Urban development is now becoming an increasingly complex challenge in global and local terms. The urban form is both, the element of the city's sense and the spatial framework of urban transformations. The morphology of the city is changing constantly with urban development. What can be continuously observed is, that “cities and their complexes grow spatially, forming large areas and absorbing new territories.” [2]. Urban morphology consists of built-up tissue and voids in-between, so the urban development is directly related to the volume and geometrical structure of open areas and public spaces. If the public life occurs in the space in-between, exploring tools of advanced urban analyses focused on morphology of open spaces seems to be important and actual. Spatial disposition and relation between public spaces define unique features of towns and contribute to the general perception of the sense of cities. However the problem is not as obvious as it may seem in practical terms. While the analysis of the built-up tissue of cities is relatively achievable, a measurable analysis of the space in-between is a considerable challenge due to the lack of defined geometry. This geometrical aspect of open spaces in cities is addressed in this article. The promising and powerful data environment enabling the development of such analytic tools are 3D virtual city models. The already introduced by the author analytic method called 3D-Negative (N3D) allows quantification and measurable analyses of the “invisible” geometry. The method is closely related to GIS and cityGML environments. The purpose of the article is to analyze regularities, spatial distribution and structure of public spaces in selected cities in area and linear means.
The main goal of the article is to present the morphological changes that occurred in the Old Town of Wrocław in the post-war period. Morphological transformation is a natural process that shapes the external and the internal structure of a city. The damage inflicted during World War II interrupted the natural development of the burgage cycle and deeply altered the landscape of the city. Through the analysis of building coverage within street blocks, a classification of street blocks was obtained. On this basis, eight areas that underwent analogous phases of the burgage cycle in particular blocks were distinguished; this made it possible to identify the processes that can affect changes in morphology. The main analysis of the study was conducted using cartographic materials from 1934 to 2019 (through Conzenian methods), which visualised the distribution of buildings within street blocks.
The aim of the paper was to consider the extent of the impact of revitalization on the evolution of post-industrial sites, which manifests itself in morphological and functional changes of urban space. Research was performed on three former iron and steel works areas located in the Ruhr region in Germany: one of the Thyssen's ironworks in Duisburg - Meiderich, the area of steelworks complex Gute-Hoffnungs-Hütte in Oberhausen and the area of the iron and steel works Phönix in Dortmund - Hörde. Methods were applied specific to urban morphology. For each object of study a comparative analysis of the town plan was carried out. Town plans were compared before and after the revitalization process and special attention was paid to land use. This allowed us to observe morphological and functional changes which occurred as a result of the revitalization of the study areas. The research showed that the revitalization of post-industrial space may be conducted in many different directions but irrespective of that it has a huge impact on the evolution of urban space in both a morphological and a functional way. The extent to which revitalization affects morphological and functional structure of urban space depends on the future plan for the spatial development of the site and its attitude to its post-industrial heritage.
The article analyses the transformations and the internal diversity of the oldest urban structures of central Łódź, one of the biggest Polish cities. 19th-century Łódź was one of the greatest centres of the textile industry in Europe. Currently, the city faces major challenges, including a dramatic population decrease, population ageing as well as a vast revitalisation of urban structures aimed at reinforcing the new idea of the city’s inward development. The research on the layout of Łódź is based on the modern image of the city as well as four images preserved in historical plans. The subsequent, chronological models are analysed in terms of topological features with the use of space syntax methods. The conducted research made it possible to identify the internal, configurational diversity of the historic urban core of Łódź. A seemingly monotonous, orthogonal urban layout is, from a topological perspective, highly diversified. Due to the actions undertaken in Łódź and aimed at restoring urban structures in the broad sense, the study not only has a cognitive goal, but it also carries a practical context.
