The article discusses the role of the modern approach to the design of autonomous utility vehicles. The study has been exemplified by a currently designed multi-purpose hybrid engineer vehicle. The article covers the application of modern hybrid drive and the suspension allowing for the regulation of the tension wheel. The drive system used in the described vehicle is a serial type. In contrast to the conventional solutions used so far in a similar vehicle, this system eliminate heavy and difficult parts to produce (e.g., gears) which allows to significant reduction of a vehicle's weight. The suspension system is based on the classical concept - with a torsional shafts. A movable tension wheel is an innovative element, which has been used in this suspension system. When the wheel is in the lower position the area of pressure increased so the force exerted on the ground is less. This option is useful in difficult, muddy off-road conditions. The Volvo Company wants to apply similar capabilities in their prototype diggers. In the article, the importance of the external appearance of the vehicle has been considered as well. A removable cab allows the remote control of the vehicle at any time and the same has been provided as an example of a modern solution concerning the external appearance of the vehicle.
W pracy podjęto próbę analizy uwarunkowań konfliktów z punktu widzenia zewnętrznej firmy świadczącej usługi w zakresie obsługi pojazdów. System obsługi pojazdów użytkowych stwarza konieczność interakcji między jego uczestnikami, co może powodować powstanie sytuacji konfliktowych. Zakres systemu obejmuje proces przekazywanie pojazdów do eksploatacji, pierwsze uruchomienia, przeglądy okresowe, a także eliminacje niesprawności, czy przeprowadzanie napraw. Analiza czynników zewnętrznych wpływających na prowadzenie tych czynności pozwala na ograniczanie ilości sytuacji konfliktów. Poznanie uwarunkowań i zbieranie danych dotyczących prowadzonych czynności obsługowych pozwala na przygotowanie przedstawicieli firmy do rozwiązywania konfliktów, między innymi w drodze negocjacji.
The paper attempts to analyze conditions of conflict from the point of view of an external services provider in the operation of vehicles. Operating system utility vehicles necessitates interaction among its participants, which may give rise to conflict situations. Scope of the system covers the process of transfer to exploitation of vehicles, the first start-up, periodic inspections, as well as the malfunctions elimination , or carry out repairs. Analysis of external factors affecting the conduct of these activities allows for limiting the number of conflict situations. Understanding the conditions and data collection regarding the operations process allows you to prepare employees to resolve conflicts, inter alia through the negotiations.
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