Omówiono kierunki utylizacji odpadowego azbestu, zużytych wyrobów azbestowych i azbestowo-cementowych oraz wyniki doświadczeń nad ich zagospodarowaniem poprzez termiczny rozkład chryzotylu, głównego minerału azbestu.
Discussed are possibilities to utilize asbestos wastes, used asbestos and asbestos-cement products. Results of the experiments performed of their disposal through thermal decomposition of chrysolite being the main mineral of asbestos, are demonstrated. Possibilities to utilize asbestos in the manufacture of fireproof materials are examined.
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The paper presents a designed and manufactured, semi-industrial microwave reactor for thermal utilization of asbestos-bearing wastes. Presented are also semi-industrial tests of utilizing such wastes. It was found that microwave heating can be applied for utilizing asbestos with use of suitable wetting agents. The wetting agents should ensure continuous heating process above 600 °C, as well as uniform heat distribution in the whole volume of the utilized material. Analysis of the neutralization process indicates a possibility of presenting specific, efficient and effective process parameters of utilizing some asbestos-bearing industrial wastes.