W latach 1980—2018 liczba miast w Polsce wzrosła z 803 do 930. W procedurze administracyjnej brakuje jednak jasnego określenia kryteriów miejskości i mierzalnych wskaźników służących do weryfikacji miejscowości starających się o status miasta. Dotyczy to w szczególności mierników identyfikujących charakter morfologii jednostek osadniczych. Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zestawu wskaźników opartych na ogólnodostępnych danych statystycznych opisujących morfologię miejscowości, które mogłyby znaleźć zastosowanie w procedurze administracyjnej w zakresie nadawania statusu miasta. Zaproponowane wskaźniki wykorzystano w analizie morfologii miast w celu sprawdzenia ich przydatności do ilościowego opisu stopnia miejskości. W badaniu skoncentrowano się na miastach, które uzyskały prawa miejskie w latach 2000—2014, ponieważ powinny one spełniać kryteria przyjęte w procedurze administracyjnej. Wykorzystano dane dla miast za 2014 r. pochodzące z Banku Danych Lokalnych (BDL) GUS. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że w przypadku miast ustanowionych w badanym okresie wskaźniki morfologii przyjmują wartości świadczące o niskim lub bardzo niskim stopniu miejskości.
In the years 1980—2018, the number of towns and cities in Poland increased from 803 to 930. However, the problem of the administrative procedure is the lack of clearly defined criteria of urbanity and the lack of measurable indicators that could be used to verify the settlements applying for the status of a city. This applies, in particular, to the measures identifying the character of the morphology of settlements. The main objective of this research is to propose a set of indicators based on generally available statistical data describing the morphology of settlements, which could be used in the administrative procedure of granting the city status. The proposed indicators were used to analyse the morphology of cities in Poland in order to verifying their suitability to describe quantified degree of urbanity. The focus was on cites, which received city status in the years 2000—2014, because these cities should formally meet the criteria adopted in the administrative procedure. Data for cities (for 2014) were taken from Local Data Bank of Statistics Poland. Analyses have shown that in the case of new cities proposed morphological indexes assume values indicating low or very low level of their urbanization.
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Cracow, the former capital of Poland and currently the second-largest Polish city, dreams of becoming the most important metropolis – not only of the Lesser Poland region, but also of the entire southern and south-eastern part of Poland. This paper, based on long-term research and field studies, also refers, in part, to the “Model of the Spatial Structure of Cracow” research programme, which was conducted at the Institute of Urban Design of the CUT under the guidance of M. Gyurkovich with collaboration with A. Sotoca, between October 2016 and July 2017. This is the background against which the selected issues of spatial transformations that took place within the city limits and that influence the urban morphology of Cracow, will be presented against. The type of spatial structure that can currently be observed in Cracow, does not bring to mind an association with the urban form of a European Metropolis. Can the contemporary attempts to create a polycentric urban organism- that can compete with other, well-organised ones, internationally, ever be successful? Will the dream of the Cracow Metropolis ever come true?
Kraków, była stolica Polski i obecnie drugie polskie miasto, marzy o staniu się najważniejszą metropolią nie tylko regionu Małopolski, ale także całej południowej i południowo-wschodniej Polski. Niniejszy artykuł, oparty o długotrwałe badania i studia terenowe, również odnosi się częściowo do programu badawczego „Model Struktury Przestrzennej Krakowa”, opracowanego w Instytucie Projektowania Urbanistycznego PK pod kierunkiem M. Gyurkovicha przy współpracy z A. Sotocą między październikiem 2016 a lipcem 2017 roku. Stanowi on tło, na którym będą prezentowane wybrane zagadnienia przekształceń przestrzennych, które miały miejsce w obrębie miasta, i które wywierają wpływ na morfologię urbanistyczną Krakowa. Rodzaj struktury przestrzennej, który można obecnie zaobserwować w Krakowie, nie wywołuje konotacji z formą urbanistyczną Europejskiej Metropolii. Czy współczesne próby stworzenia policentrycznego miejskiego organizmu, który mógłby konkurować z innymi, dobrze zorganizowanymi miastami na płaszczyźnie międzynarodowej mogą zakończyć się powodzeniem? Czy marzenie o Krakowskiej Metropolii kiedykolwiek się spełni?
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