W ciągu ostatnich lat prowadzone są liczne badania nad wykorzystaniem materiałów pochodzenia biologicznego do usuwania metali ciężkich ze ścieków. Udowodniono, że metoda sorpcji metali ciężkich w biomasie może stanowić korzystną alternatywę dla tradycyjnych metod fizycznych i chemicznych, zwłaszcza w przypadku ścieków zawierających metale w stężeniu poniżej 100 mg/l [1, 10, 13]. Jako biosorbenty wykorzystywane są substancje pochodzenia zwierzęcego (chityna, chitozan), roślinnego (celuloza, odpady z przemysłu spożywczego, produkcji antybiotyków, substancje uzyskiwane z wodorostów morskich - alginiany i karrageniany) [1, 8÷11]. Najczęściej jednak w procesach biosorpcji stosuje się mikroorganizmy - bakterie, grzyby mikroskopowe oraz glony.
Recent developments in the field of environmental biology include the experiments concerning the biomass application in heavy metals elimination from wastewater.An immobilization of the biosorbents appears as a promising technique to improve the process efficiency. An application of the biomass from fermentation industry allows to decrease costs of the process.In this work the Aspergillus niger biomas was used as a zinc biosorbent. It wasapplied as a free mycelium and in form immobilized on plastic moulders. The zinc eliminationeffectiveness from water zinc solution and from synthetic wastewater as wellas metal bioaccumulation level were estimated. The experiments were carried out incontinuous flow reactor.It was stated, that the zinc elimination efficiency was about 50-60% and the accumulationlevel exceeded 10% of the biosorbent dry weight. An immobilization of thebiomass allowed to increase the bioaccumulation effect (by 30% during 3 days of theexperiment), comparing with the non immobilized biosorbent. The zinc accumulationlevel was notably higher in case of immobilized Aspergillus niger mycelium. It wasobserved, that the zinc biosorption was 2-3 times more effective from water solution of the metal, comparing with its elimination from synthetic wastewater.
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Three methods were used for zinc removal from spent hydrochloric acid containing 3.06 mol/1 HC1, 79.8 g/1 Fe(II), 4.84 g/1 Zn(II). In bulk liquid membrane system using 80% tributyl phosphate in kerosene as a membrane phase, it was possible to separate Zn(II) with the initial flux of 0.40 mol/m2 h. The process was strongly disturbed by the competitive transport of Fe(III) if present. Diffusion dialysis enabled to separate very effectively Fe(II) with separation factor over 100 in relation to Zn(II), but Zn(II) was transported together with HC1 with flux values of 0.55 and 19.6 mol/m2h, respectively (membrane FT FAD, Fuma Tech). Anion exchange using both strong basic Lewatit M500 and weak basic Lewatit MP64 (Bayer) absorbed effectively Zn(II) with exchange capacity 0.65 and 0.85 mol Zn/L, respectively. Regeneration with water enabled to recover 70 - 80% of absorbed zinc in the solution containing 13 - 15 g/1 Zn(II) and 0.01 - 0.4 g/1 Fe(II).
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