The sustainable development concept has been detailed in several strategic documents which, among other things, point out that it is a complex issue and should be explored at the inter-disciplinary level. Examples of the current ethnological research of cities concerning transformations of post-socialist urban spaces in the context of civic initiatives and participative planning and participative budget demonstrate the possibilities of ethnology in applying the sustainable development principles in an urban environment.
The paper brings an overview of the development of urbanethnological research in Slovakia with a special focus on the first two decades of the 21st century. It also briefly defines key milestones, thematic areas and methodical approaches in the older periods, which are necessary for the understanding of further developments. It introduces key personalities who formed urban ethnology and who influenced the establishment of the subdiscipline within the ethnology and social anthropology development in Slovakia. The main objective is to focus on changes in the approach to the urban ethnological/anthropological research in Slovakia in the 21st century, particularly on changes in topics, theoretical concepts, and methodical approaches, and to propose new visions and opportunities in line with the global trends in urban anthropology.
Marek Nowak, Kuchnia badań miejskich. Wprowadzenie redaktora tomu [A backstage of urban research. Introduction by the editor of the volume] edited by M. Nowak, „Człowiek i Społeczeństwo” vol. XLVIII: Kuchnia badań miejskich. Studia na temat praktyki empirycznej badaczy miasta [A backstage of urban research. Studies on the empirical practices of city research scientists], Poznań 2019, pp. 7–9, Adam Mickiewicz University. ISSN 0239-3271. Marek Nowak, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Socjologii, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89, 60-568 Poznań, e-mail:
The study deals with narrative representations of the past of the Slovak city of Nová Dubnica that was built on a green-field land in the 1950s as an “exemplary socialist city” to accommodate workers of the engineering plant in Dubnica nad Váhom. While interpreting research data within the theoretical framework of collective memory, the author addresses memories of the first and long-term residents (60 years old and older) who look back on their life in the city in the 1950s−1980s. Based on ethnographic research, it was (1) industrial plant and work, (2) city construction, and (3) family and social life that were identified as major areas of narrative representations. These areas feature similar contents of individual interpretations of the past, and their intersection is formed by themes that can be qualified as the above-mentioned group’s collective memory of the life in Nová Dubnica in the past. Collective memory, as a socially conditioned category, is formed in Nová Dubnica, among other things, by important factors − regular events (celebrations of the foundation of the city, lantern parade) and mutual meetings of seniors. The study is to present Nová Dubnica as a “place of memory”, which shapes the inhabitants’ ideas about the past and which is also formed by local memories of the years of the socialist regime.
Celem artukułu jest analiza użyteczności badań politologicznych różnych sposobów naukowego opisu miasta. Sposoby te są oceniane przez pryzmat badań nad zachowaniami wyborczymi, elitami miejskimi, funkcjonowaniem i rozwojem miast. W pracy wskazano problemy, jakie – szczególnie w badaniach porównawczych – rodzi sama definicja miasta. Ukazano też pułapki związane z utożsamieniem miasta z jednostką administracyjną. W konkluzji zaproponowano wykorzystanie metafory węzła jako najbardziej adekwatnego sposobu opisu miasta i jego powiązań z otoczeniem.
The text analyzes usefulness of various scientific ways of describing cities for the political science research. These ways are verified in context of the study of electoral behaviour, urban elites and city development. The article points the problems related to definition of a city, especially in comparative research. It shows traps associated with identifying “city” with an administrative unit. The conclusion suggests the use of node metaphor as the most appropriate way of describing the city and its connections with the environment.
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