Praca zawiera wyniki badań koagulacji wody podziemnej środkiem o nazwie handlowej WAC-HB. Badania przeprowadzono w skali technicznej na ujęciu wody w Zawadzie koło Opola. Stwierdzono wpływ wartość pH oraz dawki koagulanta na uzyskane efekty usuwania żelaza i manganu.
Composition contains results of researches of coagulation underground water with coagulant about commercial name WAC-HB. Researches one effected in technical scale on seizure of water Zawada k/Opola. One observed influence volume pH on obtained effects of process.
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The paper discusses issues of iron and manganese removal from underground waters in the filtration process. The results of laboratory-scale tests of the process with filtration beds filled with catalytic mass are presented. Problems involved in operating of several underground water treatment stations using said mass in the South-Eastern Poland were also discussed.
This paper deals with influence on segregation of iron based phases on the secondary alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 microstructure by nickel. Iron is the most common and harmful impurity in aluminum casting alloys and has long been associated with an increase of casting defects. In generally, iron is associated with the formation of Fe-rich intermetallic phases. It is impossible to remove iron from melt by standard operations. Some elements eliminates iron by changing iron intermetallic phase morphology, decreasing its extent and by improving alloy properties. Realization of experiments and results of analysis show new view on solubility of iron based phases during melt preparation with higher iron content and influence of nickel as iron corrector of iron based phases.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań naukowych w celu stworzenia planu modernizacji systemu usuwania żelaza z wód podziemnych na istniejącym ujęciu wód podziemnych w "Jurowcach".
The article presents the results of scientific research in order to create a plan to upgrade the system to remove iron from groundwater at the mouth of the existing groundwater intake in Jurowce.
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