwsłoneczne, ceramiczne okładziny ścian czy też tropikalna roślinność wprowadzona jako integralny element rozwiązań projektowych.
Brazilian modernism in architecture developed within the Modern Movement starting from the second half of 1920s, from the very beginning seeking to assert its individuality by adapting the imported solutions of European avant-garde to the climatic conditions of South America. Drawing from the tradition of Portuguese colonial baroque, modernist architects enriched the Brazilian version of International Style with some formally processed elements of the local tradition. Important features which shaped the individual character of Brazilian architecture of the time included sun shades, ceramic wall facings and the tropical flora used as an integral part of the designs.
Ivy (Hedera helix L.) is the only native evergreen climber and exclusive representative of Araliaceae in Poland's flora. It occurs in all forests across Poland, mainly in the western and the southern part of the country. It is a shade−tolerant species, preferring mild climate as well as moist and fertile soils. In favourable conditions ivy climbs up the various supports, and it blooms when it has sufficient access to the light. The study synthesises dispersed information on the ivy ecology and identifies areas for further research. The occurrence of ivy is determined mainly by environmental conditions. Plantings and uncontrolled penetration into the forest environment plays also an important role in this species spread. Gaps, which have arisen in the stand, increase the chances of intensive growth of ivy population. The possibility of colonization of this species is limited mainly to secondary forests. Most studies suggest that ivy is influenced, indifferently or preferably, on tree support, provided that they are not weak. There are some disturbances such as storms or timber harvest that can contribute to the creation of favourable conditions for the mass colonization of forest habitats by ivy. The data concerning dynamics of ivy growth comes from research conducted in the Rhine valley and the Mediterranean region i.e. areas which have the most favourable conditions for the development of the species. Such research have not been carried out in the Central and Eastern Europe, where less favourable conditions for the development of ivy occur.
Two separate experiments were conducted during the months of June and September, 2014 to investigate the nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorous) removal from leachate by growing duckweed, Lemna minor in various leachate dilutions under natural climatic conditions of Islamabad, Pakistan. The highest uptake of nitrogen and phosphorous by duckweed was 95% and 90%, respectively, whereas the highest growth rate of duckweed was 6.4 g·m–2·day–1 during both experiments. The highest rates of nitrogen and phosphorous removal from leachate media were 380 and 200 mg·m–2·day–1, respectively, during both experiments. Nutrient uptake by duckweed and its growth rate was rapid at more diluted leachate whereas the nutrient removal rates from leachate media were higher in more concentrated leachate. The duckweed growth and its nutrient uptake ability under natural climatic conditions were directly affected by seasonal climatic variations. Relatively higher temperature and more intense solar radiation were more favorable for the duckweed growth and its nutrient uptake ability. Both parameters can be improved by pre-acclimation of duckweed with leachate which prevents the lag phase of the duckweed growth.
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